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Apr 8th 2020
The government declared #COVID-19 as a “notified disaster” under the #Disaster Management Act, 2005. As per Section 10 of the Act, the Health Ministry has directed National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority to regulate the price and availability of #sanitizers and #masks. (1/n)
The prevention of fake news over social media is also being controlled by the #government.
It is for the first time that under Section 6(2)(i) of the Act, a national lockdown was declared by the National Disaster Management Authority and implemented in the States u/s 38. (2/n)
This affects the freedom of movement and assembly of citizens with the exception of provision of essential goods, but is required for the prevention of the spread of #COVID19. Hence, the police are permitted to book violators of the lockdown under the provisions of the IPC. (3/n)
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Oct 23rd 2019
Whenever confronted about human rights violations in #Kashmir the standard #RightWing Apologists' response is either,
a) whatabout the #KashmiriPandits plight;
b) Look at Pakistani civil rights abuses against Hindus.
Both are wrong, irrelevant and damage #India's #democracy
1. The violence and eviction of the #KashmiriPandits deserved action by the State at the time and now. The perpetrators were armed insurgents. Punishing today's #Kashmir #citizens does nothing to punish those insurgents and even less to create the conditions for the #KPs' return
If anything the Delhi Govt's actions in #Kashmir seem to make cynical use of the #KashmiriPandits' plight as merely a piece of history that justifies the atrocities the State in now inflicting on the people of #Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits should refuse to be used as pawns.
Read 8 tweets

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