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Is this something a #BananaRepublic strong man or a #Stalinist East European dictator would have done? Sadly, #GOP is now an empty box, filled with wishes & nostrums of #SupremeLeader. No citizen input required unless you have his ear & money. #KAG2020…
2) #Iowa now crushed by many farm disasters, some #Trump inflicted: #China grain embargo, #CornEthanol market cut by #Trump's #EPA, #Covid's hit on meat market, extreme drought & now #Derecho, which destroyed 40% of the crop. Where's the ag plank? NADA! #IaPolitics #IaSen #IaGov
3) Is this a job for @SenJoniErnst & @KimReynolds, both of whom will speak at @GOPconvention? Will they say the #Emperor has no clothes & NO commitment to #Iowa farmers after Inauguration? Or will they continue to sing his praises as #Trump walks over #Iowa? #IaPolitics #IaSen
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This is your daily pension announcement: Our Supreme Leader is and always will be JK edition!! Supreme Leader of the DPRA (Democratic People's Republic of Alberta). State motto: "if yer not fer us yer angst us" Just when you thought things couldn't get worse... #theydid #AbLeg
As you are aware, our Supreme Leader was on Facebook Live answering some questions last night. Low and behold our ATRF pension plan came up.

Another round of gaslighting.
#Gaslighting #travistime
His comments were along the lines of "we were just doing our fiduciary duty" in ordering ATRF to exclusively use AIMCo as an investment manager. To be clear it is the ATRF Board that has a fiduciary duty here not the GOA. Can I get another material misstatement up in here?
Read 17 tweets

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