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Jun 12th 2023
1/ 🚀 The Power of Saying NO 🚀

One of the things I learnt off late is that you have to say NO to a lot of things as a leader which you would have done in your early professional life! This is imperative for your company's growth and prioritization. A 🧵

#timemanagement Image
2/ Ever felt overwhelmed with countless tasks and projects piling up? 😰 You're not alone. A recent study revealed that majority , >70% of us struggle with time management 😱.

#PowerOfNo #TimeManagement Image
3/ But, fear not! There's a secret weapon that can help you regain control: the power of saying NO! 🙅‍♀️

Curious? Let's dive in! 🤔

#SayNo #Productivity
Read 12 tweets
May 8th 2019

‘Case Closed’: McConnell urges Congress 2 move on from Mueller Report

Mueller report: Democrats slam Republicans 4 'stunning act of cynicism'

‘There is a dark connection in Washington between McConnell, Barr + tRUmp’

Contempt Hearing – “All systems go!”

Durbin: McConnell ignored election security because GOP benefited from Russians

FBI Director Wray distances himself from Barr's use of 'spying' on Trump campaign

C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed

WH invokes executive privilege to bar former counsel from turning over documents to Congress

🔥Robert Mueller is leaving the Justice Department 'within coming days.’

W Mueller on Justice staff, Barr has sway over testimony👆

House's Barr Contempt Docs
Read 83 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
Sharing #MyStory as an #international #immigrant a part of @IWS_Network #Voices without #Frontiers initiative! As a #scientist and an advocate for #workplaceequality, I believe in the power of stories. #IWS #VoicesIWS #SayItForward #WomenInspire #WomeninScience #WomenInSTEM
As a child, how would you have liked moving schools in new cities with different cultures every 2-4 years?

Growing up in the #IndianArmy, I absolutely loved it! By the time I was 18, we had moved over 9 times across 9 states! #Diversity #India #TravelTuesday #IWS #VoicesIWS
My #memories of #India include sunny days, welcoming people, rich heritage, vibrant colors, abundant fruits and mouth-watering street food! #IWS #VoicesIWS
Read 39 tweets

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