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Jun 11th 2023
Gone and took another look at #UCLfinal #ManchesterCityInter for my @Telexhu piece
and I wanna touch on 2 issues
1. Why #Guardiola chose the 3 🔷 3 vs his trusted
3+📦midfield ImageImageImageImage
it seemed as if the element of surprise almost backfired (in that #City seemed less prepared for this and def. to Inter's adjustments), although as #Pep admitted (and you can see below), the execution was nowhere near flawless out of the back + the collective #Inter defending ! ImageImageImage
2. How #Inzaghi surprised him via #Calhanoglu jumping + Inter's other adjustments =
-Lautaro as a wide mid defending
-both he + Dzeko pressing back on #Rodri
-recovery speed/distance closeout of @brozocrypto + #Bastoni ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 4th 2023

🕐Hoy es la jornada de votación en las elecciones de #Coahuila y #EstadodeMéxico

Te invitamos a revisar el material con datos relevantes del proceso electoral y a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #ObservatorioReformas

🔗… Image

➡️La recepción de la votación comienza a las 8:00 hrs. La jornada terminará a las 18:00 hrs [hora Estado de México y Coahuila] 🕐

#ObservatorioReformas Image

El @IEC_Coahuila comienza una Sesión Permanente para dar seguimiento a la jornada electoral. Puedes seguir la transmisión en


Read 110 tweets
May 17th 2023
I hate the bs being thrown at Carlo Ancelotti right now.
This City team has 6-7 world class midfielders and attackers.
Who did we have? Vini, and Kroos maybe.
And none of the two is half as good as City's best players.
As far as coaches go—
They too have a world class coach, with a backing of club owners who'll get him whoever he wants in this world. He can have ANYONE. And you know it.
So who do you expect, of two world class managers to do better? Obviously the one with better players.
Life isn't FIFA.
What this all means is it's easy to blame Carlo, but the honeymoon period of young players balling by sheer grit is over.
The blame is on the board to not acknowledge vacancies. They sold you a 'young talent' story while they filled their pockets from club revenue.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Information from today's @CDCgov clinicians' webinar on #monkeypox.

There have been 305 confirmed cases so far in the US

Interesting that @CAPublicHealth site has 65 listed, but only 43 in the CDC graphic
1/n Image
Number of cases detected over time.

Many cases are among men who have sex with other men.

But it is important to remember that anyone can be infected (and spread) #monkeypox, regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
2/ ImageImage
Presentation is a bit atypical.

Lesions can appear different in one area of the body, compared to another.

Performing a full skin and mucosal exam is important.

Diagnosis with another #STI doesn't rule out #monkeypox
Read 14 tweets
Jun 5th 2022

🕐 Comienza la jornada electoral en seis entidades federativas de #México🇲🇽

Te invitamos a revisar el material con los datos más relevantes del proceso y a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #ObservatorioReformas.

📌#Elecciones2022MX 🇲🇽

Los cargos a elegir son:
✅ 6 titulares a la gubernatura
✅ El Congreso Local de #QROO (15 MR y 10 RP)
✅ En #DGO también se vota por 39 presidencias municipales, 39 Sindicaturas y 327 Regidurías

En total, 436 cargos

📌#Elecciones2022MX 🇲🇽

🕐 El horario para estas elecciones es de 8:00 hrs a 18:00 hrs (hora local)

Read 166 tweets
May 21st 2022
I spoke with a former academic colleague today who had texted me a few days back for some advice but I forgot to call her back.

We didn't always see eye to eye when we worked together, but we always respected one other.
She was reaching out because her son had recently invited her in and told her of his attraction to other men.

He also told her that he had just had his first sexual experience, and the condom had broke.

He's only 20 years old.
He spoke with her 24 hours after it happened, and she was reaching out to me for advice, as her son wanted to get #HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (#PEP).

But he didn't know where or how to get it.

