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Jan 28th 2023
Seriously @SarahFischer__ @CPC_HQ why are you using this nonsensical Trudeauesque language?
#TeamTrudeau is dragging you down to their level where they can beat you with experience. Stop it.
Let the @liberal_party suffer their own stupidity. There is no need to get a piece of this no win bullshit.

Read 4 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
#cdnpoli 2022 The conservative opposition focus on attacking the gov't in office & obstructionism in HoC renders them, political misfits. Their antagonism neutered their ability to work collaboratively & produce results that benefit those whose interests they are elected to serve
#cdnpolitics 2022 Clearly #TeamTrudeau has had our backs during this pandemic. They have been dedicated to keeping Canadians safe and financially viable. Though I did not vote Liberal I am impressed with the diligence and competence of our minority gov't.
#cdnpoli 2022 The CPC agenda is to expand their "big tent" base & they're aiming to swing Canadians in the political center to the right. But PP's flailing attempts to convince us that he's one of us and what he has to say is relevant are a FAIL! He clearly isn't PM material.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Here’s one with child porn pervert Gerry Hawes, pass it on. Trudeau has dozens of compromising pictures, more than any other politician I know.

Rt and add a photo let’s get this thread going

#TrudeauSicko #cdnpoli Image
No one’s adding photos. Cmon guys there’s so many lol

Here he is with fired liberal sexual harasser kent hehr Image
Serial rapist Joshua Boyle

Let’s tag @atRachelGilmore in this thread Image
Read 60 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
[Thread] 1/ This is a quick audit of Twitter accounts that clearly label their position in regards to the #elxn43 . That is to say, who is more ostensibly dominant on Twitter - those who oppose Trudeau, or those who oppose Scheer (and vice versa)? For this analysis I just
2/ just a cursory check of pro & anti Scheer/Trudeau hashtags appearing in user biographies extracted not from a trend but from Twitter generally. Here are the figures. There are approx 720 Twitter accounts with #TrudeauMustGo in their biography, and only 14 with #TrudeauMustStay
3/ There are around 100 accounts with #Scheer4pm in their biographies, and around 200 with #teamtrudeau in. There are around 4 accounts with #scheerdisaster in their bios, and around 4 with #trudeau4treason. 6 with #trudeaublackface and 1 with #sheerhypocrisy,
Read 5 tweets
May 16th 2019

I listened to Scheers economic vision so you don’t have to! Key points:

1. Dudes about as inspiring as a toothbrush.

2. Typical Trudeau bashing, says Trudeau inherited a great economy from Cons and squandered it. Truth is we were in a technical recession. 😂

#cdnpoli #LPC

3. Commits to a Coast to Coast “energy corridor”. The endless pipelines are coming! Greens and NDP will hang their hat on electoral reform and allow this! 👌🏻😂

4. Cancel carbon tax (calls it a tax grab, but its revenue neutral so ya) 😂

5. End responsible shipping ban BC

6. Repeal C-69, aimed at responsible oversight and consultation for energy projects

7. Massive Regulatory reform to make it easier to pollute and degrade our environment, and people

8. End foreign imports of oil, doubling down on building massive plant and oil commerce
Read 5 tweets

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