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Nov 18th 2021
Enter the dragon: Chinese armed #drones now confirmed on @Airbus satellite imagery flying from #Ethiopia's Harar Meda airbase and new @planet satellite imagery showed increase activity with Iranian drones at Semera. Here's our @PAXforpeace analysis 1/x…
With reports of Chinese drones being involved in the #Tigray war, initial rumors of Wing Loongs II operated by the #UAE and flying from Eritrea could not confirmed to be involved in strikes in Ethiopia, as demonstrated in this @bellingcat article 2/x…
We learned this summer that #Iran has exported armed #drones to Ethiopia, flying from Semera air base, as showed in social media images and satellite imagery, again documented by @bellingcat 3/x…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
⏪⬇️ Read highlights from statements delivered during the Day 2 of #UNGA #FirstCommittee General Debate on issues related to #ArmsTreaty
Nigeria underscored the need for a common front to respond to the threat posed by the non-regulation of conventional weapons. To mitigate arms proliferation, Nigeria doubled its efforts to strengthen border controls & cooperation across the West African sub-region.
Experiencing the negative impact of the unregulated trade of conventional weapons, Jamaica continues to be commitment to regional & int’l efforts such as the #ArmsTreaty; also shared nat'l efforts to strengthen legislative framework in order to better address illicit arms trade.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
This week Control Arms and @ArmsTreaty are pleased to participate in and the Fifth Conference of States Parties to #CIFTA_V to speak about the consequences of illicit trafficking & diversion of arms.

Read through the highlights of our presentation below 🧵 👇
Presenting on behalf of the coalition, @csolmirano contextualizes the situation in the region where violence is fuelled by the illicit proliferation of arms and contributes significantly to negative indicators of social well-being, and lower degrees of institutional capacity.
⚤ On #GBV: While firearms are used in one-third of all femicides globally, in some Latin American and Caribbean countries, including El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and Honduras, firearms are used in more than 60% of all femicides.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
#UNGA #FirstCommittee opened October 4th. Read highlights from statements for the General Debate that mention conventional weapons and the #ArmsTreaty here ⬇️
In her statement @UNODA’s @INakamitsu noted that a critical piece of the disarmament puzzle is the effective control of convention arms including efforts to mitigate and address its humanitarian impact, and excessive accumulation and illicit trade. #ReduceHumanSuffering
.@INakamitsu welcomed exchanges at #ArmsTreaty #CSP7, particularly on this year’s thematic focus on SALW and effective stockpile mgt. She cited #ammunition, an integral part of weapons used in conflict, as an issue that has long lacked dedicated, multilateral attention.
Read 15 tweets
May 12th 2019
8. Holocaust in Yemen caused by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Somalia, Qatar, Morocco, US, France, UK, Canada, Australia,Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1. Holocaust in Yemen caused by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Somalia, Qatar, Morocco, US, France, UK, Canada, Australia,Germany🤨👇🏼…
2. Holocaust in Yemen caused by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Somalia, Qatar, Morocco, US, France, UK, Canada, Australia,Germany🤨👇🏼…
Read 134 tweets
Jun 11th 2018
260. Orçamento do Tratado sb Comércio de Armas – 10 maiores devedores (em US$ mil):
🇧🇷 47,07
🇬🇧 29,53
🇰🇷 23,04
🇩🇴 12,45
🇵🇾 11,45
🇸🇳 11,23
🇹🇩 11,19
🇲🇩 11,18
🇲🇱 11,17
🇳🇪 11,13
(Fonte: @ATTSecretariat, maio/2018)
261. O total das dívidas chega a US$ 494 mil. Principal devedor, a dívida do Brasil representa 9,52% desse montante
262. O Brasil é um dos países que ainda não efetuaram contribuições ao orçamento do Tratado sobre Comércio de Armas. As dívidas acumuladas (em US$):
12.840,90 | 2015/2016
16.492,85 | 2017
17.739,20 | 2018
Read 53 tweets

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