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Dec 12th 2022
The #startup world's dirty not-so-secret: most startups fail. Startups are risky and so investors place bets on lots of startups and fold the ones that don't show promise, which sucks for the company employees, but also for the users who depend on the company's products. 1/ The staring eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Cente
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
You know what this is like: you sink a bunch of time into familiarizing yourself with a new product, you spend money on accessories for it, you lock your data into it, you integrate it into your life, and then, one morning - poof! All gone. 3/
Read 48 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
Someone is claiming responsibility for the recent hack of MyDeal, the online marketplace owned by Aussie grocery Woolworths Group. The price for the data is at $600. CAUTION: I haven't verified the data yet or if this is legit. #infosec #auspol
To recap, Woolworths said on Friday that 2.2 million people were affected after its CRM system was accessed. For 1.2 million, only email was exposed. For the rest, names, email addresses, phone numbers, delivery addresses, sometimes birth dates. PR here:…
This is the first screenshot that the person claims is proof of access to MyDeal's AWS. Sean Senvirtne is the founder and CEO of MyDeal. Anyone have thoughts on what this may or may not show? #infosec
Read 12 tweets
May 10th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/10/2021…
Public Citizen Report Finds That Corporate Prosecutions Plunged to a 25-Year Low Final Year of Trump Administration…

#CorporateProsecution #CorporateLeniency #CorporateImpunity
A New Study Reveals that Not Prosecuting People for Nonviolent Misdemeanors May Actually Reduce Crime…

#prosecution #misdemeanors #consequences #CrimeRate
Read 10 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
We are just starting our session @hasgeek. @abh1sek talking about data breaches and how they happen.…

Join the live stream on the webpage.

Thank you @hasgeek for giving us this amazing platform to talk about what we love most #datasecurity #appsec
Agenda for the session
Read 29 tweets
Jan 18th 2019
Il 2019 sarà un anno di sfide in risposta ai #rischi globali che impattano il futuro del progresso economico sia del nostro Paese sia a livello globale.

Ecco un #ExecutiveSummary sui 5 principali #Risk in vista di #Davos #WEF #Econ24

Full Report asap su @econopoly24
#Thread 👇
1/5 Macroeconomic Risk
L’incremento della volatilità sui mercati e una prospettiva di rallentamento della crescita globale causata dalla #CINA rappresenta un alto rischio se pensiamo che il peso del #debito globale è pari a 225% GDP più alto del pre-crisi 2008.

2/5 Geopolitical Risk
Le disuguaglianze globali diminuiscono ma aumentano all’interno dei singoli paesi. Rischio su fiducia e coesione sociale necessarie x sfide globali #Industry4.0
Rischio divergenza tra #globalizzazione economia e crescita nazionalismo #populismo #Brexit #EU
Read 7 tweets

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