Mueller: No.


Mueller: 'True.'

Mueller: 'True.'

Mueller: 'No.'

Mueller: 'No.'

Mueller: 'Particularly when it came to computer crimes and the like, the government was implicated.'

Mueller: 'That's correct.'

Mueller: 'That's correct.'


Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'That's correct.'

Mueller repeatedly declining to answer questions about the Dossier, saying 'It's not my purview.' #MuellerHearing

Mueller: 'This is still outside my purview.'

Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'We were business associates. We were friends'


Mueller: 'Correct.'

Mueller: 'That's what it says in the report. And I stand by the report.'

Mueller says he and the Attorney General's office worked on the redactions together.


Mueller: 'Yes.'


Mueller: 'That is correct.'

Mueller: 'I would say that's generally a summary.'

Mueller continues his practice of declining to answer questions on Steele Dossier.

Mueller: 'Correct.'

Mueller: 'True.'


Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'Correct.'

Mueller: 'I cannot say we reached a particular decision on a particular defendant at a particular point in time.'

Mueller: 'None at all.'

Mueller: 'I'm not getting into that at this juncture.'

Mueller: 'That's correct.'

Mueller: 'No.'
Lesko: 'Were you allowed to complete your investigation unencumbered?'
Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'A letter we sent on 3/27 to Mr. Barr raised some issues, and that letter speaks for itself.'


Mueller: 'If it's from the report, yes I support it.'

Mueller: 'No we made a decision not to decide whether to prosecute or not.'

Mueller: 'That's what's written in the report, yes.'

Mueller: 'That's correct.'

Mueller: 'I'm not gonna speak to that.'

Mueller: 'Absolutely, we strove to do that over the two years.'

Mueller: 'Accurate.'

Mueller: 'Bush.'
Stanton adds that Mueller was confirmed by the Senate by a 98-0 margin.

Mueller: 'Never once.'

Mueller: 'The letter itself speaks for itself.'


Mueller: 'Yes.'

Mueller: 'Accurate.'

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