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Nov 16th 2022
📢BREAKING: 95% of #COP27 sponsors have ties to the fossil fuel industry 📢

New research by @StopCorpAbuse @corporateeurope shows how 18 out 20 sponsors are linked to climate-wrecking fossil fuel corps.

Read the summary and then dig into each sponsor in this thread 🧵👇🏽
#COP27 sponsors include

🏦 Banks like @afreximbank @MashreqTweets
💽 Silicon valley beasts like @Microsoft @Cisco @IBM @Google
📶 Communication giant @VodafoneGroup
✈️ Airline @EGYPTAIR
🚘 Car company @GM
🫗 And of course @CocaCola
+ many more
📶@VodafoneGroup 📶

The UK telecoms company built a private 5G network for the oil&gas sector…

Oh... and its chairman, Gerard Kleisterlee, served as Deputy Chair of Directors on @Shell’s Board for 9 years.…
#PollutersOut Image
Read 20 tweets
May 31st 2022
[Live Tweet] Join our us at the #PeoplesForum!

@MaryMoeonoKolio @mitzijonelle @Tzeporah @lnacpil @alexraf Ayisha Siddiqa, Kalo Afeaki, Andrés Gomez, @chilledasad10 discuss strategies for a fair transition away from coal, oil and gas💪🏽

1/ @alexraf, global director of the #FossilFuelTreaty: this panel will offer reflections of activists around the world calling for a fair and equitable phase-out of oil, gas and coal, the main threat to our environment, climate and health🌎
2/ Andrés Gomez from @CensatAguaViva: in Colombia we have a history of #FossilFuels exploitation associated to violence & also to resistance, especially from indigenous peoples who consider oil as the blood of the earth and have had victories #NoAlFracking
Read 23 tweets
Sep 24th 2019
Starting now: U.S. Back in Paris: Ending U.S. Greed and Isolationism. Thanks @NewEconomyNYC for sponsoring! We'll be live-tweeting til noon #ClimateWeekNYC

@NewEconomyNYC We begin with a land acknowledgement, recognize the centuries of the Lenape people living on and caring for this land
@NewEconomyNYC We will talk about how the same systems that had a devastating impact on these people are the systems having a devastating impact on the earth.

These systems affect our ability to feel good about ourselves, to think, to do our work.
Read 43 tweets

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