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Jun 15th 2023
If only. I feel like I remember a woman who spent 3 or 4 years of her life, all day every day, advocating that (as well as robust manual audits and backup paper poll books) on Twitter… #HandMarkedPaperBallots 1/
2/ She had amazing gifs too.
3/ She advocated passage of an election-security bill called the #SAFEAct, which was authored by Ron Wyden. Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
The judge knows Georgia’s voting system is problematic, but she waited too long to rule & then the Big Lie hit & now MAGAs equate vulnerabilities w/ proof that Trump “won” (which is idiotic, but they are idiotic), making everyone else too afraid to acknowledge real concerns. 1/
Georgia should move to #HandMarkedPaperBallots with an exception for voters with disabilities. These touchscreens are too risky — even in a vacuum — and now they’ve been compromised by Sidney Powell’s operatives. 2/
But thanks to the Big Lie, Georgia will likely keep its sub-par system and the rest of us will have to just cross our fingers. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
I endorse this message by @LuluFriesdat. #HandMarkedPaperBallots (with exception for voters with disabilities and those who prefer to mark their ballots with a touchscreen rather than a pen) is the way to go in New York and elsewhere. Touchscreens (such as BMDs) are too risky. 1/
2/ LA County began using touchscreen systems in 2020. It didn’t go well… This is partly what I mean by risky. Pens don’t “go down.” Image
3/ This too. Touchscreen systems lead to long lines. Image
Read 15 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
After a two month investigation, I am convinced Trump's party stole the House. They didn't hack ES&S voting machines as many have insinuated. Successfully hacking our electronic voting system would require government level talent and resources. The Mueller report and Reality
Winner's leak lay out in excruciating detail exactly how to hack an election electronically. That was 2016 and was a one time effort. Our government reacted and patched the holes that allowed the GRU in and Putin backed off. That's when Republicans picked up the torch, but their
feeble attempts at electronically hacking the 2020 election were detected and thwarted. Tina Peters' story in Mesa County Colorado is a good example.…
Read 85 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022
Rick: I would argue Doug Mastriano, running for Gov of PA, is the worst of anyone running for any office
Jennifer Cohn: I think he has some close competition with DeSantis & the person running in Arizona, but he's up there.
@jennycohn1 #HandMarkedPaperBallots #ProtectOurVotes
Jennifer Cohn: I'm not convinced Mastriano's version of Christian nationalism allows for any tolerance of Judaism.
@jennycohn1 #HandMarkedPaperBallots #ProtectOurVotes
Jennifer Cohn: On abortion access, he wants to ban it even if the mother is going to die without an abortion. Women with ectopic pregnancies can lose liters of blood while docs don't do abortions for fear of going to jail, even though the fetus isn't viable.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
“Election Commission approves [hand marked] paper ballot voting for some residents.” This is good news. But bc Ds have apparently forgotten about 2016 (& fell 4 the misleading “most secure election ever” line), two Ds opposed it. #HandMarkedPaperBallots 1/…
The “most secure election ever” narrative misled. The GOP had blocked crucial election-security reform, and the Democrats’ loss of 27 out of 27 tossup races warranted scrutiny. 2/13/22 by @jennycohn1 2/…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
@MauryCountyDems took the holiday to not tweet out it’s @AndyOgles list of self inflicted wounds on his course to a higher office. But I want to focus on 2 things he says that demonstrates our ability to use critical thinking. @ 1st glance these 2 areas Andy & I seem to agree
1. It matters who leads. That’s his slogan, & those words are correct, but the guy that over ruled the Mayor of Columbia @chazmolder working to protect his constituents caused @MauryRegional to have a mobile morgue. He stiffed @Columbia_TN on his idiotic #MuleFest to score points
He flatly demonstrated that he puts Andy above #MauryCounty. It does matter who leads & it’s why we need to rally around electing @Campbell4TN over Andy, Parks trying to get elected to skip sentencing, @BethHarwellTN who sold her perceived values from her bid for Governor out
Read 10 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
IMHO, it was a huge mistake for ⁦@GaSecofState⁩ to insist on touchscreens for every in person voter (rather than pen and paper aka #HandMarkedPaperBallots, w/an exception for voters w/ disabilities). #gapol 1/
2/ Also bad that he has appealed a ruling that would require backup paper poll books in case the state’s electronic poll books fail, as they often do.
3/ Also bad that, last I heard, GA plans to manually audit only one race (chosen not at random) every two years. Paper does no good if no one looks at it.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Rudy Giuliani's Big Lie 'Venezuela' stories sound like drunken crazy talk but it just TWISTS real facts.

