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Jun 18th 2023
Le 18 juin 1815 marque la défaite de Napoléon dans la morne plaine de Waterloo.

Les troupes britanniques de Wellington et les troupes prussiennes de Blücher y remportent une victoire décisive.

Retraçons les événements de la journée. 1/11 Image
8h00 : Les troupes britanniques de Wellington commencent à occuper leurs positions stratégiques sur les hauteurs de Mont-Saint-Jean.

Elle lui offre un avantage défensif, avec des pentes abruptes et des champs de blé qui gênent les manœuvres de l'infanterie ennemie. 2/11 Image
11h30 : Les troupes françaises du maréchal Ney lancent des attaques contre les positions alliées, principalement dirigées vers le flanc gauche britannique.

Si les combats sont violents, les Britanniques tiennent bon malgré les assauts répétés. 3/11 Image
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Dec 8th 2022
Ford is destroying our local hospitals. Together we can force the Ford gov’t to stop privatizing our hospitals and take urgent action to address this unprecedented crisis.

Join @OntarioHealthC and allies at events across #Ontario over the next few days -🧵with details: 1/6 Poster that says "Ford is destroying our local hospital
On Friday, Dec. 9th at 12pm, #Ottawa is turning out to Faircrest Heights Park (550 Smyth Road) to help #DefendHealthcare

2/6 Poster that says:  "PROTEST IN OTTAWA. Ford is destroyi
On Friday, Dec. 9th at 12pm, #Niagara region is turning out to Fourth Ave and First Street South (across from St. Catharines General Hospital) to help #DefendHealthcare

3/6 Poster that says:  "PROTEST IN NIAGARA REGION. Ford is
Read 6 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
Heute vor 112 Jahren, am 30. Oktober 1910, stirbt Henri #Dunant - ein legendärer Menschenfreund, der aber fast schon zu Lebzeiten in Vergessenheit geraten wäre.

