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Dec 12th 2022
Good morning #SurreyBC! 🌞Big council day today. Check out the agenda here:…
Other than - of course - the big SPS untransition report, I am particularly interested in CR R211. This is followup from last council rejecting @MetroVancouver's Metro 2050 regional growth strategy.
There have been quite a few articles and many Tweets on the untransition report, most remaining fairly shallow on details or analysis (somewhat understandably). I will be interested to see what pushback council might have on any of the specfics in the report.
Read 74 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Big crowd half an gour before #SurreyBC Council. I'm seeing multiple media outlets on scene and quiet a line to get into chambers. Watch this thread for Tweets! Image
Supporters of Harmony are here with green kneckerchiefs (is that the technical term?) and buttons. ImageImage
Chambers are fuller than this hastily taken picture suggests. Image
Read 181 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
We are coming together as one to demand better safety measures for our children and we encourage more DPACs to stand with us. @VanDPAC @BurnabyDPAC @DpacNew @Sd62Dpac @GlobalBC @CKNW
#BCED #Surreybc #bcpoli @threadreaderapp
We challenge the BCSTA on a statement made on The Early Edition on September 7th about Elementary Schools not needing different safety measures than High schools. Clearly we do, the numbers are showing that the Delta variant is spiking in Elementary aged children.
Starting the year without such measures was a mistake that can still be fixed. We urge Trustees across the province to stand with parents, to show leadership in asking for such measures to be reinstated until vaccines are made available for younger children.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Thread: A major warehouse facility in #SurreyBC, larger than #Vancouver's #Amazon complex, is being billed as a #BeltandRoad initiative in Beijing, #China. ...…
What follows is an exclusive interview with #Vancouver businessman Guo Taicheng, a VP of the China Federation of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs, an association of the #UnitedFront of the Chinese Communist Party, the #CCP. Interview jointly conducted by
Guo and his Hong Kong based company Shing Kee purport to be building a "mother centre" import-export facility in Yanjiao, on the outskirts of Beijing. His association membership, tied to the CCP (he is not a CCP member), brings opportunity for business, he says.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 24th 2020
1) the G&M are not the best source these days. That being said let’s break down how things can advance.
2) Scheer has shredded his small amount of credibility with Canadians. He is only a de facto leader as he has already stepped down but they have not finished finding someone to replace him.
3) the NDP have already said that if enough funding goes to people instead of companies then they will support PMJT going forward. Other parties has said similar. Limiting the CPC opposition.
Read 7 tweets

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