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Jan 29th 2020
Thread is very important, please read and retweet
When we fled #MaaratalNuman in the early months of the revolution, and when our first exodus was at the end of 2012, I never expected to ever return. Wadi Deif in Muuarah was a nightmare to all the residents there,
especially after the revolutionaries fought several times against the Syrian regime and were constantly defeated. In 2014, the impossible became true. Not only did the revolutionaries free Wadi Deif, they also freed Hamadiyah, Qarmid, Almastuma, Jisr, and Ariha. #
The entire region of Idlib was freed except Kafarya and Al Fu’ah.

We couldn’t believe it. Our happiness at the time filled every inch of our bones, and we had the hope that, soon, all of Syria will be free.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 25th 2020
A painful thread and very important
My city #MaaratalNuman In the Idlib countryside
For years now, it has been subjected to violent bombing by the Assad regime and Russia,
but from a week to now it has been exposed to the strongest and most violent campaign ever by criminals Assad and Putin . The hysterical bombing of my city is only being caused because its people want freedom and love freedom . The people and children of my city are awesome,
all from lovers to freedom
From the beginning of the revolution until today every Friday, people have gone to peaceful protests against Bashar al-Assad and Putin. People want freedom, but criminals do not want it.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
'Investigation by BBC: war crime committed in missile attack on #MaaratAlNuman Idlib which killed 39 people.

The attack used “double tap”: an initial airstrike followed by a second attack by the same plane, killing rescuers trying to help the injured'…
This is one of dozens of similar attacks on markets in #MaaratAlNuman over years. This is the town where residents every Friday protested against both Assad AND AlQaeda etc. Time after time Assad responded with double taps on their markets. Now he is obliterating the whole town
Here a thread of some of our tweets over just past 2 years documenting the heroism of the people of the town of #MaaratalNuman as they resist Terrorism & Tyranny of Assad & Terrorism & Tyranny of al Nusra & HTS and the horror inflicted upon them

Read 31 tweets
Jan 19th 2018
#Turkey-backed #FSA #EuphratesShield commander:
'Delay in #Efrin #Afrin op due to "bad weather". #FSA put on high alert as of this afternoon. Op likely to kickoff 0700 tomorrow, unless sthing changed on international scene'
#SDF #YPG fighter near #Rajo #Afrin #Efrin displaying KIA #Turkey-backed #EuphratesShield #FSA fighters, mocking #ZeytinDali, the name given to #AfrinOp
#Turkey #Hatay #EuphratesShield will call for #Syria #FSA volunteers specifically for #AfrinOperasyonu.
Sources suggest #Efrin op to endure &/or expand in scope. Image
Read 14 tweets

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