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🧵 1. Stop denying #racism exists.

2. Be educated on racism as a grave issue of prejudice, harnessing and abuse of power, and manipulation of privilege.

3. Commit to being informed on systemic issues.
4. Pay attention to those who say they are being violated by systemic #racism/discrimination.

5. Care.

6. Study the global and national impact of racism and white supremacy.
7. Honestly examine systems constructed with and infiltrated by racist ideals.

Examples: Healthcare, education, criminal 'justice' (school to prison pipeline, prison industrial complex), housing, etc
Read 7 tweets
Thugs are attacking peaceful participants of a non violent civic action #satyagraha in Maradana. Where are the police & military? Gathering by thousands in the area while thugs attack peaceful protesters. Shame on you Ranil!
Are we truly free?…
#SriLanka's police & drunken mobs are attacking peaceful protesters who were sitting with peaceful action #Satyagraha. See lawyer #NuwanBopege with activists. Are the diplomatic missions aware how such a simple peaceful action is being attacke? 2/
Drunken hired thugs are attacking the peace activists of #Satyagraha while police joins. This is state sponsored terrorism & #policebrutality. Tomorrow is #SriLanka's Independence Day.… 3/ @MaryLawlorhrds @volker_turk @cvoule @SecBlinken
@USAmbSL 3/
Read 34 tweets
“My top-level, expert legal analysis of the [Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI search] affidavit is: Why ain’t this dude in jail? What does this man have to do to go to jail?”

@ElieNYC @DrJasonJohnson @CrossConnection
#TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments #TrumpESPIONAGE
“Just the classification markings referred to in this [redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant] affidavit — made the hair on the back of my neck stand up… Literally human lives can be at stake.” @FrankFigliuzzi1

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
“There is a feeling here that [if] Merrick Garland decides not to prosecute Trump, how do you hold anyone else accountable for violating classification rules going forward in the U.S. government?”@JaxAlemany

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
Read 200 tweets
“This was not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying. This is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct — a cover-up [with] false statements and lies to Congress and the American people.” #LockTrumpUp
“Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, says that Trump wants the Department of Justice to release the names of the witnesses who helped secure the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago.”@therecount

#TrumpIsANationalSecurityRisk #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
CPAC 2022: “We are all domestic terrorists.”

Read 180 tweets
#EspionageAct [doesn’t] mention classification at all. It talks about a specific type of information: national defense… The real question is, why would Trump WANT to declassify secrets that could harm the U.S.?”
.@AshaRangappa_ @TiffanyDCross @thereidout
“Trump has still not said a word of explanation as to why he took the documents, why he did not return them all, and what he was doing with them for over 18 months.” @AWeissmann_

🎶: #stilloneblackmansopinion…
“[Donald Trump] has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again… You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. He is who he is. Truth matters little to him. What’s right matters even less, and decency matters not at all.” Adam Schiff

Read 177 tweets
What was Mohandas #Gandhi doing carrying wounded #British soldiers off the battlefield in #SouthAfrica in 1899? Gandhi was merely leading by example, in the ambulance corps he set up to support the British against the Boers in the Second Boer War (1899-1902). 1/12
But why would Gandhi support the British, especially since he had experienced the humiliation of racial discrimination in South Africa soon after he got there? It was #OnThisDay in 1893 that Gandhi was thrown off a train for refusing to comply with racial segregation laws. 2/12
This was more than a decade before Gandhi evolved his concept of #civildisobedience. He spent 21 years (1893 - 1914) in South Africa and went on to organize the #CivilRights movement, to raise the status of the indentured #Indian population there. 3/12
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🔴What does globally renowned Indian🇮🇳 mystic @SadhguruJV think about his title as a #guru🧘‍♂️?

FRANCE 24's @DelanoDSouza speaks with #Sadhguru in an exclusive #interview, as he rides a motorcycle from Europe to India to raise awareness about soil degradation⤵️ #savesoil
@SadhguruJV @DelanoDSouza 🔴Indian🇮🇳 mystic @SadhguruJV counts #WillSmith among his followers... what does the famous #guru🧘‍♂️ think about the infamous #Oscars🎬 slap, and #nonviolence in general?

FRANCE 24's @DelanoDSouza speaks with #Sadhguru in an exclusive #interview⤵️
@SadhguruJV @DelanoDSouza 🔴📲Watch FRANCE 24's exclusive #interview with @SadhguruJV in full
Read 4 tweets
On the 53rd anniversary of the day Dr. King was assassinated, here is a #thread of #speeches and #sermons in which he speaks truth to power, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on issues of injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be. #MLK Image
“We’re coming to get our check.” #MLK on #poverty, #economic inequality, and America’s refusal to distribute “land to Black people, although the nation distributed land to other groups.
Today also marks the 54th anniversary of #MLK’s ‘Beyond #Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.’ Please spend some time with it. “If America's soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read: Vietnam.” Link:
Read 12 tweets
You've probably wondered what someone was thinking, or if another person's experience of things is the same as yours? But ever wonder if nonhuman animals think & experience much like we do?

Here is a very enlightening TedTalk...

Please watch all of the videos (in order).

Part 2.

