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Feb 9th 2021
1/ Hey #MedTwitter & #MedEd Friends!

I welcomed a new little lady into my life in Sept & spent 3 months getting to know her. #TheBest

But…We have missed you!!! And we are so pumped that #TwagTeamBackAgain

Follow: @GStetsonMD, @JenniferSpicer4, & @MedEdTwagTeam to stay #UTD Image
2/ When we paused, we had just finished the foundation of the #HierarchyOfTeachingSkills.

This first level of skills is all about creating #PsychologicalSafety.

If you want to see any of our previous threads, 👀 the @MedEdTwagTeam account.

Today we are moving onto Feedback. Image
3/ We think this topic is SOOO important, we are going to spend 10 #TweetorialTuesdays on it. Today is the intro.

Often, we separate feedback from teaching. But...

Read 9 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
1/ Intro to #ClinicalTeaching!

Hey #MedEd and #MedTwitter! #TwagTeamBackAgain because it is #TweetorialTuesday! We are the one and only #MedEdTwagTeam.

This is the beginning of our new theme...

🌟Clinical Teaching🌟 Image
2/ This is a super special time of year! A time of transitions.

Pre-Clinical Student ➡️ Clerkships
Clerkships ➡️ Acting Interns
Student ➡️ Intern
Intern ➡️ Resident
Resident ➡️ Fellow?
Resident/Fellow ➡️ Faculty

All of these new roles bring new teaching opportunities!
3/ It is our hope, over these next weeks and months, to give you the tools to THRIVE as a clinician educator in each of these new roles.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
1/ Hey #MedEd and #MedTwitter! #TwagTeamBackAgain because it is #TweetorialTuesday! We are the one and only #MedEdTwagTeam.

Today is all about providing all learners with the best #OnlineLearningEnvironment possible. It's #Equity week y'all! Image
2/ Here is the series of #tweetorials that @JenniferSpicer4 and I have been bringing you every Tuesday.

Welcome to week 8! Make sure to go back and check out our previous threads. Just search #MedEdTwagTeam. Image
3/ This is the last #TweetorialTuesday in this #OnlineLearning series. But, don’t fret! We will be back next week!

@JenniferSpicer4 and I have been cooking up loads of #MedEd content for y’all. Our current plan should take us all the way into 2021! Image
Read 16 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
1/ Hey #MedEd and #MedTwitter! #TwagTeamBackAgain with another #TweetorialTuesday from the one and only #MedEdTwagTeam

Today, I take some of the things we have taught you over the last 6 weeks and organize them based on the type of teaching you may be planning to do.
2/ Here is the series of #tweetorials that @JenniferSpicer4 and I have been bringing you every Tuesday.

Welcome to Week 7! Make sure to go back and check out our previous threads if they are of interest. Just search #MedEdTwagTeam
3/ We have been bringing you a lot tips and tricks about #Zoom:

Optimizing Settings
File Transfer
Screen Sharing
Breakout Rooms
Collaborative Tools
Splitting Your Screen
Sharing Partial Screens
Virtual White Boards

But how to make sense of it all?
Read 11 tweets

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