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#itvnews #talkradio #bbcr4 @directline_uk

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#Adecco would not address the main part of the complaint. Complaint was then raised to the #CEO - no response from CEO
#CoverUp #Leadership #Motivation #Business #Recruitment #Marketing #Charity #News #suisse #TargetedIndividual #conspiracy #corevalues

#CoverUp #technology #futureofwork #tech #training #lbc

#CoverUp #Leadership #Motivation #ceo2018 #Recruitment #Charity #News #funny #shocking #training #lbc

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#Waitrose #TheGuardian #bbcnews

#skynews #retail #highstreet #sales #itvnews #dailymail #customerservices #thetelegraph #thetimes #ceo #leadership

@vincecable #libdems #UKpolitics #dailypolitics #nomoreabuse #harassment #bbcnews #abuseofpower

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#coverups #policecoverup #policecoverups #MetPolice #TheTelegraph #leadership
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#dailystar #dailyexpress #LBC #corruption #liverpool #coverup #metpolice #manchester #TheTelegraph #london #cjs

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#Giveaway #richmondtimes #LBRUT #twickenham #hampton #mortlake #barnes #richmonduponthames #wandsworth END 31.7.18

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#Giveaway #bbcsouthtoday #bbcsoutheast #watchdog #bbcwatchdog #wato #bbcwato #whistleblowers #LBRUT END 31.7.18

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#privateinvestigator #investigator #surveillance #falsewitness #falseallegations #security #theabi END DATE 31.08

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My appeal sitting at #RCJ since 2008 #injustice #justice #legalaid #legalnews #UKSupremeCourt #lawsociety #probono #conspiracy #accesstojustice #LBC END 31.08

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#legalaid #uksupremecourt #HMCTS #CrownCourt #LegalNews #Accesstojustice #GDPR #Regulation #Compliance #Training #Charity #Charitylaw #LBC

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#richmondtimes #LBC #LBRUT #Richmonduponthames #hampton #vincecable #twickenham #teddington #mortlake #scams #scamalert #eastsheen END 31.08

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#Giveaway #ukgov #localgov #localauthority #counciltax #bailiffs #uk #LBRUT END 31.08

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#leasehold #helptobuy #help2buy #property #propertyvalues #leaseholdscandal #sharedownership #ukgov #ukgovernment #lbc END 31.08

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@Directline_uk #bbcbreakfast #bbcpapers #skypapers #liverpool #manchester #birmingham #London #funny #insurance #carinsurance END 31.08

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@directline_uk #moneysaving #moneysavingexpert #trustpilot #fraud #scamalert #FOS #insuranceuk #ukinsurance #paulgeddes #ftse END 31.08

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#Training #Leadership #Recruitment #CV #lovewhatyoudo #waytowork #CEO1month #EU #bild #20minutes #lemonde #abc #nbc #news #breaking #france24 #LBC DATE 31.08

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#adeccogroup #giveaway #ceos #ceo2018 #corevalues #values #investor #investors #shares #compliance #sponsor #sponsorship #advertising #france24
DATE 31.08

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#marketing #futureofwork #tech #technology #robotics #budget #budgeting #financial #performance #profit #annualreport #CEO1Month #Geneva #Zurich
DATE 31.08

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#britishtelecom #BT #thetguardian #thetimes #thetelegraph #dailymail #5gnetwork #ofcom #5g #marcallera #UKMail #FrameUp END 31.08

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#retail #sales #fashion #Waitrose #highstreetstores #highstreet #retailer #theguardian #thetelegraph #funny #lbc END 31.08

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#retail #sales #fashion #Waitrose #highstreetstores #highstreet #retailer #theguardian #thetelegraph #funny #lbc END 31.08

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#retail #sales #fashion #Waitrose #highstreetstores #highstreet #retailer #lbc #wearepartners #shareholders END 31.08

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#Godsgrace #scripture #praisegod #glorytogod #waitrose #customerservice #unaddressed #complaint #leadership #CEO
END 31.08

#ManagingDirector Paula Nickolds & #Chairman Sir Charlie Mayfield prefer me to highlight this than to answer a letter of complaint. T&C's see 25 tweets above.
#sales #retail #CEO2018 #business #training #uk

They #harassed my mother but it went seriously wrong. Now they are silent & won't even address a complaint. T&Cs see 26 tweets above
#retail #sales #highstreet #thetelegraph #retailers #waitrose #theguardian