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Good morning. ☕️

The Senate Judiciary Committee is currently holding its hearing to advance Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination to the full Senate.

I expect every Republican to vote no.
Also, these same Republicans who I expect to unanimously vote against advancing Jackson's nomination today also previously voted for her once, twice, or even three times (hi Lindsey Graham) to Senate-confirmed posts.
Graham talking now, saying Jackson will mark "the first time I've ever voted against any Supreme Court nominee."

He says he was turned off by her support from "the radical Left."*

*He voted to confirm Jackson in June to the D.C. Circuit, the 2nd-most powerful court in the U.S.
Read 35 tweets
On the 53rd anniversary of the day Dr. King was assassinated, here is a #thread of #speeches and #sermons in which he speaks truth to power, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on issues of injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be. #MLK Image
“We’re coming to get our check.” #MLK on #poverty, #economic inequality, and America’s refusal to distribute “land to Black people, although the nation distributed land to other groups.
Today also marks the 54th anniversary of #MLK’s ‘Beyond #Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.’ Please spend some time with it. “If America's soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read: Vietnam.” Link:
Read 12 tweets
And we are live with the first meeting of 2021 with TM Shilpa Gupta. (A #Live Tweet Thread) Theme: Year 2021: Every Cloud has a #silverlining

SAA TM Shilpa begins with a pleasant welcome and New Year wishes.
She congratulates the new EC, states the mission of #Toastmasters, and states the rules of a general #meeting
The newly elected President (TM Sanjeev Gupta) is on the Virtual Stage
Read 67 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/11/2020…
Brrrr! ‘Supercooled’ waters make nearby Antarctic seas seem balmy : Research Highlights…

#oceans #research #seas
Hope, Healing And 'Better Angels': Biden Declares Victory And Vows Unity…

#politics #elections #speeches
Read 6 tweets

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