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Breaking: BCI Permits Foreign Lawyers & Firms To Practice Foreign Law, Diverse International Law And International Arbitration Matters In India #ForeignLawFirms…
Foreign lawyer or foreign law firms shall not be entitled to practice in India unless registered with Bar Council of India.


Registration fees: USD 50,000
Renewal fees: USD 20,000
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Thread : What care a #law #student should take while sitting in library, and digesting law #books? How should he navigate through thousands of books in law library of #college? What books to read and what to ignore?

1) The topic of this thread itself is complicated.
2/ But once I was also a law student. (In 1977). All the law books in law college library amazed me! It looked as if each book was radiating powers of the good over the evil. I had dreams of power and wealth and these books looked like my passport to a golden future.
3/ Do not blame me, if after reading this thread you become demotivated to read those AMAZING law books.

I may have tell you something which may not be found in ANY law book of ANY law college.
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Breaking story and @legalitinsider @chillmedia has got the exclusive: @clearlakecap sells its shares in @netdocuments to PE behemoth @warburgpincus at a deal rumored to value ND at $1.4B…
I've not hidden my affinity for ND. I've spoken at their conference in Park City and London and think they are the clear market leader in legal Document Management Systems.
When they launched over 20 years ago the ☁️ wasn't a thing, especially for #lawfirms. But as the industry has moved to cloud first the growth📈 was🚀level, growing at ~40% YOY
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It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
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