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Feb 15th 2023
#beauty #Halal over haute: Certification as key factor for cosmetics purchases, not ingredients…
Here in the United States, #halal products are marketed to non-#Muslims for "purity."
An article on #halal vitamins that appeared on some non-#Muslim site (can't remember which) was basically #dawah-ganda
Read 3 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
[Forwarded from] @DrlaylaH

An important obligatory duty of mothers nowadays is to raise their daughters on faith and modesty; the fundamentals of Aqeedah, Qur'an, sunnah; and the example of the righteous salaf (early generations of women in Islam). Image

Teach them to love their homes, care for their family, and manage their household in the best way possible; teach them that cooking is an art and a key that brings joy to hearts. Teach them to exercise moderation in spending.
Train them to be the refuge and the source of compassion in their kingdom.

A mother's diligence in raising a daughter who cares about her hijab, prayers, and manners, and who abstains from needless intermingling with the opposite sex will greatly facilitate...
Read 11 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
One Month Salah Intensive in East Africa 🏕️
🟢 £10 per New Muslim
⚫ £50 support 5 New Muslims
🔴 £100 supports 10 New Muslims
🟢 £250 supports 25 New Muslims
⚫ £500 supports 50 New Muslims
🔴 £750 Whole Village (75 New Muslims) Image
Tonight 8:45pm (BST)
📆 One Month Support
📿 Learning the basics; from the Fatiha, to Salah and Wudu
👥 2 Full-time New Muslim Support Officers at hand
🍞 Snack per day (x1)
🧕🏿 Islamic clothing (Hijabs + Abayas Toppies + Thaub)
A former pig farmer: "I am the Chief of this village but I left Christianity and reverted to #Islam then after learning that Islam is about cleanliness & hygiene... I therefore gave away all the pigs for free, I didn't even sell them, I just didn't even want to see them..."
Read 5 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
If you ask any #NewMuslim what they wanted the most in this world — chances are — it'd be for their parents to be blessed with #Islam. Most New Muslims will also tell you that it's a balancing act when sharing the message of Islam because tempers may flare and... [1/8]
our emotions can get the best of us.

Ustadh Sugimoto knows all too well the trials and tribulations of what a New Muslim experiences when giving Dawah to his or her parents but he was a man on a mission however impossible it may have seemed. [2/8]
Why did it initially seem impossible? Firstly, Sugimoto's parents are at the tender ages of 75 (father) & 70 years old (mother) & secondly, all of Sugimoto's previous attempts were abysmal failures. Only a month ago, he was speaking to his father about Islam and then within [3/8]
Read 9 tweets
May 11th 2021
International Affairs /1-1
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
Myanmar's Generals
Run A Nearly Sanction-Proof
Long Before Seizing Control
Of The Streets
by @oanhha @jwf825
& Khine Lin Kyaw
MAY 11, 2021
International Affairs /1-2
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- Area : 676.5K km²
- Population : 53.6 M
- Capital : #Naypyidaw
largest city : #Yangon
- #Bamar 68%
- #Shan 9%
- #Buddhism 88%
- #Christianity 6.2%
- #Islam 4.3%
#Burmese Image
International Affairs /1-3
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- GDP (PPP) : US$355 B
Per capita : US$6.7 K
- #InformalEconomy :
one of the biggest in the world
- Rich in precious stones :
#Rubies 90% of world's
#Sapphires #Pearls #Jade
- #Tourism
- #Agriculture Image
Read 50 tweets
Apr 11th 2018
This thread exposes the lunacy of Imran Ibn Mansur better known as Dawah Man. Dawah Man is a British-Pakistani Islamic preacher. He is dedicated to proselytizing Islam, a practice known as Dawah.
1 Dawah Man asks a 14 year old girl if she considers herself a possible rape victim.
2 Dawah Man blames female rape victim for getting raped.
3 Dawah Man teaches men how to perform modern-day virginity tests on women.
Read 46 tweets
Sep 14th 2017
Our #ThursdayThoughts on #Islamophobia are about #Dawah. Read our thread & check our NEW factsheet on Dawah here:…
Dawah is an Arabic term w/ a range of meanings generally understood to signify an invitation (definitions here:
#Dawah activities include acts of charity and proselytization
Read 7 tweets

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