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@AuronMacintyre @vdare We need to recognise the #NationState for what it is, i.e. has become: an Orwellian construct of lies & deceit, a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
@AuronMacintyre @vdare And this is how #BigBro & his minions now divide & rule us:
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Google translation:
"For Emmanuel #Macron , the epicenter of #France lies towards the Congo River basin. 😂"
For far too long we have allowed the state to define national identity (French, British, American, or whatever).

In a misconceived, #NeverAgain, response to the evils of Nazism, Western academia decided that national identity should be multi-racial & multicultural.
The #NationState has always been an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation; a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
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This is what happens when you equate state & nation: the nation you loved & trusted betrays you, which it is in the very nature of the state to do.

This is painful lesson to learn, but learned it must be, or all is lost.
America never became the nation its founders had envisaged, but just a bigger, more powerful, close of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse. Image
The #NationState is an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.

Why do the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society & the state fail to recognise this?

Academics are privileged clients and employees of the state. That’s why. Image
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There are two fundamentally different ways a society can be organised:
1) Undemocratically, from the top down.
2) Grassroots-democratically, from the bottom up.

Britain, like all so-called nation states, is organised undemocratically from the top down.
We enjoy some very important rights & freedoms in the UK, but our so-called parliamentary, i.e. representative, democracy is a farce, a political stitch-up, which facilitates government of, by & for the elites & favoured clients of the state, NOT the people at large.
And it's the same in America, which never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Read 22 tweets
Jews wanted their OWN #NationState, which they got in May 1948, one year before I was born, partly through bloody acts of terror against the British Mandate, & ever since there has been conflict & reciprocal acts of terror between Jews & Palestinian Arabs.
I've always been inclined to side with Israel & the Jews, because all the Jews I know & know of are also Europeans, i.e. Ashkenazi & White, & I identify with my race as my largest kinship group, which Ashkenazi Jews, in my view, belong to.
However, I have come to realise that my sense of shared racial identity is generally not reciprocated. On the contrary, I'm despised for identifying with what I see as my own race, & not just by Ashkenazi Jews, but also by many non-Jewish Whites.
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/26/2021…
The Attack of the Civilization State: Towards One World or Conflict among Civilizations? - Bruno MaBruno Maçães on YouTube

The Attack of the Civilization State…

#WorldGovernance #CivilizationState #NationState #HumanAdvancement
The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values - Carlos Gershenson…

#VirtualComplexSystems #DataScience #seminars
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"Hume argued for moral relativism because no one can know anything for certain."

I agree with Hume. But would still want to defend & enforce certain Western values - in the West.… via @NewDiscourses
Some Western values, however, need to change, if we want Western civilisation to survive & prosper.

These values relate to the existential need for a sustainable global economy on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, & to the Orwellian nature of the #NationState.
It is by deceitfully posing as our nation that mercenary #PatronStates (like Britain, France & America) trick us into loving #BigBrother. Thus are we ALL enslaved - rich & poor, Black & White, high & low IQ alike - to the Matrix of state & capital.
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In a democracy, citizens can be critical of their government or particular institutions, but to question the purpose & legitimacy of the state itself is a different matter.

This, however, is what we urgently need to do, much as #MartinLuther did in regard to the #CatholicChurch.
Attached is a response to my comment, which illustrates just how delusional many Americans are regarding American history & the intentions of its founders, although he is only stating the official (Orwellian) narrative of American history & "nationhood". Image
It's not just America, of course, but every so-called #NationState that is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation. ImageImage
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This is a hold-up, in which I'm pointing the pistol of truth at wealthy Whites: Your Money or your Race?

The choice is yours. If you want your race to survive, you must care for & share with it. Otherwise it will perish.

I invite you to join me in caring for our race.
Britain, as a #NationState, is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation, which cares nothing for our race, but quite the contrary, wants to racially replace & mix us out of existence.

Let us form a genuine nation, a #NationRace!
In order to achieve this goal, we must proceed peacefully, legally & grassroots-democratically, while cultivating good relations with the state & with other races, some of which will want to form their own nations, while others will want to remain part of the British #MeltingPot.
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Why is #WhiteNationalism equated with #WhiteSupremacy & Nazism?

America's founding fathers were the original White Nationalists, & for good reason. They knew that forging a nation from different European peoples of the same - White - race would be difficult enough.
And that trying to include other races (i.e. Native & Black Americans) would be impossible. This is why the 1790 Nationalisation Act restricted citizenship to Whites.

And so it has proven! America never did become a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of GB.
America's #FoundingMistake was to equate state & nation.

Native & African Americas should have been helped to form nations of their own, without forced segregation. Different races tend to segregate naturally of own accord.
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Academics, politicians & journalists are playing a dangerous power-political game when they demonise & seek to suppress #WhiteIdentity as #WhiteSupremacy.

America was originally founded on White identity, the founding fathers being the Original White Nationalists.
They knew that forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race would be difficult enough, & that trying to include other races (i.e. Native & Black Americans) quite impossible, which is why, in the 1790 Nationalisation Act, they restricted citizenship to Whites.
And so it has proven. America never did become a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain, from which it had won its independence.

Britain was back then & remains an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
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"AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists"

The problem is: ANY expression of #WhiteIdentity, on which America was originally founded, is equated with #WhiteSupremacy.

There is a coup in progress, initiated long ago, by #BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state capital.
America's founding fathers knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples (English, French, German, Dutch, etc.) of the SAME race, & impossible to include other races, which is why the 1790 Nationalisation Act restricted citizenship to Whites.
By modern standards, the founders were indeed White supremacists, but also had enough sense to know that multi-racial nationhood could never work. And so it has proven.

