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May 26th 2023
Remember when?
❗️15 #Wisconsin elected #GOP wrote to VP Pence pressuring him to not to certify a free and fair election.
#WisGOP #Insurrectionists #Traitors
#DemVoice1 #WisDems #WiscoWarrior #WiUnion…
❗️Ten prominent mainstream WI Republicans are accused of fraudulently posing as electors to overturn President Biden’s election
- including the chair of the #WisGOP & a member of the ELECTIONS COMMISSION!…
#WisGOP fraudulent electors are going to court!

"Dane County Judge Frank Remington told attorneys in the case Wednesday that... the jury trial would begin Sept. 3, 2024..."

#WisDems #WiscoWarriors #DemVoice1…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Debate night. It's on. #WISen
Live stream at
First question: marijuana legalization. Ron Johnson says it should be decided state by state, and that states should "look seriously at the harm being done by the legalization of marijuana."

Mandela Barnes is clear—"I've long supported the full legalization of marijuana" #WIsen
Second question on bail reform. The question (accurately!) frames the choice—should pre-trail detention be based on question of whether the accused might be dangerous and/or might skip trial... or based on their ability to pay?

RoJo goes for diversion/fear, predictably.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
Proud to be marching with @ibew! Happy #LaborDay
Excellent tattoo #wiunion #LaborDay
@AFLCIO president @LizShuler is in the house in Wisconsin! #LaborDay #laborfest #wiunion
Read 17 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
Amazing @janemayer story at @CapTimes IdeasFest where she reveals that Greg Koch told her in 2010 that his Dad was on the Hindenburg.

“Really, why was he on the Hindenburg?”

“Because he had business with Germany.”

Nazi Germany, that is.

#wiunion #wipolitics #Resist
Good question from Maraniss: “Why doesn’t the left have their own Kochs?”

@janemayer - “They got complacent and didn’t think these guys in Wichita were a threat.”

She says @davidaxelrod DIDN’T KNOW WHO THEY WERE in 2010. DC Dems still shrug today.

#wiunion #Resist #January6th
Mayer brings up Powell Memo, which said that corporations had to take over the courts, the pulpits, the colleges and universities, and create “think tanks” to sell the BS.

Their alt universe must be smashed.

#wiunion #wipolitics #Resist
Read 6 tweets
Sep 2nd 2019
Roll the drums: #LaborFest is here! #wiunion #UnionsForAll #UnionStrong
Proud to march with thousands of Wisconsin workers at #LaborFest in Milwaukee today—including our hardworking Lieutenant Governor, Mandela Barnes!
At the LaborFest in Madison, proud to celebrate a landmark victory: after eight years of a governor who tried to crush working people, Wisconsin rose up and elected a governor who believes in them. Wisconsin works best when we say “union yes!”
Read 8 tweets
Mar 25th 2019
‘If there is any exoneration on the question of whether Trump obstructed justice, it has been done by Barr, not by Mueller’ - Neal Katyal… #wiunion #mapoli #ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport
Is the president in the clear? ‘We need many more details’ - Mimi Roach, distinguished fellow in criminal justice at Pace Law #wiunion #mapoli #ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport
‘Mueller … performed a disservice to the American people’ - Jimmy Gurulé, professor of law at Notre Dame, former federal prosecutor and assistant AG for George H.W. Bush (his boss was William Barr).… #wiunion #mapoli #ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport
Read 9 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
Protest has begun, as a sea of demonstrators stretches out in the freezing Wisconsin night in front of the Capitol. @NicholsUprising kicks us off. “They are trying to undo democracy!”
You can watch the live feed at
“They are terrified that democracy is returning to Wisconsin. They are terrified that 2018 is not the end of anything, but only the beginning.” - @NicholsUprising
Read 26 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
Here’s a THREAD all your Democratic Candidates #Midterms2018!
with photos, Twitter & Websites.
& Voter Info links to Registration, Absentee, ID, Poll Worker
Use wherever helpful.
#WI01 #WI02 #WI03 #WI04 #WI05 #WI06 #WI07 #WI08
Register online…
Send to Municipal Clerk…
Check Registration here…
Info here:…
Polling Place…
Democratic Candidates for #Wisconsin #WI01 #WI1

Randy Bryce

Vs GOP Bryan Steil
Incumbent Paul Ryan (R) retiring.

VOTE November 6!
#Midterms2018 #VoteBlueWI #VoteBlue
Read 19 tweets
Jan 2nd 2018
In 2016, Foxconn replaced 60,000 Chinese workers with robots.…
Brazil expected 100,000 jobs from Foxconn investment, but got only 3,000.…
Even if my hands were dirty, I wouldn't wash them in this water."

Foxconn has a history of dumping heavy metals into rivers that supply drinking water.

@wisgop has given Foxconn permission to do whatever it would like to #wisconsin rivers and streams.…
Read 10 tweets
Nov 15th 2017
Hello @BloggingBlue – I just want to be clear – you are attacking me for attacking the right-wing candidate? 1/?
doesn’t regret his anti-women’s choice protests. As a lawyer, he worked to create the #Gerrymandered legislative maps and he defended Act10 in front of #SCOWIS. 2/?
Look -- @JudgeScrenock knows that he doesn’t have to work to reach out to voters, because his friends in the special interest club will come to his rescue in 2018. He literally says nothing. 3/?
Read 16 tweets

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