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Apr 7th 2022
1/ Welcome to another edition of West’s Well-Being Wednesday! Today as #SGIM22 begins: a 🧵 on language, respect in medicine, and how this relates to #burnout and #wellbeing. #wellbeingwednesday #medtwitter #meded (reposting due to upload errors yesterday, my apologies)
2/ Last week I tweeted about this paper @MayoProceedings:
Physician Identification Badges: A Multispecialty Quality Improvement Study to Address Professional Misidentification and Bias…
3/ Role identification is an issue especially affecting women and URiM physicians, and can be an important reflection of workplace bias. Clear badging can help!
Read 25 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
#medtwitter #meded #primarycare @primarycarechat

Sorry going long, not sorry



From: All primary care docs (community, employed in large network, academic medical centers)

To: #healthcare system writ large, administrators/financial lever pullers

Primary care docs are in a precariously fatigued way

We deliver longitudinal relational care, which is foundational to the whole person rewarding work we need to be professionally happy, and to the revenue and reputational growth you need to maintain community market

Primary care docs fulfill an indispensable role not just in the local setting, but we provide what all the country and our society desperately needs - coordination and high value care in a system that overspends and doesn’t provide universal access nor competitive outcomes
Read 23 tweets
May 13th 2020
Motivational-ish interviewing (PreCOVID)

I'd just finished this heartfelt soliloquy about smoking cessation. We talked about grandbabies and his life and his lungs and his heart. He was looking deep into my eyes--like it was really resonating.

Me: "So, what do you think?" Image
Me: "How ready to you feel to quit?"

He furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes. Then he settled back into the chair next to the desk and let out an easy smile. A pack of Newports bulged in his front pocket.

He saw me see it and let out an exasperated sigh.

Next he rubbed his head, let out a raspy chuckle, and shook his head.

Him: "Tell me, doc. You ever had somebody piss you off REAL bad on a job you hate--then step outside on a break, flick your lighter and then take a good, hard drag on a menthol cigarette?"

Read 13 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
1/ Hey #medtwitter #proudtobeGIM

cc @mmteacherdoc @templeratcliffe @tony_breu @meggerber @laurelfick @adamcifu @DrSinhaEsq @SusanHingle

Received a text this AM from division’s admin coordinator

‘What a beautiful day it would have been for opening day - Let’s Go Mets ..’
2/ 2which my Chief of DGIM responded:

The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball.

America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time.

This field, this game->
3/ it’s part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that was once good, and what could be again.

Ohhh, people will come Ray. They most definitely come

To which I responded ->
Read 5 tweets
Aug 28th 2019
A #meded paper I love:

Using cognitive mapping to define key domains for successful attending rounds.

Roy B, et al. J Gen Intern Med. 2012 (with @medrants as final author)

Literally changed how I approach attending on wards and self assess. . . no exaggeration.
Here’s what learners want from us—these five attributes:

1) Learning Atmosphere
2) Clinical Teaching
3) Teaching Style
4) Communicating Expectations
5) Team Management

I keep these on a card in my pocket and intentionally work at them. Soooo doable!
Hand over heart—I kid you not:

When I began to focus on these 5 things, it showed my evaluations. I got much more robust narrative comments and felt like I could finally work on being the best version of ME (instead of what I thought was gold standard.)

Read 7 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
1/ #medtwitter #twitternists #proudtobeGIM

I've been sitting on a @SocietyGIM #sgim19 debrief #medthread since the meeting, and thought I might finally take a swing at it - here goes ..

I am considering whether I can do more division/systems leadership in coming years .. ->
2/ Theme of the conference was 'Courage to Lead', and single best workshop for me was :

Leading Change: Tools/Tips for Change Management

Crediting Alfred Burger, Emily Fondahn, Brent Petty, Nathan Spell, Dan Steinberg - can't find them on Twitter, so giving proper 🗣🗣.
3/ would like to share key concepts for all of us trying to lead in academic medicine or in #advocacy spaces.

First key Slide/thoughts:

The hard stuff - barriers to change .. ->
Read 16 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
Thread: Tell me about the good times (#residency)
1/Obviously, so many threads about the tough times in training. Neg experiences, disrespect, fatigue, depression. I began to wonder if I had imagined having a great residency experience. How could mine have been so different?
2/I wouldn't put it past me to have amnesia about the whole thing. So I texted some of my co-residents? Was I seeing things thru rose-colored goggles? Nope-they all said "Great time and Hard Work." Which is what I recall. With so many new interns preparing to start....
3/ Can you share with me some of the good times you remember? Because we surely don't want them all to start a new experience expecting doom and gloom. #MedTwitter #Twitternist #ProudToBeGIM #TipsForNewDocs
Read 8 tweets
May 9th 2019
President @SocietyGIM Dr @gcsmd shares her story to inspire us to find our community & purpose to give voice to those we serve & dare to be powerful in the service of our vision to advance health equity #SGIM19 ImageImageImage
Our work requires paradigm shift: focus on community’s strengths (not weaknesses) to build health equity. Center those who we hope to serve in our work! Image
Center theories that elevate oppressed communities, center the strengths of the community, their voices & experiences. #ProudtobeGIM
Read 3 tweets

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