America never became a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, mercenary #PatronState than Britain.
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The #WarOnWhiteness is a #WhiteSupremacist "conspiracy theory", which opposes social & racial justice, many would argue, & it does seem absurd that White elites would wage war on their OWN race, but I have an explanation for this madness.
Madness is what it is, & it will destroy Western civilisation itself (& not just Whites, but much of humanity & of our planet's biodiversity) if allowed to continue.

It is explicable in the very nature of civilisation itself & the states which comprise it.
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Britain, the UK, or whatever you call it, is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation. And so too is every so-called #NationState, including, & most importantly, the USA.

This is the truth. Either we face up to it, or we perish.
Who do I mean by "we"?

I mean, our civilisation, which, because it is global, effectively embraces everyone on the planet. Many will survive, but many more will not, & many animal & plant species will be driven - are being driven - to extinction.
I'm not the only one who recognises the peril we're in, but I may be the only one who understands it well enough to offer advice on how to avoid our civilisation's self-destruction. My understanding is not perfect, but a lot better than that of people like #ElonMusk & #BillGates.
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The so-called #NationState is NOT a nation, but an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation. It's a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the POWER they wield & abuse.
I'm just stating what anarchists have long known.

But unlike anarchists, I'm not suggesting that we should try to tear it down, because despite its failings, we ALL depend on it - not just the elites - at the very least, to enforce the rule of law & non-violence.
We can't do away with the state, or #BigBrother, but can only reform it, so that instead of serving society's self-exploitation & ultimate self-destruction, it serves its self-realisation & long-term survival instead.
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We in the West are not nearly as free as we are taught to believe.

We don't have government of, by & for the people, which is Orwellian newspeak for government of, by & for the elites, to which #AbrahamLincoln himself (a lawyer) belonged.
Our elites & other favoured clients of the state enjoy a lot of apparent freedom, because of their relative wealth, but in reality we are ALL enslaved - rich & poor, Black & White, high & low IQ alike - to #BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state & capital.
Most especially, those of us who are White are NOT free to express any sense of racial identity & solidarity we may feel, without being accused of #WhiteSupremacy, while other racial/ethnic groups ARE free to do so.
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Those who fear & hate the truth seek to censor & suppress it by designating it as #HateSpeech.

An example: The #NationState is an Orwellian construct based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.

This is true, but in many it incites fear & hatred.
The fear & hatred it incites is especially strong when one names a particular nation state - say Britain, France or America - but it is true for ALL nation states.
Notwithstanding their Orwellian nature, the UK, France & America are still 3 of the best states in the world to be citizens of, as attested to by the millions of migrants & refugees who want to settle in these countries.

We're ALL dependent on the state, no matter how Orwellian.
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As in medieval times, society is largely run by lawyers, many of whom become politicians. They created the Orwellian construct known as the #NationState, but a nation in name only, serving the very convenient legal purpose of bestowing the legitimacy of nationhood on the state.
Genuine nationhood is based on shared race & ethnicity, but the legal construct of nationhood knows no such restrictions.

It is this legal & Orwellian construct of pseudo nationhood that western democracies are having imposed on them by Big Brother & his minions.
For lawyers, society is a legal construct, which they exploit to their own advantage, at the expense of society at large. They don't care about their kin, as the leaders of a genuine nation would.

It is not without reason that my handle is #PhilosopherKin.
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#SamHarris is a prominent & influential public intellectual, with whom I have a lot of sympathy, along with other members of the #IDW he is often associated with.

However, I find myself in total disagreement with his attitude towards RACE & #WhiteIdentity.
Firstly, to reduce Race to skin tone is absurd & unworthy of the serious intellectual I know Sam to be.

For me, race is about kinship, shared ancestry, history & prehistory, which is central to my sense of both personal & group, i.e. genuine national, identity.
My reference to national identity is important, because I strongly suspect that Sam identifies as an American & that this "national identity" is important to him.

But it is by deceitfully posing as our nation that #BigBrother tricks us into loving him.
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Our sensory perceptions often deceive us, as do our perceptions of social & political phenomena.

Most importantly, our perception of the #NationState as a nation is a deception. It's an Orwellian construct, which even political scientists fail to recognise. @epkaufm @EPoe187
The reason that political scientists & others fail to recognise the true nature of the state is because we are ALL so dependent on it. We see it as we are taught to see it. We are taught to love our nation, & with it, #BigBrother. ImageImageImageImage
I was inspired to post the initial tweet of this short thread by my previous retweet of a photo of the Moon & Jupiter with its 4 Galilean moons, which all appear to be in a straight line, which, of course, they are not, because we don't perceive depth at that distance.
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#BigBrother & his minions operate at multiple levels: local, national, corporate & international. Here's an example from the international level of the UN.

Transforming our world:
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Image
Preamble: Image
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#MultiRacialNationhood is an #OrwellianConstruct being imposed on western societies by #BigBrother & his minions as an instrument of socio-political intimidation & control.

Post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY are a modern, secular replacement for medieval church ideology.
The #NationState, even when it was mono-racial, has always been an Orwellian construct, designed to facilitate society's self-exploitation to the personal advantage of its elites & favoured clients of the state, at the expense of society at large & of future generations.
If western civilisation is to survive this present century, we must radically reform the state, which we cannot possibly do if we continue to identify with it as our nation, which amounts to loving Big Brother.
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According to Wikipedia, "#Britishness [i.e. British identity] is the state or quality of being British or of embodying British characteristics. It comprises the claimed qualities that bind and distinguish the British people and form the basis of their unity and identity."
According to me, British identity is an Orwellian construct based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.

To identify with Britain as one's nation is to identify with, i.e. to love, #BigBrother.

Britain is a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation.
This is how Big Brother disguises & legitimises himself, his minions in the British establishment, & the immense power they wield & abuse. He is far more subtle than as portrayed by #GeorgeOrwell in 1984.
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