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Nov 13th 2021
#RomanSiteSaturday - Fishbourne Roman Palace🏛️

(1/8) Located in Chichester, #England, Fishbourne Roman Palace (@romanpalace) is an incredible example of Roman residential architecture and is thus far the largest building known from #RomanBritain.

#Classics #Roman #History
(2/8) Fishbourne Palace has very early origins compared to the many sites of Roman Britain. Occupation of the site appears to have started in 43 CE, the year of the Roman invasion. Initially, Fishbourne acted as a supply depot for the Roman army.
(3/8) By the 60's CE, the site had developed into a stone-walled villa, which featured a colonnaded courtyard garden and bathhouse. Based on excavations, it appears Italian craftsmen were employed to decorate Fishbourne with wall paintings and stucco mouldings.
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Nov 28th 2020
1) In the mid 2nd century AD, two brothers stood on the bank of the newly constructed Foss Dyke canal near Roman Lincoln. Bruccius and Caratius Colasunus had together invested in a fine dedication to one of the gods, perhaps in fulfillment of a vow they had once made or hoping..
2) ..the god might watch over a coming venture. For their offering the Colasuni brothers had paid the substantial sum of 100 sesterces (25 silver denarii or 1 gold aureus) to the metalworker Celatus, for the creation of an impressive bronze statuette of Mars, the god of war...
3) Celatus had also decided to buy-in to the Colasuni brothers' dedication by donating the value of the raw bronze (12 sesterces) for free. His statuette of Mars shows the muscular god stood on a plinth, wearing nothing but a large helmet with high plume.
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Aug 30th 2020
2nd century tombstone, found near Arbeia, a Roman fort at present-day South Shields, with bilingual inscriptions, in Latin and Palmyrene. A commemoration of 30 year old Regina, a freedwoman from central Britannia, by her bereaved husband, Barates, from Palmyra. Image
Tyne and Wear. 8.7 km east-north-east of Wallsend, on the south bank of the Tyne at its mouth, England. #RomanBritain……
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Aug 10th 2020

1. Laurence was born in Spain and became a deacon in Rome. During the persecution of Valerian, he was ordered to hand over all the valuables of the Church. St Laurence thereupon

#StLawrence #StLaurence #Aug10 #Christian Image
2. gathered numerous poor people in the area, presented them to the city prefect and said, “Here is the Church’s treasure.” After his arrest in 258, he was burned to death by being roasted on a gridiron.

#RomanEmpire #romanbritain #Romans #history #persecution of Christians

Glorious St Laurence, model of Christian fortitude, please in your loving kindness to pray for me before the throne of God. To you I have recourse in the problems that daily surround me.

Shield me against my selfishness and my indifference to God and my neighbour.
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Jul 16th 2020
We have over 60 participants, but there are still some spaces left on our @Classical_Assoc Teaching Board CPD for Ancient History next Thursday. Supported by @Manchester_CA & @mcys_mmu #GCSE #ALevel #Classics #History
Pre-recorded videos for the subject-specific sessions will become available over the weekend through @Manchester_CA:…
Some great sources and approaches from @Papyrus_Stories on #Cleopatra #Rome & #Egypt 60-31BCE - inscriptions, coins, statures and more:
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