#brain#animals #evolution #ThinkAboutIt
Read 9 tweets
If I am to be suspended with so many other independent journalists, writers, which is likely... along with my brothers and my sisters... there is one more thing I must do.

And that is to share this single Lucy Parsons quote.

#Classwar Image
In response to negative comments, those unsettled by quote. The expression must be understood not as violence, but as self-defense. Freedom fighters, fighting against imperial invasions/occupations - fighting for their own lives & the lives of their loved ones, understand this.
Land defenders, Indigenous peoples that resist the #colonizers - that must defend themselves against a genocide that has never ended. Those fighting for their own lives, the lives of their loved ones, & the land to which they are connected & belong to. They understand this.
Read 7 tweets
#India's obsession with Hindu #victimhood is not confined to Hindutva politicians who, one can assume, spread the canard of "Hindus under attack" for their own political agenda of power, control and coercion. This @Youtube video was posted on a family #WhatsApp group.

It shows a certain 'holy man', by his own description, a #Sanyasi telling his cheering audience a story to illustrate a) the harm caused by #secularism and b) how minority religions are favoured by the state.
It's a cock and bull tale, of course, but worth recounting to show the duplicity, the lies, the latent misogyny, the vacuous logic, the sheer vile propaganda of it all. Apparently, he is visited by a Maulvi and a Padre (!) who start arguing with him and then start beating him up!
Read 12 tweets
.@NPR 's sympathetic soft balls got us some golden words in defence of looting 🤷🏽‍♂️

Logical next steps are defence of lynching, raping, and mass murder, no? 🤦🏽‍♂️

#BLM #Gandhi #NonViolence… Image
Read 3 tweets
If you really want to make a change in the world, do something hard like #nonviolent #resistance. Read up and learn #satyagraha or change. It takes #strength & #courage; physical force is forbidden even in the so-called most favorable circumstances.…
If your cause is #righteous, Gandhi believed, the movement would speak for itself.

My personal justification for it is #psychological/#neurological (#CNS/#HPA).

If you use #violence, well the one with the biggest #ego or the biggest ego-extension (guns, tanks, war) will win.
Removing tools of violence (words, arms) from the equation, you form a mirror.

It's not easy though. You'd have to refine/drop/manage/elevate past your own #ego.

People - depending on personal history & psychology - sometimes become enraged at what they see in the #mirror.
Read 8 tweets
Thank you, Dr. Bernice A. King ❤️ and others...
#nonviolence #OnlineProtestForJustice
Bringing people together.
@farmerdarrell a start 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼…
Please encourage Young Black Americans not to follow the instigating black backpackers, you’ll only hurt yourself
Everyone has #Covid_19 fatigue on top of everything else.
I wrote down Dr. King’s 4 main points to start
@DisabilityJ praying for America 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
See thread for Common themes.
You can stay home and still connect ✌🏿✌🏼✌️
@threadreaderapp #unroll please ☮️
Read 3 tweets
Thread on #nonviolence theory and in particular the way #ExtinctionRebellion have over simplified 'Why Civil Resistance Works' research (WCRW) to short circuit important discussions around diversity of tactics that any #ClimateEmergency movement must have #NVDA #XR /1
XR uses unsourced claim from WCRW that non violent movements are twice as successful in many XR places including FAQ but assumptions in original paper make its claims irrelevant to debate around tactical diversity in radical environmental movement /2
First off violent movements are defined in WCRW as those in which 1000 or more battle deaths between armed combatants. This not only excludes every environmental action ever described as 'violent' but also armed groups like the Zapatistas & even Red Army Faction /3
Read 9 tweets
A thread on #nonviolence:

This man is not being passive. He is demonstrating attention to an ultimate goal by making it clear who’s the oppressed and who’s the oppressor. He is harnessing his energy to win a critical policy change in the freedom struggle.
#Nonviolence is not passive; nor does it cower in the face of evil and injustice. However, it is strategic, active and tactical, with an ultimate goal in mind. Now the question is: What’s the ultimate goal?
A critical mass of people with a shared ultimate goal will help us develop a global, comprehensive strategy. We determine the parts that make up the whole. Example: reuniting children with families is a part of the ultimate goal of creating a more peaceful, just, humane world.
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For what do you stand? #UltimateMeasure
Share your beliefs/passions/causes about:
#Love #Truth #Justice
What matters the most to you ~ for the Good of the Nation and the Planet?
Read 17 tweets
Hunter Gray, a Civil Rights leader in JXN, MS, in the early 1960s, died earlier this week. He is most famously known for taking part in the 1963 Woolworth sit-in in JXN, which yielded this iconic photo. Gray is sitting at the counter, on the left. #Mississippi #NonViolence
In 2015 Gray wrote an account of the day for the @guardian: "That’s me in the picture. . . . They cut my face with sharp brass knuckles; someone cut the back of my head with the jagged edge of a broken sugar container. There was a good deal of blood."…
The picture of course went instantly everywhere. “Friends across the country called to say they had seen it, and we got letters from people all over the world.”

The image’s ongoing value, said Gray, was in reinforcing the idea that “change comes” from “grass roots people.”
Read 15 tweets

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