The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
Myth N. 3: The public #debt is a problem #REALITY: the national #debt poses no financial burden whatsoever if you can print your #money
Example: the #debt#crisis in #Greece happened because "Greece lost the power to print their #money. If they could print #drachma, they would have other problems, but they would not have a debt #problem". (#WarrenBuffett)
In this way, the #job guarantee can serve as the core of a response to both #freetrade and #trade#war. With a job guarantee, free trade is no longer a threat to full employment anf trade wars are no longer necessary to prevent #unemployement@StephanieKelton#MMT
That's why developing nations will be forced to borrow #USD and other foreign #currencies they don't control (=#print). They get into real trouble when something compromises their ability to borrow on affordable terms enough #foreign exchange to finance #imports & foreign #debts
One #Country 's #surplus is another #Country' s #trade#deficit, so by definition not everyone can win in that way at once. But it doesn't follow that the deficit country has to bear economic losses if it gets its policy matrix right #MMT. That's why ⬇️
The so called #freetrade agreements fovour wealthy #investors around the #world, while leaving #workers and #environment behind. Furthermore, many of them include #isds mechanisms (investor-state dispute settlement) based on a parallel system of #justice
The #MMT shows us why we don't have to put one group against another in some desperate and unnecessary attempt to solve a #financial#crisis. It tells us why the biggest challenges facing these programs have nothing to do with #affordability#thedeficitmyth
A #currency issuing #state is never financially constrained. As long as the payment obligations are denominated in its own unit of account, its #centralbank can always afford to support #entitlement programs
When we talk about whether #entitlement are sustainable, we need to think in terms of the #economy 's real productive #capacity. We need to think about how the economy will absorb that #money, not from where that money will come from. The real #challenge is to manage #inflation
At the end of the day, the #MMT offers a realistic description of how modern fiat #money works. For the #currency issuer, money is no object. It doesn't exist in some scarce physical form, like #gold, that the #Government needs to "find" in order to spend. #thedeficitmyth
The current system relies on #monetary#policy to actively dial #interest rates up and down in an effort to discover the "invisible" #NAIRU that is supposed to keep the #economy on an even keel. #MMT considers #fiscal policy a more potent stabiliser @StephanieKelton
Any #currency issuing #Government has the power to eliminate domestic #unemployment simply by offering to hire the unemployed. The unemployment #insurance is considered the most important automatic stabiliser we have today @StephanieKelton
The #government's spending capacity is infinite, but the #economy's productive capacity isn't. Every economy has its own internal speed limit. Once it reaches its full #employment potential, any additional spending (from gov or domestic private sect or #export) carries #inflation
La #moneta creata dai prestiti e dai depositi delle #banche private é a #debito e gira su base #fiduciaria, ossia senza essere coperta da riserve adeguate (la #riserva frazionaria é solo il 2%), né da #oro ecc ed é una #promessa di pagamento (=restituzione) verso il depositate
La #moneta a #debito delle banche é cresciuta in modo sproporzionato negli anni rispetto all' #Economia#Reale ed é principalmente confluita negli #asset finanziari e immobiliari creando #bolle che poi hanno danneggiato gli altri settori industriali
Ovviamente la tessera n1 del #pd#DeBenedetti ha spostato la residenza in #Svizzera e questo #scandalo#InsiderTrading, tale da far crollare un qualunque #governo al mondo, esca tardi, ad orologeria, quando ormai sono sciolte le camere...