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Jan 20th 2023
331 days (and counting) of killing and war crimes by #Russia.

#Russia's "we'll take #Kyiv in 3 days" mantra aged well😅🤡

Welcome along to Friday's daily thread with all the news and analysis you need, and already important news on a big day, so scroll through:

Need to catch up on yesterday's news?
Missed the one about Russian doctors setting their own patient on fire, or the suspected #Ukraine hits of #Russia's bases in two regions?

Check what you missed here:

Today may be a landmark day in the war.
All eyes on #Rammstein where the regular meeting of #Ukraine's allies will take place, and I am confident a number of nations will supply #Leopard-2 tanks to Kyiv even if #Germany continues to object.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
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