Guiliani says Venezuela's 2004 elections were rigged?
President Jimmy Carter says they were fair?
Who do you believe?

And why is Rudy ignoring ES&S's role in the story👇🧵
In 2000, Hugo Chavez was worried the US was trying to steal Venezuela's elections in order to control OIL🤔
And Venezuela's Supreme Court was concerned enough to almost CANCEL the 2000 election.

But Venezuela's voting machine vendor in 2000 was ES&S...NOT Dominion or Smartmatic
Leading up to Venezuela's 2000 election, the nation’s highest court the Venezuelan Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) threatened to cancel the nations elections due to technical problems with voting machines from ES&S, a US company who'd supplied election machines since 1998.
Read 26 tweets
May 31st 2022
Gee. Who warned again & again about the damn barcodes printed on machine marked paper ballots (as opposed to pen & paper). I did! And, of course, @MarilynRMarks1, @jhalderm, @rad_atl, @SEGreenhalgh, @TheBradBlog, etc. (PS. ES&S uses them too.) #BanBarcodeVoting 1/
In fact, I believe I published the first article warning about barcodes on ballots. 2/ #BanBarcodeVoting
I published it on Medium first. 3/
Read 44 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
I actually tried to verify w/ a public-records request LA County's claim that "only" 10-20% of the touchscreen voting systems (BMDs) failed in the 2020 primary. I couldn't do this w/ the documents they produced. Grr. But you can see the problems were massive in many places. 1/
I have 50 pages. Just on page 1, there are at least 7 polling places where more than half of the touchscreen voting machines were down. In one place, 12 out of 15 had to be swapped. In another, 7 out of 10 were down. In another, 9 out of 10 were down. In another, 15 out of 20. 2/
This is p. 2. Here, too, multiple polling places saw more than 1/2 of their touchscreen voting machines go down. In one place, 8/10 voting machines went down. In another 17/25 voting machines went down. In another, 30/45 voting machines went down. In another, 13/20 went down. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Jan 26th 2022
We need a federal law and/ or state laws requiring rigorous manual audits for many or most races on each ballot in the 2022 midterms. There is so much at stake. Why haven't the Ds introduced legislation this session to require this?!
@amyklobuchar @RonWyden 1/
2/ Why not a standalone bill? It is so much easier to message than an omnibus. This may be the one and only time when the GOP's own constituents would pressure them to pass a bill requiring rigorous election audits and #HandMarkedPaperBallots and removal of wireless modems.
3/ Some Rs in Congress might actually vote 4 such a bill due to pressure from "Stop the Steal". If it fails, Ds can at least message that they tried to improve security and it was the Rs who stood in the way. (Ds cld have messaged this re: 2020, but didn't, which was a mistake.)
Read 4 tweets
Jan 2nd 2022
NC election transparency advocate @bernstein_lynn (who is nonpartisan) was stalked 5 days > the NC Libertarian Party chair announced his plan to conduct a source code review of @ESSVote’s ExpressVote voting system. Lynn is a leading force behind the planned source code review. 1/
Read 22 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
“In 2004, Senator Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans might use paperless voting machines to steal elections. In July that year, she and Senator Bob Graham, also a Democrat, introduced a paper-trail bill in the Senate.” But the GOP killed it. 1/…
“After Russia attacked America’s election infrastructure to help Trump defeat Clinton in the 2016 presidential race, Senator Ron Wyden (D)…introduced a bill…that wld have required both paper ballots &rigorous manual audits…in 2020. Again, however, the GOP killed the bill.” 2/
3/ You can read the full article here. Knowledge of history matters.…
Read 10 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
Modems removed from voting machines in 5 NC counties, 12/16/21

