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Feb 1st 2023
The 3d Circuit #CourtOfAppeals has foiled #JohnsonAndJohnson's plan to use a bankruptcy scam called the #TexasTwoStep to escape paying 40,000 women whom the pharma giant sold carcinogenic, asbestos-tainted talcum to dust over their vulvas.… 1/ A picture of a white-out dust storm at Burning Man. A giant
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Back in 2018, a jury awarded $4.69 billion to 22 women whose ovarian cancer was caused by J&J's toxic product, $4.14b of which was punitive. 3/
Read 21 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
No, Richard Morrison, it's not hypocrisy to end a fossil fuel sponsorship in 2023.

The Royal Opera House should have done it sooner.

And if you'd taken the time to join the dots, it would be obvious why... 🧵 1/x…
He writes that cultural orgs 'that benefited from money from the #Sackler family were right to erase their links'.

But not long ago, he called them 'hugely generous arts benefactors, but from a fortune partly derived from making addictive opioids.' 🧐2/x…
And that gets us to the heart of the issue.

It was actually that the #Sacklers/Purdue profited from *intentionally* misleading people about Oxcontin's addictiveness and breaking the law.

Cultural philantropy deflected the spotlight and rehabilitated the Sackler name. 3/x
Read 11 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
fyi Colorado,

opioid money isn't going towards addiction spending,
its going into the general budget… #opioids #colorado #government #politics #sackler #purdue #opioidcrisis
"Under the framework, 60% of Colorado’s settlement proceeds will be distributed to 19 regions of the state. Regional Governance Councils, made up of local leaders from each region, will make decisions about how to spend the money & provide reports"
there is nothing that says this money has to be spent on addiction services, NOTHING

That sweet sweet opioid litigation money is going to general budgets & pet projects,

If u are lucky, you might get a new Otter refuge
Read 11 tweets
May 18th 2019

The Flynn revelations are so important:

Barr’s actions & redactions are now under a microscope.

This direct evidence of witness tampering challenges Barr’s conclusion: ‘no obstruction’

What else has Barr subverted & why?

Barr is likely under inv’n for O of J.

Barr admits he gets limited info —compartmentalized.😎

Tribe: Barr’s self-contradictions are piling up around him.

Just when it seems his once-estimable rep as a straight-shooter couldn’t be any more thoroughly ground down, it goes through the shredder yet again.”

Which is why the FBI are under attack by the L & R.

It is imperative the House holds hearings in which evidence of Trump’s misconduct is heard publicly

📌The tide turned when the Nixon tape was aired. The same will happen here, when we hear the tape(s). Lordy! 🍿
Read 38 tweets

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