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Oct 22nd 2021
CW: sexual assault.

Thread. 🧵👇

This is not my story. It didn’t happen to me.
It was told to me by someone I trust.

This story did not take place in Alberta.

“…and then he started forcing himself on me.
I did not want this.
I tried to push him back.
He didn’t stop.
I did not want this.
He kept pushing.
I didn’t think he was going to stop.
So I decided to change my strategy...

"I knew he wouldn’t be so pushy if I got him off.
A håndjøb. I knew how.
It was better than…
…it was better than the alternative…
I did not want that.
As soon as he relaxed,
I got up,
and got out of there.”

Read 11 tweets
May 6th 2021
1) Meet the new boss, ⁦@IainTRankin⁩, same as the old boss, ⁦@StephenMcNeil⁩.

@MichaelTGorman⁩ Stephen Tobin started working in the premier's office as director of strategic initiatives. Previously, he had been employed #nspoli #nslp…
2) by the @LiberalPartyNS
caucus office as director of strategic communications during the tenure of former premier Stephen McNeil.

(Kudos to Margaret Miller for having the courage to call her boss and her party out!)

This is not the first time, that McNeil and the party
3) have been exposed for their misogyny.

In June of 2017, @RealMaggieRahr broke the story of former party staffer Michelle Coffin, who experienced assaults followed by an attempted cover up at the highest levels of the party. #KylieHarris #LabiKousoulis…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
THREAD. 🌹 Exhausted after today 😩 but relieved to have won recognition two HUGE victories in court today:

1. Recognition of the centrality of trauma & mental health support for Gaia's inquest (/all survivors). 🙌

2. Something we never thought we'd ask for...
...another delay to the inquest (now due May 2021) which given the current mess is essential to ensure the full & fearless investigation we need.

We are determined to do all in our power to make sure your family never has to stand where we stand today, fighting...
... justice for someone who’s been taken from you and who can never be replaced.

Huge thanks to our amazing legal team incl. @caoilfhionnanna & @HWistrich Sarah and Soohy for all their hard work, also @INQUEST_ORG, @RapeCrisisEandW England & Wales and @centreWJ as well as...
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Jun 12th 2020
“I slapped her and I’m not sorry .... it was not sustained abuse.’

I believe that as much as I believe in fairy elephants.

Abusers rarely admit the extent and impact of the abuse they perpetrate. They rarely admit their intent.

Men stand up in court after murdering women, when all the evidence clearly indicates that they did so and outright lie and say they didn’t.
Or they deny their intent: “I didn’t mean to hurt her your honour.”
I believe Jorge Arantes as much as I believe the guy who said he accidentally sat on the fish that ended up in his bum hole.

#JKRIbelieveher #Ibelieveher
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Apr 12th 2020
1) in light of the recent news of the documentary of the ayia napa rape case on @ITV as someone who was close to the situation I would like to make the situation clear...
2) I was the 3rd person to see her that night after coming home from my job at a bar with my friend, as we got to the hotel I ran into some friends and spoke to them while my friend carried on I spoke for 2 minutes before going to the area we stayed in called the “basement”
3) upon going into the basement i realised up top it was a lot quieter than usual, as I went inside I saw the girl broken and in tears with her friend while my friend sat head in hands this was when the story was revealed to me of what happened, my friend told me...
Read 6 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
מסקרות את הפגנות התמיכה בבריטית בקפריסין
סולידריות בין נשים קפריסאיות וישראליות נגד הנרטיב המשותף של המדינות שלהן עבור תמיכה במתלוננת
#IBelieveHer הערב בקפריסין Image
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Jan 6th 2020
Campaigners are protesting outside the Cypriot embassy in London, over the treatment of a British teen jailed after accusing a group of Israeli men of gang rape.

She’ll be sentenced tomorrow and could face up to a year in jail. ⁦@LBC
The #IBelieveHer protest has arrived at Downing Street.

Shouts of “Justice!” outside the gates. Many here don’t think the Govt has done anywhere near enough to help the 19-year-old @LBC
I spoke to many women today marching for the 19-year-old in Cyprus who are rape survivors themselves.

One told me she never reported her rape, adding “I’m quite glad I didn’t, because this is what happens when women report.” Image
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Dec 30th 2019
I'm seeing a lot of people tweeting about the Cyprus case expressing shock that the woman was questioned for hours without a lawyer present

This also happens in the UK, where there is no obligation for rape complainants to have legal support or advice during interviews
Bonny Turner, who waived her anonymity, was questioned for five hours at a City of London Police station without food or a break

At the end, she was told to sign a witness statement that contained inaccuracies and impacted the CPS decision not to charge…
Rape complainants can be asked to hand over phones and sign 'Stafford statements' giving blanket access to their personal records during these interviews

The historic position has been that they don't need legal representation because police are acting in interests of justice
Read 10 tweets
Sep 15th 2019
You know how we got here to begin with makes me sick.

Trump sexual predator telling Kavanaugh angry drunk rapist to sue his victims for liable!

@GOP keeping records hidden during the hearings so they could overthrow #WomensRights!

#ImpeachTheMF #MeToo

He lied about knowing #DeborahRamirez & we undoubtedly know he lied about raping #ChristineBlaseyFord!

I came out with my story of #WhyIDidntReport after keeping it in since I was 16 all because of the bravery of #ChristineBlaseyFord.

#ImpeachKavanaugh #TimesUp #ImpeachTheMF
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Jul 13th 2019
Working for an charity that runs a Rape Crisis service,I know all too well why women don’t report sexual assault, the obstructions to prosecution, the difficulties of securing a conviction, the low conviction rates that should be the shame of our justice system
And the hugely disproportionate attention paid to ‘false allegations’.

