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Jan 16th 2023
@PhillyMister I am willimg to forgive my fellows, but only if they show true remorse. We will be having #militarytribunals based on the #NurembergCode, which clearly states that ignorance of the facts or simply doing your job is not good enough and you will be held to account regardless.
@PhillyMister Willfull medical harm perpetrated on innocent victims without informed consent is punishable by death according to the #NurembergCode. That's just the easy part. But how innocent are most of the victims really?
@PhillyMister Sure enough, elderly people in nursery homes, children and the mentally disabled are true victims. But what about the willfully ignorant people who went along with the narrative and wanted us either dead or ostracized, how 'innocent' are they?
Read 9 tweets
Jan 22nd 2021
Dear the @USArmy @USMarshalsHQ @USSOCOM @82ndABNDiv @USNationalGuard @SpaceForceDoD @usairforce do you really realize that the election cheaters won, even when there was FOREIGN interferences in 2020 national election? @DNI_Ratcliffe @SpaceForceCSO
Read 32 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
"The 2016 election was supposed to be 'the least contentious election of our time,' but a comedy of errors from a bungling DNC ended up handing the world to Trump on a platter. Any other time in American history, that would’ve been the end of Hillary’s campaign of inevitability."
"The cabal would be disbanded & the sycophants would all retreat from the public eye in shame, at least for awhile. Esp after a campaign as disgraced as HRC’s, her defeat at the hands of her own Pied Piper should’ve silenced her & her surrogates forever. But that didn’t happen."
"Instead, a sham primary and a surefire Pied Piper Strategy backfired, with Wikileaks revealing the scheme in elaborate detail, from secret agreements w Bernie & plotting to elevate Trump to trying to make Trump look 'weak on Russia/cozy with Putin' way back in April of 2016." 😬
Read 40 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
Fresh from The Conspiracy Mill!

The Election Interference Is Coming From Inside The House…
"...yesterday #NYPOST came out with a story that'd end a campaign during any normal election year, documenting Biden’s pay-for-play corruption during his time as VP, something that Biden has long denied" #BidenEmails #BidensEmails #HunterEmails #CrookedJoeBiden #MilitaryTribunals
"In response, Twitter & FB both moved to censor the story, disallowing people from sharing the link publicly or privately. People who shared images from the article found their accts suspended. Twitter even suspended the official acct of the WH Press Secretary..." 😬 #BidenEmails
Read 4 tweets
May 30th 2020
#AntifaTerrorists will be dealt with. #TimesUp You get what you deserve
The #QAnon Drops in order #2645
#QAnon drop #839
Read 23 tweets

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