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Jun 22nd 2023
I find it telling that people who make "these" claims are perfectly willing to stand corrected - IN A PUBLIC DEBATE.

Offering to have your evidence-based beliefs corrected in public is about as genuinely humble and vulnerable as one could be.

#PublicDebate is healthy!
Equally telling is when offering to debate, the response is to make false accusations, play the victim and personally attack others using derogatory labels like AntiVaxxer or Conspiracy Theorist w/o a shred of evidcence to support their claims. This exposes their lies in my view.
The reason none of them CAN debate is because theories on conspiracies have proven true, like the lab leak being confirmed yesterday. Like the lies about #HCQ and #IVM being exposed by DARPA. Like the vaccines working poorly evidenced by 5+ boosters
Read 8 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
An all time low for an Irish Government has been hit. By pure chance this afternoon I noticed what appeared to be a Government motion to ratify the deeply controversial EU Canada Trade Deal #CETA next Tuesday 15 Dec. Yes the one with the dreaded #ICS #ISDS clauses. Yes its true -
#CETA which so many #Greens had expressed opposition to... the one which leaves us massively exposed to claims from foreign investors .. the one we fear will create a regulatory chill making the Government even more reluctant to take effective #ClimateActions the one ..
Mairead McGuinness said could damage #Irishfarming and which we'd need to have a safeguard clause and consider a compo package for .. the day AFTER she voted for it in the EU Parliament…
.. a nice killer blow now on top of the #Brexit
Read 12 tweets

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