I've been sitting on a @SocietyGIM #sgim19 debrief #medthread since the meeting, and thought I might finally take a swing at it - here goes ..
I am considering whether I can do more division/systems leadership in coming years .. ->
Leading Change: Tools/Tips for Change Management
Crediting Alfred Burger, Emily Fondahn, Brent Petty, Nathan Spell, Dan Steinberg - can't find them on Twitter, so giving proper 🗣🗣.
First key Slide/thoughts:
The hard stuff - barriers to change .. ->

Call out programmed behaviors not aligned to pt/learner/team centeredness.
Reject misaligned goals counter to the right change ..
-> the CMS CHF readmission penalty program mess comes to mind
The important work of philanthropy
Advocating for reallocation of funds in an organization or society
Transparency of #GME funds within our departments/divisions comes to mind
Create sense of urgency:
#insulin4all - type 1 DM #patients rationing/dying
#asthma maintenance meds not made affordable
#burnout/#moralinjury statistics in RNs, MDs, ALL of US! ->
#VaccinesWork - measles outbreaks
Denial of humanity for half our #patients - #autonomy over her body threatened.
How are those for URGENT
So in academic medicine, & 4learner-advocates, have to know stakeholders better - trainees need advocacy curricula to access legislators, administrators. We need 2put HUMAN face to administrative spaces ->
#leadership dyad programs, hi potential programs->
What's the right change - the hi value, just, pt driven, systems improvement over chair yoga driven change ....
the right change, not what's maximally profitable or what's status quo convenient
E.g., the vision of equitable leadership, diversity ->
Sorta reminded of the #ACA (there's an old hashtag) - the individual mandate, the mechanics, the just outcomes sought, the means of funding were not communicated well enough
Once we've got our change - teach, publicize, use media well, get buy in->
Change projects need inclusion, valuing of all team/professional perspectives .. need to be led from the bottom up. All patient care interested team members should have leadership skills brought out in them, not just the visioning folks at the top.
Then-don't let up, make it stick. Priotitize sustainability strategies->
Last, I promise - I found this workshop so pivotal, important for anyone thinking about #meded clinical #SDoH #advocacy #leadership, and for working to improve systems and physician influence re: #healthcare policy, just had to share.
Thx for indulging.