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Sep 9th 2020
Thread on new @CFTC #climaterisk report. Here are the highlights: First & perhaps most importantly, this report was a) commissioned by a majority-Republican federal regulatory agency and b) represents the consensus views of banks, investors, big companies, academics & enviros 1/
2/ Topline message: "US financial regulators must recognize that climate change poses serious emerging risks to the US financial system, and they should move urgently and decisively to measure, understand, and address these risks." Full report here (PDF):…
3/ Notably, the CFTC #climaterisk report does not just make recommendations to the CFTC, and is not limited by the jurisdiction of this agency (commodities, derivatives markets, etc). Also notable: the recommendations aren't binding. If Biden wins, they'll be a blueprint at best.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
So, what happened on finance in #ClimateActionSummit2019? One highlight was @IDFC_Network’s pledge to contribute more than USD 1 trillion of #climatefinance by 2025
@IDFC_Network The much-anticipated MDB announcement also included large increases in #climatefinance (but do we understand the numbers? See initial reactions from @soniakdunlop and @joethw8s
@IDFC_Network @soniakdunlop @joethw8s Numerous countries pledged to double their @theGCF contribution, leading to hopes that the fund will be successfully replenished in dollar terms after a key conference in October
Read 12 tweets

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