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Jun 17th 2023
Hi everyone,

Soon CFN will have to stop as a Data Provider. Be assured I regret it, would have liked to keep with this project but I will not be given the opportunity.

Here is why.

#flarenetwork #Songbird

In 2 and half years I :
- Created a website and wrote 60+ articles on Flare and its ecosystem
- Created a Discord and built a community
- Answered thousands of questions to educate about Flare
- Created a NFT project on Songbird and Flare

- Built a Data provider which have been running smoothly for 9 months. Delegated 100% of my holdings to CFN only during that time.
- Been recognized by @TheSatraps as a good project
- Went through a KYC with Flare to get the validator role

Read 9 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
1/🧵 'What happens now that #FlareNetwork FIP.01 passed' is a common question these days.
We've put together a comprehensive blog post with all the information you need to answer it 👇
Read it here:…
@FlareNetworks #FlareCommunity Image
2/🧵 Key information you need to know:
- Our best guess is that the first monthly distribution will happen in March 2023.
- The 36 future monthly distributions will be provided to all wallets holding WFLR (not just airdrop recipients).
- Monthly distribution in practice means distribution every 30 days. So, it will not happen on the same date each month, but after every 30 days.
- Three random blocks will be chosen in the period between day 8 and day 30, for every distribution cycle.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
FIP.01 takeaways 🧵👇

General idea: overtime leveling the playing field for all, thus incentivising non-airdrop participants to enter & engage in the network. 1/

#Flare #FlareNetwork #XRP #XRPHolders @JoelKatz
Read the article.

What? Did you think I was going to break down the math and charts for you 😂 here's the water, drink.

/2 ✌️💚
/3 Voting will take place at

Follow @FlareNetworks to stay up to date on 'wen proposal'.

For more insight on FIP.01 & Flare Networks follow:
As always stay diligent and #DYOR
Read 3 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
Following thread is NOT financial advise.

Just clearing things up for someone not following #FlareNetwork
A lot of people might be thinking what to do with their airdrop this is some information to also consider.

Constants 15000 FLR Airdrop.
Assumptions that FIP01 Passes. 1/3
Scenario #1 (Selling)
Case#1 avg sell 0.25 (Profit 3750)
Case#2 avg sell 0.15 (Profit 2250)
Case#3 avg sell 0.10 (Profit 1500)

Scenario #2 (Holding)
You would have 175k tokens in 3 years.
What price needs to be to have more profit in 3y:
#1 - 0.022
#2 - 0.013
#3 - 0.009 2/3
We took a very high network participation in mind when doing the calculations for how much you will end up with and we are 99.9% sure it will be more than 50k in this scenario.
It all depends on if you believe in #FlareNetwork and if market will be higher in next 3 years. 3/3
Read 4 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
[1/🧵] Is this you? 🤨

• Holder of #XRP since December 2020
• Has never heard of $FLR before (Hello, #Spark?)
• Has no idea what the fuss is all about
• Slept under a rock for two years

Allow me to bring you up to speed w/ this crash course on @FlareNetworks and $FLR. 🧵👇 Source:
[2/20] If you've been following this topic, you'll recall that there was once a #XRPL snapshot:

• 12th December 2020, 00:00 UTC
#XRP Ledger index 60,155,580
. . . Source:
[3/20] . . .

You may recall that you had to claim your #Spark coins by providing your #EVM-based $FLR address in the message key field of your #XRPL account.

→ claim period expired on #XRPLedger index 64,204,315
→ Message could be changed until 11th June 2021, 23:59 UTC
. . . Source:
Read 22 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Hi #Songbird Community,

Since our launch, the #Senators have been actively discussing TSO ethics and It is time to build Songbird's first TSO #ethics scoring system.

Recently we have seen TSOs openly discuss collusion, TSO best practices, and the costs of running one. 1/🧵
@ftso_au, one of the very first TSOs on Songbird providing data since September 2021, who has also brough @flaremetrics to the #Songbird ecosystem; shed light on how expensive running a TSO can be.

@flareoracle_io, another OG TSO on Songbird who brought $sFORT to Songbird 2/🧵
-offered to look after smaller, more ethical TSOs by delegating to them. A few other TSOs joined the initiative.👏

@TsoAtlas, brought up the ethics discussions among TSOs and challenged complacency in our ecosystem.

@HugoPhilion mentioned that @FlareNetworks has planned 3/🧵
Read 8 tweets
Dec 11th 2022

$FLR / $ExFi の $DFLR エアドロと $YFLR 等をFLRFinanceの概要からおさらいします。


セカンダリガバナンストークンとして $YFLR があります。
ファーストガバナンストークンは $YFIN です。

$YFLR や $FLR をFLRFinanceのDeFiでステーキングすると $YFIN を収穫出来ます。

将来的なガバナンスの投票権は $YFLR : $YFIN = 1 : 10,000 になります。

$YFLR の用途は以下にまとまっています。…

❗️) $DFLR は $YFLR と 1 : 1 で交換される引換券となります。

$YFLR に対応するものが $ExFi, $YFIN に対応するものが $SFIN です。

Read 10 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
Here's some thougts:
*disclaimer* spent all night working on our own algorithm so these tweets are fueled by only 3 hours of sleep😄

#SongbirdNetwork #songbird #Flare #FlareNetworks #FTSO #INeedSomeCoffee
2/n Id like to make clear that the #SongbirdNetwork has not been exploited, the FTSO system so far has been resilient enough to this kind and size of abusive behaviour. However it could still be swayed to a truly innacurate price given enough funds. But this has not happened yet!
3/n For example, the pink dot around the $18500 mark are (sadly) undoubtedly innacurate prices for $ADA, but given the VP this provider has, the FTSO system simply discards it.
If the provider had around 10% of the VP, the price could swing upwards a bit but still not by much!
Read 9 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
The @888InnerCircle expands with the @FlareNetworks realm!

