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Oct 28th 2021
1. Day 2. Julian #Assange #ExtraditionHearing #UKHighCourtOfJustice.I'll report on it. In this extradition proceeding, the #USDoJ acts through the @CPSUK, challenging psychiatric evidence used by the judge Baraitser to deny extradition.There's an important info you have to know.
2.#CrownProsecutionService(#CPS) putting in question Julian #Assange's mental health: don't forget #CPS contributed to create the legal& diplomatic quagmire which kept #Assange arbitrarily detained 9 years and finally resulted in his arrest.This is how they looked at #JA's health
3. what I am trying to tell you is: when the Crown Prosecution Service (#CPS) tries to argue that the Julian #Assange's health is not in such a bad shape, hence he can be extradited, just consider how #CPS looked at his health. This is an official document from my #FOIA
Read 51 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
1. Julian #Assange #BailAssangeUK US counsel opposes bail: “cannot be trusted to surrender”
2. US counsel refers to Julian #Assange and “others at @wikileaks “ *orchestrating* @snowden’ escape as a legal ground to oppose #BailAssangeUK
3. Tremendously interesting to see how US counsel just confirmed that @wikileaks original plans was to help @snowden to get protection in #LatinAmerica
Read 15 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
"No matter what one thinks of #AlexJones and #Infowars, the #censorship of any dissident or anti-establishment voice is a cause for grave concern."
If you think it's only conservatives being #censored: activist #LauriLove was suspended twice (& is about as far from conservative as one can get) - first in March and again recently.

Peter Van Buren (@wemeantwell) - also not conservative, also banned.…
In other words, thinking 'only the left' or 'only the right' is being silenced by TPTB underestimates the censorship by half.
Read 3 tweets

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