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Sep 27th 2021
My🧵of the day: An important piece of House Financial Services’ #BuildBackBetter is funding for tribal housing. Tribal nations wouldn't be eligible for many of the other major investments in this bill, so keeping the $2B for these programs is critical for #EquitableRecovery
Inadequate funding for tribal #housing programs has meant American Indians & Alaska Natives living in tribal areas cannot access the housing supports they need. This funding would help decrease overcrowding, repair older homes, & improve climate resiliency.
Tribal #housing programs allow tribal nations to build & rehabilitate affordable housing, provide rental assistance to low-income American Indians & Alaska Natives living on tribal lands, & other housing & community development projects that meet a tribe’s unique needs.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
Thread: Millions of renters at risk of eviction are grappling with the news that they are no longer protected by the @CDCgov #EvictionMoratorium. The @USSupremeCourt decision last night makes clear that Congress must act before another nation-wide eviction ban can be issued.
Congress should act now, and states & localities can also take steps to prevent & delay #evictions.

Federal lawmakers can make sure this preventable crisis never happens again by sharply expanding #housing vouchers in upcoming recovery legislation.…
Here is a link to a tool for finding rental assistance in your community. And below are some steps state and local officials should take.…
Read 14 tweets
Jul 15th 2021
Thread: Senate Budget Committee Democrats’ agreement on a budget resolution marks an important step toward robust and critically needed recovery legislation to build an equitable economy and address our nation’s long-standing challenges. #EquitableRecovery
There are many key details that haven’t been released and, in some cases, haven’t been worked out, but the last 48 hours demonstrate encouraging progress towards transformative change.
Once a budget resolution is in place, lawmakers will turn to the important work of crafting reconciliation legislation, consistent with that framework, that can transform our economy…
Read 14 tweets
May 28th 2021
The budget the Biden administration released today is a bold approach to addressing many of the nation’s long-standing problems and building toward a more equitable economy where everyone can thrive:… 1/
Its policies are designed to make significant progress in reducing racial & ethnic disparities, rooted in racism & other forms of discrimination, that for generations have resulted in deeply unequal access to #jobs, #education, #housing, & #health care. 2/
First, the budget includes investments to build toward a strong and #EquitableRecovery that would dramatically reduce child #poverty and help children thrive, improve our nation’s health, and expand opportunity in early and higher #education. 3/
Read 14 tweets

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