It is my firm belief that our justice system is weighted against abused women.

I know a perpetrator falsely claiming innocence is *way more* common than a false allegation.
I know that the principle of innocent until proven guilty is a cornerstone of the system.

So this tweet from John Leslie in response to be charged is just par for the course.
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Dec 6th 2018
TODAY: our major new survey on attitudes to sexual consent - up to a third of adults still doubt it’s rape if no physical violence, if there’s flirting beforehand, if woman changes her mind & if it’s marriage/long term relationship #Ibelieveher #MeToo…
Our survey also finds - 40% of people do not see ‘stealthing’ (removing a condom without consent) as rape; and there’s a big generational divide on attitudes to consent (over 65s less likely to see non-consent as rape) #Ibelieveher #MeToo
The attitudes are alarming - not only are these people potential jurors in rape trials, they are also the family & friends of women and girls who are assaulted, and they may question whether what happened was abusive & harmful #Ibelieveher #MeToo #16days
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Nov 19th 2018
Wow the Democrat from Nevada @RepKihuen is a total pervert made unwanted and persistent physical advances on many women it’s been happening since 2012. Ethics committee dropped report on Friday. He denies it all despite 3rd party witnesses #MeToo #Ibelieveher
Why aren’t @TheDemocrats demanding he resign 😳…
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Oct 6th 2018
I just woke up from the worst dream

This witch was making a speech where she said all victims of assault who petition Congress r paid actors & lib interest groups
She berated them for daring to question a spoiled white boy’s right to get whatever he wanted after he had a tantrum
Then millions of trolls went online to demand we all prove that we’ve been assaulted
They gaslighted us over how memory works & about who the real victims are

They demanded evidence but our own eyewitness testimony & years of pain didn’t count

All while shouting about values
They bought into wild conspiracy theories about why we came forward while demanding that anything we said had to be proven w/ corroborating contemporaneous evidence. Something they didn’t seem to need to believe the conspiracies

And as we cried, they mocked us and laughed at us
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Sep 23rd 2018
This should NOT be framed as a He Said, She Said
Whys the @GOP rushing to dismiss what SHE SAID. Fords allegations are supported by the fact that Kavanaugh,in his & Judges own words,seemed to have an alcohol & party culture. Its disturbing to look at ALL we already know..THREAD👇
👉Kavanaugh says 'What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep'
👉The potential witness during the attempted rape refuses to testify & wrote a Memoir called 'Wasted'
👉Why are the GOP hiding 90% of Kavanaughs documents
👉It appears he already Perjured himself
👉Kavanaughs email after a "boys boat trip" mentions 'blacking out' & cautioned confidentiality-WHY?
👉Judges memoir is corroborated by Brett Kavanaughs own disturbing Yearbook entries
👉GOP indicate that even if Brett DID attempt to rape Dr Ford he should still be confirmed
Read 14 tweets
Sep 22nd 2018
#WhyIDidntReport "I just don't think anyone would have believed me" and NO ONE DID the press continues to disrespect Juanita Broaddrick, how many times does she need to tell everyone she was RAPED BY @BillClinton for her to be taken seriously? @TheDemocrats are sick #METOO
You know the story @washingtonpost remember how everyone judged her because she couldn't remember the exact date? Hmmmm #ChristineBlaseyFord…
When @atensnut told her story @latimes said "it was fishy" and asked the question, maybe it was actually consensual sex because she was just trying to get back at her husband. In fact they broke down all the reasons not to believe her.…
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Sep 20th 2018…

Sometimes I get caught up in a big moment and I later realize I was completely ignoring a huge part of it. I'm doing it with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh. I've been ignoring the fact that Dr. Ford is an actual person.
There have been a lot of women with histories of sexual abuse in my life. There are a lot of them in every man's life but the truth is most men do not want to hear about it. It's a difficult subject to process emotionally for us and it's too easy to put our heads in the sand.
I'm a pretty good listener. If you listen to women you will hear stories of really shitty guys over and over and over. Sexual harassment, assault, rape, stalking, physical and mental abuse. At least half of every woman I've ever known has dealt with one of those.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
If Austin Monahan’s story is true:
Good man for defending your Mother and while everyone is innocent until proven guilty the accusations should be investigated. This isn’t blue wave/red wave, domestic abuse is always tiptoed around (see NFL) and it shouldn’t be.
WTF? Is this an #OpenSecret #KeithEllison 🤬
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Mar 29th 2018
Couldn't sleep last night.
Couldn't stop thinking about the sexual assault trail jury that I was on.
There was nowhere near the volume of evidence presented. No injury, internal or external, just her word against his
I watched the prosecution lawyer introduce the regret narrative
Considering, the jury all agreed that the victim's was the most convincing testimony. People believed her. Literally everyone on the jury. Likewise everyone believed that at best the accused was so drunk he had no idea what was going on, but he certainly wasn't telling the truth.
But still 8 said not guilty, inc all the women.
There was absolutely a sense in the jury that this was a drunken night that went wrong. That a verdict of guilty would be harsh on the wee lad who just wanted a ride. Everyone m/f could relate to an drunken advance that went wrong.
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Mar 28th 2018
Verdict today is frustrating but not surprising.

The disparity between the estimated cases of rape and those actually reported is huge. The disparity between those reported and those successfully convicted is a gaping chasm.
From the offset a victim will be thinking of things like the public reaction to accusations of rape, particularly against people of power.
How they will be questioned in court, how it will be reported, whether the police will even believe them are an immediate dissuasion.
Those who do have the bravery to bring a case forward are bringing themselves into that arena where someone is being paid to prove that they are a liar using any means at their disposal.
Read 18 tweets

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