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Dec 26th 2020
PEOPLE ARE DYING IN #TIGRAY: #HumanitarianReliefNow
A Thread

It’s almost 2 months since #WarOnTigray was waged. Since then, much of #Tigray has been under a complete blockade of all life supporting services, including medicine, food, & access to cash. 1/17
It’s also almost a month into an agreement for ‘unimpeded’ humanitarian access to #Tigray the #AbiyAhmed regime signed with the @UN. Yet, even a needs assessment is not conducted to date. 2/17…
In the meantime, people are actually dying of hunger in #Tigray. These past 2 days, I had calls with some people that made it to #Mekelle from Wukro, Edagahamus, Abi-Adi & Hagereselam and environs. The stories are similar and harrowing. Words cannot express the desperation. 3/17
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Dec 14th 2020
#WarOnTigray #UNSC ‘s #R2P

The #WarOnTigray is into its 41 days now, with military engagements taking place every single day. Involving hundreds of thousands of forces and all kinds of weaponry, it qualifies as a major war the region has seen in decades. 1/16
Heavy involvement of #Eritrea in the conflict is now confirmed. There is also a strong indication that #UAE drones are in use. The #Sudan is already feeling the hit, as desperate #Tigrians, currently standing at 61,000, are trekking to its eastern villages for safety. 2/16
Uncharacteristic of modern conflict of this magnitude, however, war footages are rare. This has been deliberately effected by the regime. Not only did it render #Tigray off limits to the media and rights organs, it also deployed a systemic campaign of misinformation. 3/16
Read 17 tweets

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