Despite being a family medicine doc, neither did she.…
Read 10 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
Pep “Foden has pain but it doesn’t matter; he says: ‘I play, I play.’ When he has discomfort and says he does not feel good, it’s because he does not feel good. But he’s a guy who tolerates well.”
Pep “Normally when you train with pain – it’s impossible to wake up in the morning and be clean with everything – but Foden is a guy where it’s not a problem.” #Pep
Pep “Foden loves playing football too much. Even in a bad situation, he wants to play and play, and not all of them are like this. Today he was training. He is not thinking about the injury now. I don’t know for tomorrow if I will choose him but soon he will be back.”
Read 6 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
⚠️ Si en una relación sexual el preservativo se rompe, sale, desliza o no se usa o si fuiste víctima de violación o abuso sexual 👉 #PedíLaPEP (Profilaxis post exposición). Image
✍🏼 La #PEP es el uso de medicamentos para reducir el riesgo de adquirir VIH y otras ITS. En el caso del #VIH se deben administrar antirretrovirales dentro de las 72 hs de la situación de riesgo y tomar por 28 días.
¡Ojo! te tienen que brindar el tratamiento completo para que sea efectivo.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
Do you #KnowyourHBVstatus? According to a study published in the Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Journal, "Up to 90 percent of people living with hepatitis B virus (HBV) worldwide are unaware of their infection"…
#HBV #KnowyourHBVstatus #ph260720
Have you been tested for Hepatitis B? #HBV #KnowyourHBVstatus #ph260720
According to @WHO estimates, 257 million people worldwide are living with chronic HBV infection. In the US, the @CDC estimates that 862,000 people are living with chronic Hep B

#HBV #statistics #awareness #ph260720
Read 10 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
Dica de um filme extremamente lindo porém impactante (contém gatilhos mentais) acerca da LGBTfobia dentro da própria casa.

A não-aceitação pela própria mãe.

‘Orações para Bobby’ pelo advogado da #equipemaravilha Vinicius Mello. Image
Lançado em 2012 no Brasil, orações para Bobby é baseado em uma história real que conta parte da vida do jovem Bobby Griffith.

A história se passa no final da década de 70 e início de 80. Bobby após uma tentativa de suicídio revela ao irmão a sua sexualidade.
Quando Mary, mãe do protagonista descobre o segredo do filho a relação se mostra extremamente conturbada.

A partir da saída do filho do armário, Mary tenta de todas as formas promover a “cura” de Bobby através da igreja.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 7th 2020
Starting my day of the #FastTrackScot is the "launch of the Scottish public attitudes to HIV report" with @markdiffley1 & @nathansparkling
Amazing to hear there were over 2000 responses to the survey!

And the fact that it was only completed in October is fantastic for keeping it up to date
First section was looking at awareness.

Over half the respondents initially said they thought they had good/very good knowledge of HIV.

Interesting to see the different percentages of people that believe different transmission methods of HIV.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 27th 2019
Analysis: #Cboe BZX $PEP

Case 59 #Pepsico Inc

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

Thread 👇👇👇

#PEP 1/5
Price moved #parabolic in 2019 a small correction ensued and price resumed to the upside. The longer term object around Aug. 2021 is 155-156.

PEP 2/5
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: Current #resistances seen at 141.15, 145.53, 148.75 and 150.95. Minor supports at 130.80 and 128.40 with major #support at 121.75-120.90.

PEP 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
California has made a lot of bold, progressive moves in the last two weeks -- working to defend our values against the Trump administration, make our state more affordable, and building a state that represents everyone who lives here. Here are a few highlights...
CA has abolished the use of private, for-profit prisons and immigration detention facilities. The multi-billion dollar industry turning a profit off of incarcerated people will come to an end.…
CA will now allow all Californians to give back by serving on boards and commissions, regardless of their immigration status.…
Read 12 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
Está na pauta da sessão de amanhã do #Senado o projeto de lei #PL 5.029/2019, que altera a legislação #eleitoral. O PL gera retrocessos escandalosos nas leis eleitorais e estimula #corrupção, #lavagem de bens e outros #crimes com NOSSO dinheiro. Está aqui:
O #PL5029 altera a Lei dos #Partidos Políticos (Lei 9.096/1995). Um dos maiores problemas é a mudança dos arts. 30 e 31 da lei, para permitir que os partidos usem qualquer sistema de contabilidade do mercado para #prestaçãodecontas. Hoje precisam usar o sistema mantido pelo #TSE
Se cada #partido prestar contas em sistema próprio, será impossível à Justiça Eleitoral usar critérios homogêneos e cruzar informações. As #prestaçõesdecontas dos #partidos, que já não são controladas com eficiência, virarão de vez prestações de faz-de-contas
Read 21 tweets
May 30th 2019
📣🌈Nuestro compi del área de #salud @Jor_integrador comienza la formación de voluntariado en #SaludSexual.

🤗Estamos contentos con la asistencia para incorporar #agentesdesalud para la intervención sociosanitaria con personas #MigrantesLGTB y #RefugiadosLGTB en #Madrid.
✔️Derribamos mitos en nuestro curso de formación de #agentesdesaludKifkif

📌El #vih no se transmite por:
🕷️Picadura de insecto
🚾Sentarse en el baño
Seguimos en formación de nuestros #agentesdesalud conversando sobre la profilaxis preexposición #PrEP dirigida a prevenir la
transmisión del #VIH y el tratamiento postexposicion #PeP
Read 4 tweets

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