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Oct 27th 2020
Trump, by tweet, argues against counting all the votes:

"Must have final total on November 3rd."

But the other lie is Twitter’s statement that mail-in voting is "safe and secure." Not in America:…

The seminal MIT study, Losing Votes by Mail, warns that 22% – more than one in five mail-in ballots – never get counted. #SaveMyVote2020…
What’s the solution?

Massive in-person early voting.

Go mid-week when there are no lines.

Bring mask, gloves, sanitizer, ID and resolve.

#VOTE #VoteEarly #SaveMyVote2020…
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Oct 23rd 2020
Glad the New York Times has caught up to what I’ve warned about: mailing in your ballot is playing Russian roulette with your vote. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. #VoteByMail #VoteByMail2020 #SaveMyVote2020…
And this year, some Boogaloo schmuck in a Hawaiian shirt will be the poll watcher challenging your ballot. #ElectionDay #Election2020 #Voting…
As we've previously reported, a seminal MIT study, Losing Votes by Mail, warns that 22% – more than one in five mail-in ballots – never get counted. #VoteByMail #VoteByMail2020 #PurgeByPostcard #VoterSuppression #ElectionFraud #VotingRights #CivilRights…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
On Monday, our lawyers wrote a letter to the #Georgia Secretary of State, #BradRaffensperger, demanding he restore over 198,000 voters that he and his predecessor, #BrianKemp, wrongly purged from the voter rolls by erroneously claiming they'd moved.…
We're going to make this easy for Raffensperger. Our non-partisan not-for-profit fund will arrange for the Postal Service’s official licensee, Merkle Inc., to contract with the Secretary of State's office to obtain the correct list of those who’ve moved.…
We will also provide the massive deep files of the nation’s leading “address hygiene” experts. All this can be done in a matter of hours — if Raffensperger is sincere about wanting to reverse this wrong against voters. #SaveMyVote2020…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
Trump’s surprise 2016 wins in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were the shockers that gave him the White House by a minuscule margin of 77,400 votes — just 0.5% of the vote in those states.
Trump won Michigan by less than 0.1% — but the exit polls showed he’d lost by 0.3%. In Wisconsin, Trump won the official count by less than 1%, but the exit polls showed Clinton won by a substantial 3.7%. In Pennsylvania, once again: exit polls gave the win to Clinton.
So what happened? (Hint: The Red Shift.)
Read 4 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
Hundreds of thousands of voters have been struck from the voter rolls and they have no idea.

There’s no question that this attack on the voter rolls is affecting voters of color and young people — and could absolutely change the outcome of the election.

In October 2019, #Georgia’s Secretary of State published a list of over 300,000 citizens purged from the state’s voter rolls. But, almost two out of three of those Georgia voters struck off for moving from their registration address hadn’t moved at all.

In some states voters need to show photo ID in order to vote in person.

In "Exact Match" states, voter registration details have to match govt ID — down to the last hyphen.

In Georgia, about 70% of voters impacted by “Exact Match” are African American.

Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
"The information, as provided, was not reliable.” — Ann Jacobs, Wisconsin Elections Commission Chair on the #WisconsinPurge list. #SaveMyVote2020…
It’s not the State of Wisconsin that's demanding voters be removed from the rolls using the error-ridden purge list.

It’s a right-wing group that’s trying to force the State's hand with a lawsuit that goes before the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Tuesday.…
"I think it's crystal clear that the intent of this lawsuit was to remove voters from the voting rolls, and particularly voters in urban an attempt to gain an advantage in Wisconsin for the Republican races." — Ann Jacobs, Elections Commission Chair
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Sep 25th 2020
BREAKING: Wisconsin “Movers” Voter Purge List Errors — 39,722 Face Loss of Vote for Moving Despite not Having Moved… #SaveMyVote2020 #WisconsinPurge
We found 39,722 Wisconsin voters who supposedly moved, had in fact not moved, a minimum 25.8% error rate.

A further 58,404 or 38% who had moved, had only done so within their county.

If even half of these moved locally, the error rate rises to 45.8%.…
#WisconsinPurgeList: There's measurable bias against voters of color and low-income voters, and evidence of bias against young and student voters.…
Read 4 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Georgia Wrongly Purged Almost 200,000 Voters: Is Brad Raffensperger using Jim Crow methods to keep people from voting?

Full interview with @Thom_Hartmann for @FreeSpeechTV:…
I know the game #Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's playing. Rather than immediately restoring to the rolls the nearly 200,000 voters he wrongly purged, he's trying to make us sue to delay things until after the election.…
We've made the #GeorgiaPurge list searchable and put it online, so #Georgia voters can find out if they've been removed from the rolls and re-register before the Oct 5 deadline.…

Share this post to help us spread the word!

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Sep 24th 2020
Address List Hygiene expert on the "mystery" of the Georgia purge… #GeorgiaPurge #SaveMyVote2020
On Sept 2, the @ACLUofGA released a report prepared by us detailing how 198,351 #Georgia voters were wrongly purged. One likely source of error: 3 of 4 voters cancelled were marked “NCOA” but were not in fact on the National Change of Address list.… Image
We're calling for all 198,351 voters that were wrongly purged from Georgia's voter rolls to be restored BEFORE the election!… Image
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Sep 8th 2020
Our experts found that the State of Georgia wrongly removed 198,351 voters from the rolls during a purge conducted in 2019. And it's not just anyone that gets purged. Racial, income, age, and location bias is endemic to the process.…
To learn more, read the report we prepared for the @ACLUofGA:… #GeorgiaPurge #SaveMyVote2020 Image
Most victims of the #GeorgiaPurge will never know they've been removed from the voter rolls.

Find out if your name's on the list — before it's too late — at:

If you're a Georgia voter who's been purged, you need to re-register by Oct 5.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
The results of our investigation are breathtaking and heartbreaking: 199,000 #Georgia citizens wrongly purged from voter rolls—using a system which tends to target younger voters and voters of color. #GeorgiaPurge #SaveMyVote2020…
The State of Georgia claims these voters moved, but the nation’s top experts in address verification say they haven’t.

Are you one of Georgia's purged? If you're on this list, check your registration IMMEDIATELY!…
We can't imagine where #Georgia's Secretary of State got his 'mover' list. But we know, from the name-by-name review by our experts, that 3 out of 4 names the Sec of State claims are on the USPS change-of-address registry are not on the Post Office list.…
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