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THREAD 🧵 Our 6️⃣th public evidence session has started ⬇️

First up, impacts on freedom of expression w/

🗣️ @RichardAWilson7 @UConnLaw
🗣️ @SilkieCarlo @BigBrotherWatch
🗣️ @MatthewdAncona @tortoise
🗣️ Barbora Bukovska @article19org

Watch live here 📺…
There is a problem with online abuse and law enforcement. But with Clause 11 in the Bill, this is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation for freedom of speech, says witness @SilkieCarlo @BigBrotherWatch…
With apologies to those following us, the live stream has just gone down... we'll be back up as soon as possible!
Read 29 tweets
🎙️Alô, alô 🎧Bora aproveitar esses primeiros dias de 2021 para recapitular os 12 episódios da primeira temporada do #BatalhasDigitais, o podcast da @cdr_br.🧵Se liga no fio 😉👇
No episódio piloto #0 (gravado presencialmente antes da pandemia), a diretora do @coletivodigital Beá Tibiriçá e o coordenador do programa de direitos digitais do @idec @moysesdiogo contaram um pouco de como a @cdr_br nasceu e das nossas lutas desde 2016
Então veio a pandemia😖😷A pauta do #1 já estava fechada em #liberdadedeexpressão e #gênero, mas àquela altura era impossível produzir um conteúdo ignorando o novo coronavírus. Com @renatamielli, do @cbaraodeitarare, e @helldias000, da @revistaazmina.📺
Read 13 tweets
Hello Twitter !
Dans le cadre d’un cours de culture numérique, enseigné par @Affordanceinfo2, je vous parle aujourd’hui du phénomène des bulles de filtres.
#bulledefiltre #culturenumerique
Utopiquement, Internet représente une fenêtre ouverte sur le monde. Un puit d’informations sans limites, ni frontières.
Cependant un phénomène de restriction de l’information est observé : les bulles de filtres.
Mais en quoi consiste ce phénomène ?
La bulle de filtres, de l’anglais : filter bubble, est un concept développé par @elipariser, un américain, militant d’Internet, directeur général de Upworthy et cofondateur de Image
Read 34 tweets
On Saturday, during a hike with my family, I found out that @realDonaldTrump had tweeted my work. “Making sure you saw this,” @SallyShin wrote me. Wow! Was it something about climate change? My reporting on the pandemic? Systemic bias? Nope, it was this:
So that was the end of my weekend, and I spent Sunday going back to the event’s founders and to outside experts to ask: does what I’d seen at the event — people easily breaking into common voting machines purchased off eBay — mean the president’s insinuation was accurate?
Here’s what they told me: The most secure form of voting is one involves paper, and in 2016 several states, including Georgia and Pennsylvania, were still mostly using vulnerable digital systems. (Source: @VerifiedVoting)
Read 29 tweets
Yesterday was #WorldMentalHealthDay and I engaged my WhatsApp audience on Social Media vs Social Depression

I'm not a pro actually😂😂😂😂

I just want to express my concern.

Follow this trend
We are all social creatures😁😁. We need the relationship with others to thrive in life, and the strength of our connections has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. Being socially connected to others will seriously help us at every facet of live and we can't do ...
anything without relationship and companionship with others. Social connection can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life.
Read 39 tweets
PDF - Literasi Digital Untuk Keluarga

Minggu lalu saya ngisi webinar khusus untuk parents. Orang tua muda kebanyakan yang ikut. Ini materinya, siapa tahu ada yang butuh.

Saya kasih konsep "meta-awareness" sbg basis pelajaran "media literacy" bg anak.…

Meta-awareness: menyadarkan anak bahwa semua media ini bikinan orang. Ada yang merencanakan dan membuatnya sebelum diberikan kepada kita.

Anak lebih mudah memahami tentang apa dan siapa di balik teknologi layar ini. Agar sadar dan tidak dikontrol media digital.

Ketika melihat film, apps, siaran berita, karun, bilang ke anak misal spt ini:
- Nak, kamu sama cerdasnya dengan penulis cerita film ini.
- Nak, kamu bisa jadi jurnalis yang kritis dan hebat seperti dia.
- Nak, kamu bisa bikin kartun yang bagus spt itu.
Read 12 tweets
Watched the #socialdilemma. found it overly negative, ageist and outrageously lacking in nuance, diversity or solutions, ironically succumbing to its own point of sensationalism and attention metrics over substance.

Some examples in thread:
Shows correlation of mental health issues and social media but not causation. interviews no teens, instead uses weak ass dramatization of a teen who gets depressed after a mean comment. Teens are smarter on social media than this film shows, would ❤️ to hear from them
Much of the film centers on Silicon Valley insiders, who now want to help “solve” the problem. A couple explain how they don’t let their kids use social media (but don’t mention their own resources to achieve that.)

Where is the discussion of class and privilege of opting out.
Read 8 tweets
On the same day Breonna Taylor's killers went free, the president said he wouldn't accept a peaceful transition of power.

American authoritarianism is exhausting, violent, and confusing. To bring some clarity to the chaos, I'm compiling trusted writing on the subject here:
Forgive me for starting with my own writing -- I just happen to know what I'm talking about. I've been writing on the subject of American authoritarianism and democratic decline from various angles for years. The work has all held up.
I founded a nonprofit with the mission of helping Americans adapt to the new reality of American authoritarianism, by chipping away at the ignorance American exceptionalism, and pushing us to resist and oppose in productive ways. This is our early work:
Read 41 tweets
I wouldn’t call myself a whistleblower (the events I describe happened a long time ago) but the mind war tricks I explain here are relevant and critical to know to save democracy. The full program is also available at @BylineTV for subscribers. #propaganda #Russia #socialdilemma
I also discuss how to defend yourself during mind war and why the idea of ‘brainwashing’ isn’t so obscure. @BylineTV is funded by audience. Full program —>
Read 3 tweets
Put #socialdilemma on your must-watch list. Most sane folks already know much of what is going on with SM, but that movie is a neat summary of everything that has gone wrong with SM. Technology has evolved faster than human consciousness and it has made beasts of billions.
Psychologically,the phenomenon is a no-brainer for anyone who understands the basic mechanism of learning & conditioning. How reward mechanisms arnd vanity & the need to say something,anything, work. How othering works. How habituation & the need for larger dose 4 next high works
"For the first 50 years, Silicon Valley used to make products that consumers could use. Now the biggest companies there sell their users."

"If you are not paying for the product, then YOU are the product".

Read 9 tweets
1/5 Friends, thanks for so many beautiful notes inspired by seeing my original concept of #SurveillanceCapitalism featured in the film #TheSocialDilemma. As surveillance capitalism disfigures our lives and politics, let’s bring this urgent discussion to our families & communities
2/5 Remember that our social dilemma isn’t caused by a single company like Facebook or one CEO like Zuckerberg. Our social dilemma is that #SurveillanceCapitalism has captured our economy, our technology, and the digital future.
3/5 #SurveillanceCapitalism is a profit-driven economic logic based on STEALING our lives for data, behavioral predictions, and sales. Targeting, tech addiction, manipulation, violent content, fake news, and more are only effects of this greater cause.
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