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Dec 28th 2022


“We did not choose the past.”

President Macron wants to distance himself from France's colonial past. However, the crimes committed in Algeria over a period of 132 years have not been forgotten and Paris still does not want to apologise.
During Algeria’s war of independence (1954 - 1962), 1.5-million Algerians lost their lives seeking freedom.

#Africa #Colonialism #imperialism #IndependenceDay
In 1945 in Setif, French troops massacred 45,000 unarmed Algerians under the command of General Raymond Duval.

#Macron #massacre #raymondduval #setif
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May 17th 2020
▪Qasr Al-Hajīrah:

Une des plus vieilles oasis de Ouargla et berceau de la tribu riyahi des Sa'īd 'Amr
Les Sa'īd 'Amr appartiennent à la branche Sa'īd de Banī Rīyah dont les nombreux clans peuplent la région de Wārgla et de Wādī Rīgh comme les 'Otba et les Mawlāt. ImageImageImage
Ces tribus permirent aux Dhawāwida, alors à la tête des Riyāh, d'étendre leur émirat jusqu'à Touggourt

Read 14 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
Mass protests are taking place in the streets of #Algeria 🇩🇿 with the #12Dec elections less than a week away.

According to the protesters these elections are just a way for the corrupt established regime to legitimize itself.
#Algeria 🇩🇿: protesters in #Bejaia (#Kabylie) singing the national anthem at the pro-democracy protest today
"Pouvoir assassin, pouvoir assassin, pouvoir assassin, assassin, assassin"

Bejaia, #Algeria 🇩🇿 today
Read 7 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
#Algeria 🇩🇿: mass protests in #Algiers on the 40th Friday of pro-democracy rallies
#Algeria 🇩🇿: 40 Fridays for freedom
#Algeria 🇩🇿: pro-democracy protests taking place in #Setif.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 25th 2019
Nel giardino di casa abbiamo un'altra #Libia pronta ad esplodere: si chiama #Algeria 🇩🇿ma nessun media mainstream ne parla.
Nel mio piccolo ho provato a farlo io qui:
Quoting @agenzia_nova
UPDATE #Algeria : oggi tocca agli studenti. Nella descrizione dell'evento si parla di manifestazioni "contro le gang della cocaina". E' un riferimento ironico ad alcuni parlamentari coinvolti nel narcotraffico. Una metafora della corruzione in generale del sistema politico.
Facoltà di medicina, Algeri. Polizia schierata di fronte ai manifestanti.
Read 96 tweets

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