
These systems affect our ability to feel good about ourselves, to think, to do our work.
Many people don't know the important role the U.S. has in the climate crisis and why we need to work full out to change that.

Exxon, for example, was doing research in the 1970s and discovered burning fossil fuels was gonna warm up the planet. #ExxonKnew

1980-- no doubt fossil fuel usage aggravating problem of increased CO2 in atmosphere
But then Big Oil swarmed him, spreading propaganda that there was no science here. Destroyed the careers of many scientists. Did full page ads in NYT denying climate change
So many countries have reduced their commitment to reducing green house gasses.
Pulling out of Paris doesn't just say "we won't reduce our emissions." It also says we won't share the resources and wealth we have here.
... Did you enjoy that? "Yeah!"

They are saying: you can't fool us anymore!
Have each other's back. Connect. Be hopeful. Take initiative. Do this all like we're never taken on before.
How do we do that?
Individually we need to examine where the places are that we can't stay hopeful, can't stay connected, ...
Where are the places where we go alone? Where are the places we get greedy?
Where are the places where we say "You know what? I like my privilege."

We have to look at our legacies of enslavement, our legacies of having lost our land, our legacies of not having been taken seriously as young people.

As @NaomiAKlein said in her recent NYC talk: In order for our movement to get more powerful, it needs to be emotionally healthy.
We can do that by telling our stories, feeling our feelings, releasing our emotions. @SustainAllLife wants to do this healing work with you, at the same time we are doing organizing work.
We have to allow our movements to create space for feelings.