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Sep 1st 2022
1/14. 📜Powerful new report to the #UN General Assembly by the @SRClimateChange Ian Fry makes crystal clear that #LossAndDamage from #ClimateChange is causing a litany of #HumanRights impacts. 🧵
2/14. In its introduction, the report highlights the inequality at the heart of the #ClimateCrisis: "50% of countries are responsible for 86 % of the cumulative global CO2 emissions", #AtmosphericColonization, and why #ClimateReparations are being demanded for #LossAndDamage.
3/14. Chapter three "#LossAndDamage: a litany of #HumanRights impacts" starts by highlighting that from a #HumanRights perspective #LossAndDamage is "closely related to the right to remedy and the principle of #Reparations".
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