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Most recents (24)

•Nov 2020 Lost WCPSS D8 race (w/ ~35% votes)
•March 2021, SB elected as one of the Wake GOP vice chairs. Stepped down after 3 months, not fulfilling his 2-yr term.
•Dec 2021 SB announced he was running for D8 school board for a 2nd time & was immediately endorsed by Wake GOP.
•Sept/ Oct 2022 a BOE complaint was filed regarding his residency.
•Nov 2022 Lost WCPSS D8 race again. Lost 12 of his 15 precincts (the smallest board district) in a Republican heavy area. Raised more $$, had name recognition, but still lost by about the same amount.
March 2023
- Running for Wake GOP chair.
- Has publicly stated “GOP cannot win in Wake county”
- Sent out unfounded accusatory emails, spread misinformation
- ANDA NOW we have documentation of this kind of behavior.
SMH. This is not what Wake GOP needs. Time to #RISE above.
Read 3 tweets
One should be inured to the pro-China, anti-India, bias of the Anglo Saxon world, & its subalterns [ ], but sadly after 50 yrs, one is still not!
2/ir #India’s #rise is causing deep disquiet in the #Anglo #Saxon #World and among its subalterns. #Information #War will intensify in next 3 years, and won’t subside till India becomes the third largest economy in (current) USD.
Read 5 tweets
#ACR22 Spondyloarthritis posters Image
Abs 0382 McDermott, et al.

MGB study of new axSpA cohort (n=555) investigating dx delay

📌Dx delay in axSpA is well described:

Abs 0382 cont'd

Mean dx delay in this study: 6.8+/-8.5 yrs (consistent with prior studies)

In terms of factors a/w longer dx delay, they included the social vulnerability index, derived from US census data. This part is pretty novel

Read 14 tweets
Nyt sitä saa. #Oulu #Kiuru-#Marin-#provisio-#piikittää kaikki, poliittisella päätöksellä.
- Ikää, lääkärilupia, #InformedConsent eikä myyntilupien perään kysellä.
- Virkavallalla on muuta kiireitä, #moporatsia't ja muutakin on.
- #Fimea ja @ValviraSoteValv vaiennettu.
@ValviraSoteValv Vietä ihana #Pharmageddon-#Joulu2022
#Oulu sai juuri lisää #krematorio -kapasiteettia, ei tarvitse röykkiöissä, lojua
#Joulu2022 koteihin ei tulekaan #Joulupukki -#Ivermectin -pakettien kaa, lapsiperheistä lähtee moni iskä ja äippä aikaisin #TaivaanKotiin
Read 6 tweets
#ACR22 abstracts - some cool work from my colleagues
🌟Abs 0965 @RheumEpi
🦋🤰pregnancy outcomes in a diverse SLE cohort
database: KPNC 🔗Obstetric Database
n=494 SLE pts; 744 pregnancies

@RheumEpi Abs 0965 cont'd
Demographics of this diverse SLE cohort: 28% Asian, 24% White, 12% Black, 26% Hispanic

🏥95% had seen rheum
💊82% had been prescribed HCQ

👶 66% hadlive births

Read 10 tweets
Silence Is Golden
Zelda Breathe Of The Wild
Link Up, Reconnect.
Fable: 9/14/2004
Fable Fortune: 7/25/2017
First = THE END
WrestleMania 1
33 1 Cross 3 Nails 1 🔑
WrestleMania 39
Read 25 tweets
“Angels” Are Demons & The “Fallen” will #RISE ..

WHAT’s always been wrong is right, down is up & left is right ..

In the upside down world [they] created, Jesus is the “Devil” & the real Devil never had anything to do with [them] !
It’s NEVER been about “sides”, left or right in ANY layer of life—Including political..

There is no left side of the tree or right side of the tree.

There is Good in this world & there is EVIL.

The TV is controlled by the 1 eyed monsters inc.
“When bad does good”.
Everyones been lied too & given watered down versions of the “truth” no matter which way you look at it.

