#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
#JulianAssange: Deprivation of Justice and Double Standards in Belmarsh Prison dezayasalfred.wordpress.com/2019/08/31/jul…

Pamela Anderson: #Assange Is a Scapegoat, Not a Criminal
RT this: I'm sure many will be shocked, appalled by what
@NinaCross25 has unearthed here - comparing Belmarsh prison's treatment of #JulianAssange vs that of #TommyRobinson. Unbelievable, but it's clear :
#WikiLeaks #Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
Powerful scenes of solidarity today at #FreeAssangeNOW
@rogerwaters performance in London. Here's some of @johnpilger's words: "The behaviour of the 🇬🇧 Govt towards #JulianAssange is a disgrace. A profanity on the very notion of human rights."
"Don't let the bastards sacrifice freedom of speech, European democracy and my life on the alter of #Brexit" - #Assange letter from Belmarsh prison.
@rogerwaters is performing Wish You Were Here outside the Home Office, think about this video - the last time #JulianAssange saw the sea. Think about it why he is in a cage, while we are free.
"...#JulianAssange is gravely ill in Belmarsh, after all these years of state-sanctioned abuse, and could die as a result."
By Lissa Johnson
Send this to any friends who grew weary of Assange.
The tide really is turning.
@rogerwaters is a long-standing supporter of #Assange and
@wikileaks and staunch opponent of the #UnitedStates imperialistic practices.
refuses to offer answer a question on the plight of imprisoned @wikileaks founder and journalist
#FreeAssangeVigil #FreeAssange #WishYouWereHere
@rogerwaters, @johnpilger, @DerbyChrisW, @khrafnsson rally in London for Julian Assange.
Even @democracynow seems to have ignored it.
But the @GrayzoneProject has it covered:
#JulianAssange's brother Gabriel Shipton describes visiting him in Belmarsh, & delivers message on behalf of his children, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, mother & father, urging the #UK Govt to stop his extradition to the #USA:
WHY are powerful political players in #US/#UK brutally persecuting, unlawfully detaining, torturing & slowly assassinating my son, multi-award winning journalist #JulianAssange?
Because he exposed their crimes & corruption!
Here are some:
Assange is a human being & his psychological torture is a crime. I stand from #Yemen w him.
Pamela Anderson speaks in support of #JulianAssange & shuts down disgusting Neocon Fascist al-Qaeda & War Crimes supporting Treasonous Scumbag @MeganMcCain.
@rogerwaters ahead of his performance in support on #JulianAssange
Pamela Anderson Melts Meghan McCain On The View | Tim Black Pamela Anderson sets the record & John McCain's daughter straight about Julian Assange & the 2016 Election. Tim Black has fun w this one.
They support grass roots Independent Media too!
CNN claimed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange published stolen Democratic Party emails in 2016 in cooperation w Russia.
An🇪🇨diplomat who worked in the embassy w Assange explains to @AaronJMate in this📹interview why the report is false.
My latest interview on #Assange (in German) „Assange wurde permanent bedroht und gedemütigt"
"President Trump's political allies are trying to raise at least $2 million to investigate reporters & editors of the New York Times, Washington Post & other outlets, according to a 3-page fundraising pitch reviewed by Axios."
🗣️📢‼️ First was #JulianAssange, Now ...‼️
Ominous signs the Trump admin is expanding its case against #WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange, who is already under an indictment that would have unprecedented consequences for press freedom.
In her latest column, @Sulliview explains what we can expect from Trump's accelerating attacks on the news media
Pamela Anderson arguing with John McCain's daughter about #JulianAssange is a must-watch
Roger Waters: "This smear campaign against him [Assange] is all about getting him extradited to the US. They want him dead as a warning (...) The message is: if you tell the truth, we will kill you, watch! The same with Chelsea Manning"
Jeremy Hammond has been called against his will to testify before a grand jury in the E District of Virginia, likely the same one investigating WikiLeaks & Assange. Manning is currently in jail for refusing to testify before this grand jury.
UK made my son very ill by denying him ANY fresh air,exercise,sun/VitD,proper medical/dental care for 7 YEARS while detained WITHOUT CHARGE!
Doctors urged hospitalization 3 YEARS AGO!
But they threw him in BelmarshPrison
Now hes lost 15 Kgs!
It's time #UK for you to respect the #UN rulings