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Jan 20th 2023
331 days (and counting) of killing and war crimes by #Russia.

#Russia's "we'll take #Kyiv in 3 days" mantra aged well😅🤡

Welcome along to Friday's daily thread with all the news and analysis you need, and already important news on a big day, so scroll through:

Need to catch up on yesterday's news?
Missed the one about Russian doctors setting their own patient on fire, or the suspected #Ukraine hits of #Russia's bases in two regions?

Check what you missed here:

Today may be a landmark day in the war.
All eyes on #Rammstein where the regular meeting of #Ukraine's allies will take place, and I am confident a number of nations will supply #Leopard-2 tanks to Kyiv even if #Germany continues to object.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
Read 53 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
Saturday 5 November - Day 255 of daily threads.

Every single day, reporting the truth, cutting the waffle, on #Russia's war of choice on #Ukraine.

Updated "live" so check back, scroll though and share!

Coming up 🇬🇧🇺🇦 partnership, assassination attempt and landmark 🇷🇺losses...
A few people miss some things from the day before and find it handy to have a link to the previous thread, which is why I post it each day.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

#UK has long supported #Ukraine, and not only with weapons - maybe it's to make up for guilt over the Budapest Memorandum letdown!

Today the Ministry of Defence will again be helping in a more unseen way:


Read 44 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
Welcome to the 141st day of Europe's war.

#Russia's illegal invasion of #Ukraine continues, bringing death and destruction wherever their war crimes take them.

Here's my daily thread with all the important news and analysis.

Still plenty of missile strikes, rocket attacks across the frontline but the general feeling is that there's been a slight lull on the Russian side the last couple of days.

This is backed up by the British view this morning. Antiquated machinery and no movement in 72 hours.
One person seizing the moment and having a "good war" is President Tokayev of #Kazakhstan.

Today he's told the Kazakh government to "create conditions for the relocation of foreign companies that have left the Russian market."

A further sign of the growing division with #Russia
Read 37 tweets

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