For a chance to buy these #NFTs, join the Flare Discord & check out the "888-flare-realm' channel!


Minting will take place on Tuesday February 8, 2022. #888InnerCircle #Songbird #FlareNetwork
What makes this opportunity especially advantageous for you as a participant of the #Songbird network is the fact that you will be able to pick up an 888 Inner Circle #NFT and pay a minuscule amount in fees in comparison to all other realms selling on #Ethereum!

Read 3 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
YOU CAN DELEGATE TO MORE THAN 2 DATA PROVIDERS... but... here's the catch: Flare (Songbird) supports 2 delegation methods: (a) Delegation by percentage which you've likely used by now and (b) explicit delegation. Percentage delegation is restricted to two addresses... (1/4)
..this is because when a transfer of tokens is made by a delegator, the vote power of the delegated addresses must be updated to reflect the change in the delegators balance which costs gas. The more addresses a delegator delegates to, the more updates needed=more gas used (2/4).
So, what if you want to delegate to more addresses..? that's where EXPLICIT delegation comes in. If you explicitly delegate tokens, you set the EXACT amount to be delegated, but this balance is locked🔒. To transfer these tokens again, you must explicitly undelegate them... (3/4)
Read 6 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
Cast your minds back to the end of 2020.

People panicking because "no exchanges are going to support the #FlareNetwork" airdrop.

Fast forward to the snapshot. Exchanges announce support for the biggest airdrop / simultaneous listing of an asset in crypto history.

Less than 48 hours have passed since the announcement of Songbird, the canary network for Flare which will hold real value.

The exchanges may not have know about it a few days ago, but you can bet they do now.

Have patience, cool your jets...
I would just like to add.

Exchanges are financially driven, they want to serve their customers / community in the best possible way and get paid to do so.

If users have a particular interest in an asset, or the demand is high enough, exchanges will listen.

That is all.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 20th 2021

4 reasons to be happy about @FlareNetworks latest announcement regarding the Songbird Canary Network!


If you're eligible to receive $FLR, you're eligible to receive $SGB, the native token of the Songbird Canary Network.

Yes this will have value, it has a finite supple and will be used on a functional network which imitates the #FlareNetwork

You can dip your feet into #DeFi and use applications built on top of Songbird to not only increase your understanding, but also earn.

You can become familiar with the various protocols ahead of the launch of the #FlareNetwork too... Level up that knowledge!
Read 6 tweets
Jul 4th 2021
I hear this so often..

"WhErE's My FlArE? It'S JuLy!"🤪

@FlareNetworks latest *** 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 *** says end of June ± 2-4 weeks. That means from the start of June, to the end of July.

🧵[THREAD] 1/
Since June has obviously passed, the #FlareNetwork will not launch in June.

Based on their *** 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 *** (made back in April) the #FlareNetwork *** 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 *** launch in July.

But this is only an *** 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ***.

If you are unsure of the definition of the word "estimate" you can find it here:

The #FlareNetwork will launch once it is ready and not a moment before.

Read 6 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
What is the most important aspect of any Blockchain project?

The way it reaches consensus.

The way transactions are verified.

Solving the double spend problem can be done in many different ways, some better than others...

Proof-of-Work (PoW)

PoW is a decentralized consensus mechanism that requires members of a network to expend effort solving an arbitrary mathematical puzzle - AKA mining.
Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

The PoS concept states that a person can mine or validate block transactions according to how many coins they hold. This means that the more coins owned by a miner, the more mining power they have.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
Again a thread about FlareFinance and what, who, when and how you can claim. $FLR = $DFLR $DFLR for $YFLR

READ and don't PM questions, so everyone can read them her below.…
I repeat Flare Network has not launched yet and Spark (FLR) does not exist yet. Spark $FLR will be issued by the network when main net goes live.

You will NOT see your #FLR balance
This is anticipated Q1-Q2 2021
Yes, you can already check what the snapshot was and how much Spark you have claimed.

Go to XRP Address Flare Token Snapshot Verifier
Read 18 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
In less than #24Hours, the @FlareNetworks snapshot will take place and put in motion a chain of events that will forever change $XRP history for the better.

#FlareFinance will continue this goal of #UnlockingValue by delivering institutional grade decentralized finance for all.
1 month after the main network launch of the #FlareNetwork, #FlareFinance will snapshot all balances of those who hold $FLR. 7-10 days after our snapshot, you will be proud owners of both $FLR (Spark) and $DFLR (DAOFlare)
But wait, you must go one step further to begin interacting with the Flare Finance ecosystem. The last step is to swap your $DFLR for $YFLR (YieldFlare), the official token of the Flare Finance Ecosystem. Once swapped, endless potential awaits.
Read 4 tweets

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