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Jun 14th 2023
Attacking books as “pornography” has become a common tactic for book banners from Ron DeSantis to #Moms4Liberty.

Now a new version of the famous Holocaust diary is being called ‘Anne Frank pornography’ and getting banned from schools, writes @AndrewLapin.…
Published in 2017 with the endorsement of the Basel-based Anne Frank Foundation, the illustrated Anne Frank's Diary was "a bid to preserve interest in the Holocaust by future generations," reported
@JewishJournal.… (2/x) #History #BannedBooks Image
Describing why he authored the book during a Q&A in Paris, writer Ari Folman, who was born to Holocaust survivors, said, “I’m worried we’re coming to an era where there won’t be Holocaust survivors on Earth, no living witnesses to tell the story." #History #BannedBooks (3/x)
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Josh Hawley’s wife works as an attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom, which was involved w/ overturning Roe v Wade, has defended re-criminalizing non-heterosexual sexual behavior & supported forced sterilization of trans people abroad. 1/ #Christofascism…
2/ Image
3/ Image
Read 18 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Um, your buddy Joe Harding was just indicted for wire fraud, money laundering, and making false statements. Now THAT’s what I call refreshing. #Moms4Liberty 1/
3/ He’s deleted his Twitter account too.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Another #astroturf organization intended to "crack and frack" demographic groups in the US.
Shared fonts (Big Calson).
Shared state (Florida).
Shared focus (Right wing politics).
#rightwingwatch ImageImage
Oh, and a shared fascination with nonsense from Mr. James Lindsay, it appears.
There is some room to expand, I suppose, from "Marxism" & "CRT" (schools) to "Communism" (China) when it comes to manufacturing fear and outrage. ImageImage
#Asians4Liberty seems to play into fears of "The Great Reset" and things like the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and lobby group The World Economic Forum (WEF).
It attempts to tap into fear of global government.
I'll see your sovereign citizen and raise you one nation! Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
June 1, 2022. Happy Pride Y'all. You are loved by so many - please never forget it. A special WHAT THE FLORIDA 🧵to kick the month off. Are you angry yet? 1/11 Image
Florida #Democrats seem to be apathetic to the idea of running candidates against the #cult right sycophants that stand behind Governor DeFascist. 2/11
#FionaMcFarland, a cult-right state house rep, is running relatively unopposed in a seat that was previously held by a dem. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We continue our exposé on the extremist far-right who openly operate and have thoroughly infiltrated the Miami GOP — Proud Boys, QAnons, Moms 4 Liberty & more.

On Friday 4/15 the GOP hosted a voter registration event featuring “special guest” Scott Presler. Let’s dive in! 🔥 Flyer and photos from the 4...
We will detail how nearly every single attendee was connected to the far-right. #ProudBoys #QAnon #Moms4Liberty

Buckle up. We have some new reveals that you will not want to miss — including a SPECIAL LIST at the end. 🔥🔥☕️☕️

Referenced articles + threads posted at the end. Group picture of participan...
Let’s start with “special guest” far-right provocateur and issue hoper Scott Presler — he got his start with the anti-Muslim hate group ACT for America, more recently a QAnon promoter and identified as a core Jan 6th Stop the Steal organizer. Top left: Scott Presler at ...
Read 51 tweets

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