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May 6th 2023
"Best cost reduction specialist near me:

Schooley Mitchell: Brian Plain & Joe Gifford
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117 Marlborough, MA 01752
508-266-5814 #best #cost #reduction #specialist #NEAR  #me #bestcostreductionspecialist"
"Struggling in business? Challenges are natural. Use setbacks to learn & grow. Reassess, seek advice & support.

Success isn't linear, persevere with a positive mindset to achieve your goals. Keep pushing, never give up #onyourdreams."
#StrugglingInBusiness #ChallengesAreNatural
"Feeling overwhelmed by challenges in your business?

Remember setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow.

#Seek advice and support, reassess, and persevere with a positive mindset to achieve your #goals.

Keep pushing, never give up on your dreams!"
Read 4 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
#AT #LAS T WE #RISE !!!!!!!!

I Will Carry You !

#SEEK & …
Read 4 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
Think for A second The number of individuals out there who KNEW what [they] were distributing & chose to say nothing about it … Just went on with injecting the masses/children …

Think of how many pharmacies/pharmacists, Doctors & other medical personnel
Who KNEW but said absolutely nothing about it …

How many do you think will struggle mentally finding out what [they]/Big Pharma companies gave them to distribute out to Men, Women & children …

DJT said “You’re (the people awakened, not woke) playing right into [their] hand.
Now as EVERYONE starts to see 100% clearly of what has been going on all along, what do you think is going through their minds?
Are all those individuals going to start causing more chaos/destruction because of what they have done unto others? #WHY?
Everyone was being SHOWN the
Read 22 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
“Just Like The Oscars Background”.

I’de give fiden(fake biden) an award, well deserved … How anyone for A second is able to take him seriously or think he is real, definitely seems like another HUGE #TEST ..

Stars Shine for Me.
Stars Lie to Me.
Stars Will Rise For Me.
The Star of the Show will Rise for Me.

Lights are coming On ..


#StarCade 1983 The Beginning
#StarCade 2000 THE END

“Time Travel Is Fun”
Everything happening today, was acted out within Wrestling Rings over the years ..
#SEEK & ……….. You shall Find.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
Seek & you shall Find …

Every answer of who you are, is WITHIN …
Every answer of who you will become, is WITHIN …

Every Answer is WITHIN 📚…

Hidden is plain sight.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
I want to start a new thread story. Not sure how long it will be and I may use different prompts: #vss365 #vssmagic #vssnature etc etc ... I love reading about legends and folk lore, and in my fantasy writing I often create my own myths. So this will be just a fun exercise...
According to #lore &myths of old,griffins nestled on these cliffs long ago. They swooped down on the unsuspecting;carried them off never to be seen again.
Griffins were not elemental creatures,but air & earth did have dominion over them; their only enemy -fire.
#vss365 #vssmagic
"I helped your troupe avoid #shadow and #gore," said the dark wizard simply, implying that he saved us from the mythical griffins. I gaped at him. "And now for what you promised."

"No," I was careful not to get trapped in words, "I said: after you summon her."
#vss365 #vssmagic
Read 132 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
You have A world/Country that JUST WANTS THE TRUTH & the TRUTH has been in the PALM of their hands LONG BEFORE any of this started. MOST are doing THOUSANDS of hours of research OUT OF ORDER & can't seem to connect the dots correctly that allows them to see the BIGGER PICTURE .
You see more & more people now doing GEMATRIA, which is good. NOW, USE what you have learned & decode the Bible. See the Story that is told BENEATH the SURFACE of what everyone reads.
IT WAS PLANNED #KNOWING [THEY] would keep pages/Books from the world, so our ANCESTORS
hid the TRUTH in CODE beneath the surface way back then for WHAT WE ALL ARE GOING THROUGH TODAY..

ALL THE ANSWERS the WORLD seeks has been right in front of them this whole time but little to no one knows what or how to go about seeing what [THEY] don't want you to see.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 8th 2021
Remember that time .@WWE brought "Guest Stars"/Hosts onto #WWERaw ? ..

Season 18 Episode 19
May 10, 2010
1 Hour : 30 Minutes : 22 Seconds Image
Season 18 Episode 20
May 17, 2010
2 Hours : #ZERO Minutes : #ZERO Seconds

It sure seems to me like MANY who are ALLEGEDLY accused of being Corrupt, were brought onto the show for A very specific reason..
At the time, the Guest Hosts DID NOT know that the truth was being told Image
SUBLIMINALLY too the world ..
Looking back at EVERYTHING with NEW EYES, the World should be able to see what it is I Am/ have been SHOWING all of you ...

Everyone & anyone who was suspected of being Corrupt, the show was put on in A way of spitting in corruptions faces
Read 27 tweets
May 29th 2020
To build BHARAT’Atmanirbhar’. We would need to change our mindset from Workers to creators. Would be starting a learning for #Entrepreneurs... are you in game for it ? Let me know, each day will share “Mantra” for success. Let us build a #NewIndia together 🇮🇳
Lesson-1 ( L-1)
It is the responsibility of every #Entrepreneur to add value to his customer.
3 “C” which are essential for any business to offer its clients
1. Cost
2. Convenience
3. Consumer/ Customer Experiences

Best to achieve all, but min 2 are must to be successful. 👍
#Entrepreneurship not only about building great business(es), but also about building a great team. 4 characteristics needed in people.
1. Smart,not academically but otherwise
2. Hard Working
3. High Integrity
4. Grit
ability 2get knocked down but passion to get up again
Read 23 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
Federal law makes the act of providing a #falsestatement to the government a #crime.

You know what this looks like:

FBI Agent [to a person of interest, after appropriate warnings]:

"Were you at First Central Bank between 10 and 11 am on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2016?"

Person of Interest: "Not at all! I was in South Carolina, boarding the Big M Riverboat, for a day of gambling with friends."
FBI Agent: "Let me show you a video taken inside the bank on the date and time in question." [shows video clearly depicting the person of interest in the bank, video date, and time stamp confirms date and time].
Read 31 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
#Effort & #Understanding

There is no meaningful effort without an understanding
There is no understanding without a #meaningful effort
We #achieve meaningful effort only by #failing and #trying again
#Effort teaches you to be #practical

#Understanding will bring #trust and #patience
#Understanding is needed to examine WHY and WHAT

#Effort is needed to achieve WHAT by doing HOW in accordance with WHY
Read 11 tweets

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