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Sep 27th 2022
The regime of #Iran, like virtually all in the #MiddleEast, is vile and we hope one day it’s citizens will be free. But what the international #msm is doing right now with its coverage is essentially trying to aid the US government in another regime change attempt.
1/ #Iran was a democracy in 1953, but unfortunately its Socialist-leaning government nationalized its oil industry which was a no-no for the Imperialist #USA and #UK so the #CIA & #MI6 collaborated as they often do to overthrow its government and install a bloody dictator. #Shah
2/ the US plays lip-service to wanting democracy in the #MiddleEast, but what it demands is FIELTY to the US Empire. Egyptian people bravely and at great cost overthrew a bloody dictator and established the Arab World’s biggest democracy. The new govt wasn’t pro-US and in 2013…
Read 14 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
#JoeBiden began his first trip to the #MiddleEast as US President with a stop in Israel on Wednesday, where he was received by Israeli President Isaac Herzog, caretaker PM Yair Lapid and alternate PM Naftali Bennett.
They will sign the "Jerusalem Declaration," a joint statement that sends a "unified message to #Iran" emphasizing the #UnitedStates' firm commitment to prevent #Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
With this visit, #Biden is also trying to "integrate" Israel with the countries of the region and complete the normalization process with the occupation.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022

Key takeaways from #CrownPrince #MohammedBinSalman's interview with @TheAtlantic.

#MBS stressed the success of economic and social reforms:

#SaudiArabia is a @g20org country, you can see our position five years ago: It was almost 20. Today, we are almost 17”

1️⃣-🔟 ImageImage
To #MBS, the #Ritz operation was an elegant, nonviolent solution to the problem of vampires feasting on #SaudiArabia’s annual budget.

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The fight between #MBS and Sheikh #Tamim Al-Thani had been no big deal, “a fight between brothers.” The relationship between #SaudiArabia and #Qatar is now “better than ever in history.”

3️⃣-🔟 Image
Read 12 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
جرى تحوير كلمات أغنية #بنت_الجيران المعروفة بمطلعها «#سكر_محلي محطوط على كريمة» حتّى تصبح ملائمة لتقديمها داخل #السعودية.
فمن ضمن «الانفتاح الثقافي» الذي يروّج له #محمد_بن_سلمان، دُعي ثلاثة نجوم من موسيقى #المهرجانات المصريّة، #عمر_كمال #حسن_شاكوش #حمو_بيكا، لإحياء حفلة في #موسم_الرياض.
لكنّ المفاجأة كانت حين أقدم كمال على تحوير كلمات أغنية «#بنت_الجيران»، مستبدلاً المقطع الذي يقول: «اشرب خمور وحشيش» بـ«اشرب تمور وحليب».
Read 10 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
1️⃣ #SaudiArabia's industries of the future : Saudis leading the future of technology and artificial intelligence in the Middle East and North Africa
What's #NextIsAmazing Image
2️⃣ with the direct support and guidance of His Highness The Crown Prince, @McitGovSa launched today 3 programs ( همة vim, قمة summit, Twaiq)
#LaunchKSA Image
3️⃣ The 3 initiatives launched today are inspired by the speech of His Highness Crown Prince #MBS , represent a clear message to confirm the intent of #SaudiArabia to be the Regional Center for technology & entrepreneurs, & a major global power in the field of technology by 2030
Read 9 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020
#BREAKING Israeli PM held secret talks in Saudi with Pompeo, crown prince: media
#UPDATE Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held secret talks in Saudi Arabia Sunday with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, media said, in the first reported trip by an Israeli premier to the kingdom
#BREAKING Saudi Arabia denies reported meeting between Crown Prince and Israel PM Netanyahu
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
Last week, I started this👇 thread on how #Trump appears to be gearing-up for military action against Iran

Today, @nytimes revealed "Trump asked senior advisers in a meeting on Thursday whether he had options to take action against #Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks.”
Any military orders by #Trump are transmitted through the secretary of defense

By replacing Esner with Miller & giving top Pentagon & Intelligence jobs his allies, Trump appears to have created a chain-of-command that would support military action in Iran
Trump is also increasing sanctions on #Iran pledging “a steady stream of sanctions through the end of the administration”