Über sein grandioses Lebenswerk erzähle ich euch im folgenden 🧵. Viel Spaß! 1/15

#OnThisDay #History #Geschichte Fotografie von Henri Dunant in seinen späteren Lebensjahren
Schon in jungen Jahren widmet der 1828 geborene Dunant sich karitativen Aufgaben. Nachdem er wegen schlechter Noten vom Gymnasium fliegt, beginnt er mit 24 eine Banklehre. Im gleichen Jahr 1852 gründet er den "Christlichen Verein Junger Männer" (#CVJM). 2/15
Dunant will als Geschäftsmann in #Algerien durchstarten. Doch es gibt Probleme mit den französischen Kolonialbehörden. Pragmatisch wie er ist, will er 1859 den französischen Kaiser #Napoleon III. um Hilfe bitten.3/15
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May 31st 2022
Is it safe to say so much of what we have come to love (and hate) about Ontario will be forever changed on Thursday night?
As a Dad of young children, & teacher, I'm struggling with what a PC majority might mean for school communities, the environment, and our health care system.
I have knocked on doors, made phone calls and talked with friends and neighbours. I am voting with a few on Thursday in order to help get out the vote, but I'm afraid it won't be enough.
At this time, I really think the only chance we have of stopping Ford and his PCs is to swallow our preferred party pride, check our hearts, and vote for the candidate most likely to defeat the PC candidate, riding by riding.
Read 128 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021
Inderdaad. Het respect, het begrip, de sympathie, het medeleven voor de politie neemt af. En dat hebben de politieagenten te danken aan de politici die bepalen waar ze ingezet worden en aan hun eigen keuze voor de manier waarop ze die bevelen invullen.1/24
Ik geef toe: Toen ik de beelden zag van de agente die in #Molenbeek de kop was ingeslagen door #KarimK en lag te spartelen terwijl haar bezorgde collega zich over haar ontfermde voelde ik niet de bezorgdheid en het medeleven die je normaal verwacht te voelen bij het zien 2/
van dergelijke beelden. Automatisch dacht ik aan de mensen die vreedzaam samengekomen waren in #terkamerenbos (of daar toevallig enkele straten verder in de buurt waren) en door de politie brutaal werden aangepakt met de wapenstok, pepperspray, politiehonden, waterkanonnen,.. 3/
Read 24 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
Do you know what a treaty is? How about a land acknowledgement? It’s important to learn about each ⤵️
Treaties are agreements made between the Government of Canada, #Indigenous groups and often provinces and territories that define ongoing rights and obligations on all sides. These agreements set out continuing treaty rights and benefits for each group.
The Haldimand Proclamation is a decree signed in 1784 that gifted 950,000 acres of land to #SixNations Territory and Mississaugas of the Credit for their loyalty to the British Crown, their substantial losses and heroic sacrifices during the American Revolution.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
Some results from recent CBRE report called "2020 Scoring Tech Talent" has a lot of 🇨🇦 content, starting with Toronto ranking 4th. /1 Image
Canadian cities do well in terms of cost, since this is done in /2 Image
Toronto also ranking high in Tech Concentration. /3 Image
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Jul 16th 2020
I think it’s time for the truth to come out... dirty secrets are not my burden to carry.
I’ll start by saying up until a few years ago, I was fully indoctrinated into toxic police culture. I fully bought into it. If I heard anything like my story I wouldn’t believe it. I’d hold popular opinion that she’s crazy/incompetent/vindictive/lying/slutty and a bitch.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
#OTD in 1815, between 11.50am and 1.30pm (accounts differ), the 80 guns of Napoleon's Grande Batterie fired the opening salvoes of the Battle of #Waterloo Image
One of the most astonishing tales of the battle is that of Sgt John Shaw of the 2nd Life Guards, based at La Haye-Sainte on the morning of the 18th of June 1815 who was heavily involved in the day's fighting Image
Shaw had made a name for himself before the battle as a talented boxer. He gained notoriety following a street brawl with 3 toughs who foolishly taunted him near London's Portman Square from which he emerged triumphant. His officers introduced him to Five Courts Club and boxing..
Read 15 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
El #16junio de 1815 se lucharon dos batallas que pudieron ser decisivas para el destino de Europa. #Napoleón se enfrentó a los prusianos del Generalfeldmarschall Blücher en Ligny, mientras enviaba a dos cuerpos de ejército al mando de Ney al cruce de Quatre Bras. Abro hilo 👇 Image
Este mapa muestra claramente la relación entre ambas batallas. Napoleón con Grouchy atacaban a Blücher mientras Ney se encargaba de bloquear el avance de Wellington. Image
Quatre Bras es considerado un empate táctico, pero a efectos estratégicos la ventaja fue claramente francesa, dado que Ney consiguió su objetivo de impedir la reunión de los dos ejércitos aliados. Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
El #14Junio del año 1800 Napoleón Bonaparte obtuvo una de sus más brillantes victorias en la Batalla de Marengo, una pequeña localidad junto a Alessandria, en el norte de Italia. Pero, ¿fue una victoria tan abultada como nos hace creer su leyenda? Abro hilo 👇 Image
La campaña de Marengo pertenece a las guerras de la Segunda Coalición contra la Francia revolucionaria. Tras regresar de Egipto, Bonaparte dio un golpe de estado y se hizo proclamar Primer Cónsul, derrocando el Directorio.
Durante su estancia en la tierra de los faraones, los austro-rusos de Suvórov habían expulsado a los franceses de Italia, deshaciendo las conquistas del corso en la campaña de 1796. Bonaparte, a principios de 1800, decidió recuperarlas. Esta es la situación estratégica en abril. Image
Read 26 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
🇨🇦#Canada #FridaysForFuture International update #ClimateStrike #'s for #ClimateActionWeek:
🇨🇦1,000,000 people🇨🇦 Thus 1 out of every 6 strikers globally was Canadian🇨🇦 as well as we were 3rd globally for total # of strikes. Thanks to all local organizers & national supporters.
1000 #Calgary AB
15 #Cambridge ON
40 #Campbellton NB
20 #Camrose AB
15 #Canmore AB
15 #Cannington ON
150 #CapAuxMeules QC
300 #Caraquet NB
300 #Chambly QC
200 #ChathamKent ON
65 #Chibougamau QC
400 #Chillwack BC
40 #Clare NS
45 #Clinton ON
500 #Collingwood ON
80 #Compton QC
Read 15 tweets
Jul 8th 2019
A aquestes alçades tothom té clar que sols el poble salva al poble, oi? El @ConsellxRep és la nostra millor arma però sense la nostra força poc podran fer. FIL⬇️
És per això que ens hem organitzat sota el paraigües de @fem_consell, un grup de voluntaris autoritzats pel Consell que tant per terra, mar i aire tenim un únic objectiu: Consolidar la #RepúblicaCatalana

Però exactament què és Fem Consell? I qui en forma part?
Deixeu-nos fer un símil:

@fem_consell, el gran vaixell on s’han embarcat totes les iniciatives que treballen de forma altruista pel Consell per la República: @Birresrepublica, @fem_accio, Paradetes, @BcnConsell, @FemConsellXarxa, Oradors i Coordinació. Us les expliquem:
Read 16 tweets

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