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Jul 29th 2019
I'm not sure I could ignore some of the the things he says, however I do understand the need to redirect. In that spirit let's be reminded of these things:

1. Everyone has their favorite moments, but the #MuellerHearings were important enough to warrant my number one slot.
The single best minute today. #MullerHearing

Trump could be potentially charged after he leaves office, but should Americans have to wait? That brings me to #2.
Read 59 tweets
Jul 25th 2019
Excerpts from the #MuellerHearing
Mueller is not a showman. He's a prosecutor.
Listen to his words. Both from him & the Congress members from the Judiciary & Intelligence Committees.
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Mueller’s Opening Statement

Transcript of Mueller’s opening Statement

#MuellerHearings #MuellerTestimony
Video Highlights on Collusion
from #MuellerTestimony
#YesCollusion #MuellerHearing (4mins 38secs)
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Jul 25th 2019
After listening to the #MuellerHearings, Veterans have gathered at #TrumpTower #VetsForImpeachment
with @commondefense
Veterans speak.
with @commondefense
Veterans speak.
with @commondefense
Read 5 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
.@JerryNadler, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, teed off today's #MuellerHearings by establishing that Trump & Barr are lying about #Mueller's findings.

Mueller, when asked if his RPT found no obstruction and exonerates Trump: "It is not what the report said." #FollowTheFacts
As Democrats focused on obstruction of justice by Trump, GOP Rep. Buck tried to help Trump.

But ended up shining a brighter light instead on the tell-tale approach Mueller decided on for when he 1) found or 2) did not find sufficient evidence of a crime by Trump. #FollowTheFacts
House Intelligence Committee Chair @AdamSchiff put it all into perspective as he discussed the "methodical" and "devastating" #MuellerReport

Echoing Mueller's words, Schiff explained that nothing short of our American democracy was attacked and remains at stake. #FollowTheFacts
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Jul 24th 2019
Now that #MuellerHearings have ended, a key figure from his report, Felix Sater, has a phone conference coming up in a lawsuit alleging he laundered money through Trump properties.

I will be listening to that conference for @CourthouseNews.


@CourthouseNews The phone conference is scheduled to begin in roughly 10 minutes.
@CourthouseNews U.S. Magistrate Judge Katharine Parker convenes the telephone conference.

Sater's attorney Jill Levi from the firm Todd & Levi is on the line.

We're about to begin.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
Re: the #MuellerHearings – The GOP is v. good at staying on-message. They want you to know that:

- This investigation was unfair
- Donald is being wrongly accused
- How could you DO THIS to us?!
- Again, this is all very unfair

A whole platform built on victimhood.
Meanwhile, they are building MORE concentration camps.

Stripping food stamps away from families.

Raising taxes on lower- & middle-class Americans while giving tax breaks to the rich.

They would like to do these things & MUCH more w/o judgement, because that would be unfair.
Notice what they're NOT concerned about:

- Russian interference
- Trump team = 100% CRIMINALS
- Mueller's continued insistence that he did NOT exonerate the president

Anyhoo. Way to follow the playbook, champs. Gotta hand it to you for message discipline.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
Retweet if you believe it’s time for @SpeakerPelosi to start #impeachment proceedings.

Enough wasting time. Mueller made it clear it is now up to Congress to act! Nancy either needs to act or get out of the way. #MuellerHearing
“An unsuccessful attempt to obstruct justice is still a crime, is that correct?”

MUELLER: “That is correct.”

Read 4 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
Lite dramatik nÀr republikanerna till slut stÀller tusendollarsfrÄgan om nÀr Mueller egentligen kom fram till slutsatsen att det inte funnits nÄgon konspiration mellan Trump-kampanjen och Ryssland.
Mueller: "NÀr man utreder ett fall fÄr man pusselbitar under tidens gÄng /../ sÄ, jag kan inte sÀga specifikt nÀr vi kom fram till resultatet."