Sanctions are not dangerous in themselves, but the enforcement of sanctions - checking cargo etc - will undoubtedly ramp-up tensions.
Read 25 tweets
Oct 8th 2019
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4398: Mohammed bin Salman re #Murder of Jamal Khashoggi ("#60Minutes" Interview) — #Nonverbal & Emotional Intelligence —  — #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #MohammedBinSalman #JamalKhashoggi #MBS
1/ Last week on 60 Minutes, Mohammed bin Salman was interviewed by Norah O'Donnell. What follows is a crucial portion of that interview evaluated in detail with nonverbal, verbal, and paralanguage analysis.
2/ NORAH O'DONNELL: Did you order the murder of Jamal Khashoggi?

MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN: Absolutely [drawn-out], ah-um — [pause] — not.
Read 34 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
MBS’s dress was blown up by Houthi drones and is on fire.
#MohammedBinsalman , #yemen, #Houthis
Iranian FM, Javad Zarif :

Arab blood vs. Arab oil / A primer on U.S. policy:
- 4 yrs of indiscriminate bombardment of Yemen
- 100,000 dead Yemenis
- 20M malnourished Yemenis
- 2.3M cholera cases
= carte blance for culprits.
- Retaliatory Yemeni strike on
oil storage tanks
= unacceptable "act of war”

US immediately blamed Iran.
With no proofs.
Russia trolled US and asked for an independent international investigation .
That the US and Saudi didn't agree to such speaks loudly about where the truth lies.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 2nd 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4364: Vladimir Putin's & Mohammed bin Salman's High Five at the G20 • #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #VladimirPutin #MohammedBinSalman #MBS #G20 #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #HighFive #BroHandshake #Handshake
1/ Putin has never smiled so sincerely on the world stage. And with continuing details being revealed regarding the torture and murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi Crown Prince was similarly celebratory.
2/ In a nonverbal amalgam of a High-Five and a Bro handshake, Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Salman conducted more than a bit of theater in Buenos Aires on Friday, 30 November 2018. Their actions could easily be substituted for two athletes - jubilant after scoring a goal.
Read 27 tweets
Nov 26th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4362: Mohammed bin Salman regarding the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi • #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #MBS #MohammedbinSalman #JamalKhashoggi #Murder #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Analysis #SaudiArabia
1/ Mohammed bin Salman, together with other heads-of-state, will be meeting later this week in Buenos Aires at the G20 Summit. The Saudi leader made his first public comment regarding the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on 24 October 2018.
2/ What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of the Crown Prince's behavior during this event.
Read 41 tweets
Oct 19th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4353: The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi and Trump's Defense of Saudi Arabia • #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #JamalKhashoggi #DonaldTrump #MohammedBinSalman
1/ The following is a partial nonverbal analysis of President Trump's statement yesterday regarding Saudi Arabia and murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
2/ Beginning at 0:52, just after a journalist says, "Are you surprised that they haven't - turned it over, or -?" Trump then pauses, looks up and to HIS left and then answers, "No. Ah, I'm not sure yet that it exists - probably does, possibly does".
Read 26 tweets
Oct 16th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4352: Donald Trump, Mohammed bin Salman, & Journalist Jamal Khashoggi - Nonverbal & Emotional Intelligence
#DonaldTrump #MohammedBinSalman #JamalKhashoggi #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #Murder #SaudiArabia
1/ On 2 October 2018, journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and he never walked out alive.
2/ He traveled there to obtain a document that would verify his divorce in order to marry his Turkish fiancée. The Turkish government has reported he was tortured and killed inside.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 11th 2018
A little perspective on the #Khashoggi disappearance

Killing or kidnapping journalists is awful. But not more awful than doing it to any other person

But since it is one of the media's own we have a completely disproportionate reaction…
It also involves a major new #Trump ally #SaudiArabia and there seems to be a coordinated effort to attack them now as my colleague @davereaboi points out

The immediate acceptance of accusations from Turkish state security about this incident was absurd. All the major media outlets blindly accepted this story as if #Erdogan was a reliable source

What he is
Is one of the world's largest killers & jailers of journalists
Read 7 tweets

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