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Aug 24th 2020
Is this something a #BananaRepublic strong man or a #Stalinist East European dictator would have done? Sadly, #GOP is now an empty box, filled with wishes & nostrums of #SupremeLeader. No citizen input required unless you have his ear & money. #KAG2020…
2) #Iowa now crushed by many farm disasters, some #Trump inflicted: #China grain embargo, #CornEthanol market cut by #Trump's #EPA, #Covid's hit on meat market, extreme drought & now #Derecho, which destroyed 40% of the crop. Where's the ag plank? NADA! #IaPolitics #IaSen #IaGov
3) Is this a job for @SenJoniErnst & @KimReynolds, both of whom will speak at @GOPconvention? Will they say the #Emperor has no clothes & NO commitment to #Iowa farmers after Inauguration? Or will they continue to sing his praises as #Trump walks over #Iowa? #IaPolitics #IaSen
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