#MuellerReport #MuellerHearing #MuellerHearings
Mueller stammar sedan en del, och det lÄter som att hans kollega försöker svara i hans stÀlle, men Andy Biggs (R), avbryter honom och försöker fÄ Mueller att svara.
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Jul 24th 2019
The hysterical, screaming Republicans – Gohmert, Jordan, Gaetz – are very well aware that questions re Steele are beyond Mueller's purview since their fellow Trump lackey Bill Barr is investigating the origins of the Russia probe but they keep harping on Steele for Trump.
.@DevinNunes, who is currently suing a cow, opens with: "Welcome everyone to the last gasp of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory" and then resorts to spewing Trump's favorite – and completely false –conspiracy theories.
Wow. The Trump Fraud Sqaud – Gohmert, Jordan, Gaetz, Ratcliffe, and now Nunes – are going full on Ride or Die on the Mifsud conspiracy theory, which originated from now-convicted felon and former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos.
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Jul 24th 2019
Would have to agree with this so far... more cringeworthy moments than bombshells #MuellerTestifies
Because of his “Yes” “No” “True” “I refer you to the report” demeanor, it doesn’t seem like any member is scoring posturing points...yelling isn’t helping either #MuellerTestimony Image
If Dems playbook is to make the case by laying out the report findings question by question in a way the American public can understand, Hakim Jeffries was the closest to finding that blueprint #MuellerHearings Image
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Jul 24th 2019
Russia interfered in our 2016 election. The Trump campaign welcomed that help. Trump repeatedly tried to dismantle the investigation into this hostile foreign government’s interference through a pattern of bullying, deceit and obstruction. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #MuellerHearing
The #Mueller Report resulted in 37 criminal indictments and 7 guilty pleas. The Report revealed 10 instances where the President obstructed justice and he also repeatedly instructed people to lie to investigators for him. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #MuellerHearing
The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in “sweeping and systematic fashion”—through a social media campaign, and releasing hacked documents—in an effort to secure the outcome of a Trump presidency and harm Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. #MuellerHearing
Read 9 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
Did Mueller read his own report? This is a bizarre back and forth so far and he seems extremely confused at times. I don’t think this is what the Democrats we’re hoping for. #MuellerHearings
Seriously did Mueller even write or read the report??? It genuinely comes off like he’s only read the cliff notes. This is bizarre. Safe to say this was not what elected Democrats we’re hoping for. #MuellerHearings
This is a bigger disaster than I could’ve imagined. I’m hearing from Democrat acquaintances who can’t believe what a train wreck this turned into. Whatever they hoped to do today, I’m pretty sure they did the opposite. What an embarrassing misuse of resources. #MuellerHearings
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Jul 24th 2019
#Mueller's already dealt fatal blows to Trump & GOP propagandists. He said 1) he didn’t indict b/c of OLC memo, 2) "no collusion no obstruction, total exoneration" is false, & 3) he won't address "origins" of the probe or Steele dossier b/c they’re under review. #MuellerHearing
@RepJerryNadler @HouseJudiciary đŸ€ŻđŸ™„A Republican Sensenbrenner actually asked #Mueller this question: If you knew from the outset that your office wasn't going to indict the president (b/c OLC guideline prevented it), why even investigate him?
#MuellerHearings #MuellerHearing
@RepJerryNadler @HouseJudiciary #Mueller is calm but not exactly poker-faced. He just gave a disgusted sneer at crazy Louis Gohmert shouting that Trump "wasn't obstructing justice, he was pursuing justice because he's INNOCENT"! Even the gallery laughed. #MuellerHearings #MuellerHearing
Read 23 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
Rep. Nadler: '[Mueller] conducted his investigation with remarkable integrity...even when you were subjected to repeated and grossly unfair personal attacks. Your indictments spoke for you in astonishing detail.'
Rep. Nadler: 'In your report, you offer the country accountability as well.' #MuellerHearing
Rep. Nadler: 'Any other person who acted in this way would've been charged with crimes...we have a responsibility to address the evidence you've uncovered' #MuellerHearing
Read 78 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
WATCH: Mueller arrives in the hearing room ahead of his testimony.

Live blog:
Mueller is sworn in ahead of his testimony.
Aaron Zebley, a longtime Mueller aide, is accompanying Mueller during the hearings today.

More about Zebley:
Read 38 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
LIVE TWEETING #MuellerHearings Today will determine if #RobertMueller is loyal to the Constitution above all or to his love of institutional procedure. America’s Constitutional Republic could die today or fight back.
@HouseJudiciary ASK HIM: Are you still loyal to the values of the Marine Corps? #SemperFi? Then answer in that spirit. Do you Defend America first or William Barr?
Nadler positively frames Mueller with his own summaries & praises his credentials. Mueller cannot contradict that.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
#MuellerHearings are about to begin.
Nadler opening statement: “In the Paul Manafort case alone, you recovered as much as $42 million—so that the cost of your investigation to the taxpayers approaches ZERO.”
#MuellerHearings #Maddow
Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's opening statement: "...First, our investigation found that the Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion..."
#MuellerHearings #Maddow

Read 18 tweets

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