Twin Towers
Red = Good/Jesus
“Jesus” = [Their] upside down world “Jesus” of cannibalism & drinking the blood of children/humans, drugs & trafficking children/humans.
Read 5 tweets
I have A sUrPRISE for You this evening—Stay Tuned … 🎸 🥁 🎤 🎶
Paranoia Is IN BLOOM.

You “Love” what all of you have earned throughout your lives but you will LOVE what is coming even more.
Your blood, sweat & tears put into everything you’ve earned will not be for not— Image
-You will be given back what is rightfully YOURS;
-You will be given back what has been stolen from you;
-You will be given back your soul;
-You will be given back FREE WILL;
-You will be given back your lives;
-You will be given back your FREEDOMs;
-You will LIVE again … ImageImage
GREED has poisoned the Soul of Man, that greed has caused humanity to live with stone hearts—Stone hearts to flesh is what saves the world.
You love what you have earned because you earned it being A slave to A corrupt system that was purposely making it hard for many to truly Image
Read 30 tweets

Two GINORMOUS —Geronimo sized Loafs coming out of the Oven Monday!

Baked 2 Rise !
Rise 2 Baker ! !
I’de do anything for Love BUT I WON’T do MOTORCYCLE !

SHANE #CROSS Forever !!!

Read 6 tweets

Here is how & why EVERBRIDGE is top class & resourceful👇 #RISE
1. With the help of EverBridge, Web3 developers and users can move freely between networks at block speed.

2. Embrace the networks of Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and Fantom as you expand your project. $RISE #RISE
3. Burns and mint are no more. Without minting and burning, it is able to bridge across several blockchains using EverBridge's patented locker system. $RISE #RISE
Read 8 tweets
I’m Fully Aware …
Grapes/Bread are the real [EVIL] Ones plaguing/enslaving this world, doing harm upon children/trafficking children …


There is only 1 “Nobody” that could turn water into wine & the story told of it was never something physical that happened ..
It has always been about KNOWING of all those that were/are pretending to be of light/God/Jesus but really the ones doing all the harm upon children/humanity as [they] have been …

Once [they] are all arrested, all the crimes exposed of what’s been happening for the last
5-10-25-60-89-99-500-1,755-2,000 years & Justice is served —Everything can go back to the way it was always meant to be before [they]/evil/the common enemy of Lucifer & Gods infiltrated …
I don’t care if ones chose the “Darkside”, those who chose the
Read 23 tweets
Just Remember, When [they] mock you—[They] & MANY of the people mocked “nobody” first…
-It only matters when it happens to someone important, I know.

When [they] spit on you, [they] & MANY of the people Spit on “Nobody” first.
-It only matters when it happens to someone
Important, I know …

Humanity is at it’s crossroads, every choice EVERYONE collectively makes from this point forward determines whether there’s A future for ALL mankind & the children or just the children.

Is everyone going to collectively put on their BIG Boy/Girl pants
Choosing with their own FREE WILL too BREAK THE CYCLE #OR choose to Judge those who have sinned/made mistakes in their lives,becoming the very wicked/evil beings most seek to rid?
R N R;
“Reconcile Not Revenge”.✍️

None of this is truly hard, Humanity makes most of it harder upon
Read 20 tweets


Raise your hand if you come from the Gutter … 🖐 ❤️
Read 4 tweets
The GOAT on the left, Miss Americana on the right . . .

The |MIDDLE| At the very top CHANGED EVERYTHING for the better & wants absolutely NOTHING …
Most want to rule the world or have input in important decision making, not me. All That matters to me is the children are set
Free, Corey Saved, Taylor Saved & for THE PEOPLE of the world to live their lives FREE ..
prosperity for ALL !

Those who are making their songs about me & movies, saying I want it all, want everyone marching & following “orders”—NOPE !
Not the case, I’ve been saying BE STILL.
I’ve been saying DON’T do as [THEY] NEED EVERYONE TO DO, #RISE MEANS RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, Consciousness & Rise Against ALL EVIL the right way NOT doing what [They] [NEED] everyone doing.