See how fast NC did it once people w/ power insisted? This must be done nationally b4 2022, but the #FreedomToVoteAct lets officials delay to 2030. ⁦⁦⁦@amyklobuchar⁩, pls fix! 1/…
I support the #FreedomToVoteAct, but am unhappy that it postpones removal of modems to 2030 & manual audits to 2024, at which point just 1 race must be audited. We need better security in 2022. Improved security provisions wld also persuade GOP voters 2 pressure GOP lawmakers. 2/
In the meantime, we need statewide campaigns to #RemoveTheModems in states where we know they’ve been installed (usually be ES&S), eg., Florida, Wisconsin, &Michigan. @harrisonjaime 3/
Read 6 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
🔥BREAKING: “Harvard’s Larry Lessig joins student hunger strike calling for action on voting rights… ‘The threat is that this election [in 2022] will cement the US as a minoritarian democracy,’ Prof Lessig told The Independent in an interview.” @lessig 1/…
I wrote this thread about the Arizona college students’ hunger strike here. They are on Day 8. #HungerStrike4Democracy 2/…
Joe Madison is already in month two of his hunger strike for voting rights. @MadisonSiriusXM 3/
Read 14 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
The #FreedomToVoteAct would do all of these things, plus require that all in person voters have the option to mark their ballots by hand with a pen. #HandMarkedPaperBallots #PenAndPaper 1/…
The #FreedomToVoteAct’s provisions for automatic & same day voter registration are also crucial to election security bc voter registration systems & electronic poll books (used at the polls to confirm voter registrations) are very vulnerable to hacking! 2/…
Graphic in post 1 by @representus. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Oct 24th 2021
I hope the Freedom to Vote Act passes. But I am disappointed by its election security provisions. It does not require rigorous official audits (or any audits) until 2024 when only ONE race need be audited. It also allows officials to continue using wireless modems in 2022. 😥 1/
On the bright side, it DOES require that all in person voters have the option to mark their ballots by hand. This provision did not come from nowhere. It is the result of hard work, mostly by election transparency advocates who dragged … 2/
… concerns with new touchscreens systems (ballot marking devices) into the light. 3/
Read 29 tweets
Oct 22nd 2021
When leaders defend "fatal flaw" designs in voting machines they purchased, over secure transparent Elections, That is a #Corruption problem Ga citizens can't forgive. Ga's #QRcodeVoting is a flimflam. BMDs aRe no better than DREs because the vote is hidden. #gapol Image
@GaRepublicans agree that our voting machines are a flimflam. They voted on a resolution at their 2021 convention to remove the #QRcode from our paper ballot. They even said we should vote with #HandMarkedPaperBallots They haven't done anything about the problem. #gapol Image
@GaSecofState invited @dominionvoting CEO to address problems with their BMDs at a SEB meeting. He let Ga voters know there is a design flaw and it could be fixed. All Ga leaders have to do is ASK. To this day: Brad nor @SpeakerRalston have asked #gapol
Read 11 tweets
Oct 16th 2021
Trump’s lies about 2020 must not silence legitimate efforts to address real vulnerabilities. Those who began following me > 2020 may be unaware of much of my pre-election election security advocacy & the many graphics that graphic artists on Twitter created to support it. 1/
Read 35 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
@FrankFigliuzzi1 @NicolleDWallace @DeadlineWH @MSNBC Trump’s lies do not justify ignoring legitimate election security concerns. Championing untrustworthy elections —& not knowing the difference between trustworthy & untrustworthy results—undermines democracy. 1/#HandMarkedPaperBallots #RobustManualAudits #TransparentChainOfCustody
@FrankFigliuzzi1 @NicolleDWallace @DeadlineWH @MSNBC 2/ We never got the election-security protections in the #SAFEAct, which the GOP blocked. We cannot afford to have such a short attention span.…
Read 15 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
“Election Security Problems Still Must Be Addressed” (In other words, the Big Lie did not make legitimate election-security concerns vanish.) 9/27/21 1/…
“The election system industry has little to no oversight, transparency or regulation, and what little security testing there is, is voluntary, lax and woefully outdated.” 2/
“The federal agency tasked with voting system testing and certification [@EACgov] has been criticized extensively for its excess dysfunction and lack of security expertise.” 3/
Read 23 tweets
Sep 26th 2021

In Elliott County KY

👉There are 4.5x more registered Dems than GOP
👉In 2019 Elliott County voted in a Dem as Governor
👉Historically, Elliott County NEVER voted for McConnell

But in Elliott we’re supposed to believe Mitch got TWICE as many votes as McGrath🤔
In Wolfe County KY

👉There are 4.5x more registered Dems then GOP
👉In 2019 Wolfe County voted in a Dem as Governor
👉Historically, Wolfe County NEVER voted for McConnell

But in Wolfe Mitch supposedly got TWICE as many votes as McGrath in 2020🤔

Why aren’t we auditing Kentucky
In Breathitt County KY

👉There are 6x more registered Dems then GOP
👉In 2019 Breathitt voted in a Dem as Governor

But we’re supposed to believe that in 2020 Mitch beat McGrath 2-1🤔

Elliott, Wolfe & Breathitt all got new ES&S voting machines in 2020. Why don’t we audit them?
Read 4 tweets

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