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Dec 15th 2022
Ya sabrás que se puede programar con #JavaScript 💛 en servidor: #Node 💚. Cada vez más demanda. En este HILO 🧵te dejo 5⃣ cursos GRATIS para que aprendas #Nodejs DESDE CERO ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
En este curso de 8⃣h de @freecodecampES vas a aprender a usar #Node 💚y #Express completamente DESDE CERO y viendo todos los conceptos básicos que necesites. MUY 🔝🔝🔝 #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
Si quieres un curso algo más corto, aquí en 4⃣h agarrarás todos los conceptos básicos de #Node 💚. Curso más que recomendable de @FaztTech. #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
Read 7 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021
Want to learn about #MongoDB data modeling, and some pitfalls to avoid? Live stream coming up in about 30 mins!
LOL! A dramatic re-enactment of what happened. ;) @Lauren_Schaefer's boss was compiling YouTube stats manually into a spreadsheet, and was getting grumpy about it, making this face: A man in glasses with a tho...
Solution: What if we build an app that uses the YouTube API to automate pulling feed data into #MongoDB? That'd make @jdrumgoole happy! 🤩 3 MongoDB Developer Advocat...
Read 59 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
Day 8/100: Gravity: SaaS boilerplate for Node.js & React

Let’s dive into how @kylegawley reached *$10k/mo* by helping devs save *weeks* in basic, repetitive web app setup activities.

#indiehackers #react #Nodejs #MongoDB

👇 Milestones & Insights

Oct / Nov 2018: Launched MVP
Dec 2018: Gravity v1.1
Jan 2019: Added free plan (Freemium); 30+ users
May 2019: Product Hunt launch
August 2019: Gravity v3.0 (React)
Nov 2019: Revenue $4k / mo
Jan 2020: Gravity native (iOS & Android) for reach native apps


May 2020: Hackr for landing pages w/ split testing
May 2020: Gravity 4.0 (Prostgres, MSSQL)
June 2020: 250+ customers; $10k/mo
July 2020: Gravity 5 (MongoDB, Node.js)
Nov 2020: Gravity 6.1 (SaaS security)

👇 Insights
Read 7 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
Yesterday one of my colleagues asked me about how to boost MongoDB performance.
I explained to him, and now it's worth sharing:

Performance tuning for #MongoDB :

1. Create custom indexes for your queries.

Thread 👇

#javascript #Nodejs
2. If you use mongoose always use "lean", by default mongoose queries return an instance of Mongoose Document class, and these are much heavier than vanilla javascript objects.

#javascript #Database #MongoDB #NoSQL
3. Reuse connections (Connect once, use multiple times):

Don't connect and disconnect DB every time you query something. You should connect once,
at the beginning of your app.

Setting up a new TCP Connection is expensive time-wise, memory, and network wise.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
I'm publicly committing to the 100DaysOfCode Challenge starting today! ⏳

Learn More and Join me! ✨

A long thread ahead for everything I'll going to do in the next 100 days 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #webdeveloper #RubyOnRails #javascript #opensource #hacktoberfest
Day1⃣ of #100DaysOfCode 🌟

✨ Started learning @GoHugoIO from past2⃣weeks and get my hands on #TwitterCards.
✨ Have learned how twitter shows different twitter cards layout from frontmatter we added in each blogpost.
✨ Specified twitter card in frontmatter in sample post ❄️
Day2⃣&3⃣ if #100DaysOfCode 🌟

➡️ Solve multiple Query problem in my current #RubyOnRails #Mongodb project
➡️ Reduced from 500 db queries to < 100 🎯
➡️ Contributed to my personal blog, made using @GoHugoIO
➡️ Moved all assets to Dropbox, so that page load faster 🧬

Read 5 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
Choosing the right tech stack is one of the most important decisions when building a software product.

The ability to scale quickly depends on many factors but having the proper tech stack may be the most important one.

(Thread) 👇
1/ Tech stacks not only impacts the scalability in terms of performance but also provides flexibility and agility to evolve the product, eases the development of ecosystems, and attracts and retains talent.
2/ I am sharing in this thread, some of the components of our tech stack at @intraway that are working great for us.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
Researchers & app developers, are you trying to synchronize your CareKit app data to the cloud? My team, #NetReconLab at the @universityofky has released a set of open-source tools to help #WWDC #Swift #CareKit #Cloud #synchronization #Postgres #mongodb…
Apple engineers discussed all of the new synchronization features they added today within CareKit (19 minutes - end of the video). I was fortunate enough to make some contributions to this effort on CareKits official GitHub Page (I'm " cbaker6" 🙃)…
The CareKitSample-ParseCareKit which shows off all of the tools at once. It combines the data sync tool (ParseCareKit) that syncs the data from your device to parse-hipaa. The sample app will have you synching data to your server in 3 minutes!…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 26th 2019
So, my thread on how to choose databases for your web apps starts in 20 minutes time. Hope y'all are ready ?However, this time i would love it to be an interactive session where we can learn from each other about database preferences for specific web apps and the use case
This is what we want to talk about today. Take a really good look at the image below. Study it well. Also notice the words at the 3 vertexes of the triangle. CONSISTENCY, AVAILABILITY & PARTITION-TOLERANCE (Big English - but fear not, we shall demystify all and it'll all be easy)
If we also look at the image in the previous tweet on this thread we can see some popular databases placed at certain sides of the triangle. It is important to note also the positioning of some of a particular point on each side. We shall discuss this in more detail soon. #thread
Read 48 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
بمناسبة اليوم الوطني راح أهديكم سلسلة تغريدات ألخص فيها تجربتي مع منصة #فايربيس @Firebase
فايربيس هي منصة للمبرمجين وخصوصا مطوري التطبيقات تملكها قوقل @Google وهذا رابط المنصة
لماذا فايربيس؟ فايربيس عبارة عن منصة باكاند backend متكاملة توفر لمطوري التطبيقات عدة خدمات على رأسها ١) ادارة المستخدمين firebase authentication و ٢) قاعدة بيانات #فايرستور #Firestore و ٣) تحليلات فايربيس اناليتكس firebase analytics لتحليل سلوك مستخدمي التطبيق
ايش يفرق فايربيس عن خدمات أخرى مثل قوقل كلاود او أمازون كلاود او غيرها؟
الفرق الرئيسي والأساسي هو انك تحصل على الباكاند من فايربيس كخدمة backend as a service او #BaaS بدون ما تكتب ولا سطر كود خارج تطبيقك. هذا لا يعني انك راح تستغني بشكل كامل عن كتابة كود باكاند زي ما راح نشوف
Read 117 tweets
Jan 17th 2019
@georgberky 14/ New trends in Databases

not necessarily for #groovylang, but something everyone needs to know like #jooq #hibernate #postgres #neo4j #tinkerpop #cassandra #redis #mongodb
15/ #groovypuzzlers or a similar interactive session to get people talking about #groovylang
16/ Dynamic vs static programming in #groovylang

- performance differences
- tooling improvements
- etc
Read 15 tweets

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