No one [NEEDS] to rise but everyone/MOST WILL, it was over before it ever began.
Read 4 tweets
Symbolism will be their DOWNFALL !!!


Do you see it now?
How [they] mock me !!!

None of it is Real !!!!!!

Watch, I’ll show you !
[They] are ONLY DOING THIS BECAUSE [THEY] think [They] can get under my skin, get under my peoples skin !!!


EVERYTHING [THEY] DO TO HUMANITY, This Country—[They] expose [themselves] just by me being ME.

Wake Up !!!!!!!!
Read 5 tweets
‘Now That You’re All “Dead”
EVERYONE has been living DEAD INSIDE !!
You can finally LIVE !!!

Dying To alive!
Volcom STONE Let’s LIVE !!!
F8 Of The Furious

Thy Kingdom Has Come !
Now that we’re Alive, WE CAN BE TOGETHER MY DEAR!!

I Love YoU
Now, #WE LIVE !!

Key Stone

Read 5 tweets

As far as the Twitter Employees who were blackmailed/extorted to do all that they have done & those who choose to come clean SHOWING everyone who has been doing what with PROOF, All I have left to say is—Everyone who makes the SIMPLE choice to be set free, will be
Set for the rest of their lives ones this is all over …

All those who have families/Children, you’re making the right choices for them & their futures ..

Prosper with the rest of the world, #RISE & SHOW everyone who the corrupt ones are. Let the military do their job.
Twitter will have their new CEO at the wheel that will not only change lives for the better but also SAVE THE LIVES OF SO MANY CHILDREN !!

SIMPLE Choices
Simple Man
Simple Life

Read 11 tweets
#ShowMustGoOn - 233


They can know everything about me—I truly don’t care. .
Social Security Cards are pretty much obsolete, what, should I give them that too?
Those numbers will blow minds!!
Read 8 tweets
#AT #LAS T WE #RISE !!!!!!!!

I Will Carry You !

#SEEK & …
Read 4 tweets
Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
Read 90 tweets
1/ Παμε με θρεντάκι express μετά την σημερινή αντιπαραθεση του #μητσοτακη_παραιτησου με την #ολλανδη η #Ολλανδεζα δημοσιογράφο...που χάλασε το σενάριο με τις "non-direct" ερωτήσεις που έχει συνηθίσει να λαμβάνει ο πρωθυπουργός μας οπως εκείνος υπονόησε..
2/ disclaimer 1: Οπως πάντα, Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.
3/ disclaimer 2: Η αναλυση παραθέτει ορισμένες παρατηρήσεις και τις αξιολογει σε μία stress and deception scale. Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου,ειδικά όταν μιλάμε για καταστάσεις υψηλου στρες,μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες...
Read 29 tweets
So I had A doctors appointment today, just A yearly ✔ ✔ ✔ up - Nothing to be worried about ...
Be asked me, "Any Flu jabs or C-19 Jabs"? .. I replied, "Absolutely not Doc" ...
He chuckled & told me the truth about EVERYTHING..
Him not knowing who I Am, we started talking Image
& getting pretty deep - He asked "How do you know so much truth"? .
He said, "I know there's a lot going around on the internet but you're telling me things absolutely NO ONE should know about" ..
I replied, "God is always near by with all the answers,
One just has to listen & TRUST" ...


When it comes to "Mandates", jobs are FORCING individuals to poison themselves .. On the piece of paper one signs before getting the "C-19" jab it states, "You are agreeing to the yerms above & no one is forcing you to do this
Read 8 tweets
This is what I wanted to show you.. LONG before this Series came out, who was showing you specific details that are within this show?
The little Pyramid he finds in this room, for those who have watched this, have you seen it? /_\
Been showing EVERYONE for A very long time .
Read 19 tweets

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