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Sep 22nd 2022
🇦🇲 Haut-Karabakh : l’impunité de l'Azerbaïdjan et le silence des grandes puissances

Après un cessez-le-feu fragile, la crainte d’une surenchère et d’une intervention de l’Azerbaïdjan sur le sol arménien. #azerbaijanwarcrimes #azerbaijan

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Le Haut-Karabakh est une région située dans le Caucase à la frontière entre l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie.
Cette enclave reconnue par la communauté internationale comme appartenant au pouvoir azéri était majoritairement peuplée par une population de culture et de langue arménienne qui occupait la région jusqu’à la guerre de 2020.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
#Armenia says, #Azerbaijan shelled #Stepanakert & outskirts.
Then Azerbaijan says, Karabakh shell #Ganja.
Then Armenia says, Azerbaijan shells Khnatsakh, Artsvanik & David Bek (Armenia). 2 drones are downed in Armenia.

No shelling for some days. So who started this now?
#Azerbaijan media shares vid of #Armenia|n Grad in action, claim Armenians target Ganja & Mingechaur.
Armenian Grad has 20km range.
Distance to Ganja: 40km, Mingechaur: 50+.
I trust @ShStepanyan. And there are more important targets, than civilian houses.
One of the most dangerous aspects of war - is endless cycle of revenges. Murder, and revenge, and revenge for revenge, w/ no end. Previous war revenges had already passed away in 30 yrs. No we are gaining new ones. And why is this for? For #Aliyev revanchism?
Read 4 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
#Azerbaijan killed 2 #Armenia|n captives, likely #Hadrut district. Video shows an old & a younger man are ordered to approach to Azeri soldiers w/ hands in the air. Next video shows both, old man face covered w/ blood, but moving. Then soldiers gunshot them.

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First part of the video was originally published by TheTagiev blog, that shares videos made by #Azerbaijan soldiers in #Karabakh.

Army commanded by #Aliyev, who says, that both ppl need to learn to live in peace in #Karabakh, but kills prisoners of war.

#AzerbaijanWarCrimes Image
#Azerbaijan troops are inhuman bastards.

I thought after #AprilWar 2016, they prohibited own troops to mutilate bodies. Until now.

Azeri soldier cuts off a #Karabakh soldier's head & shows off. Because it's a matter of honor to behead the rival's soldiers.
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Read 9 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
News of the upcoming meeting in Genera is false, #Armenia MFA says.
Russia MFA says confirms part of the previous news - Armenia MFA heads to Moscow on Monday to meet Lavrov. 5 days of fighting are ahead.

Read 13 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
Air siren wailing in #Stepanakert. Video taken from the open-air cafe, I always go when visiting #Karabakh.
Streets empty, people are in basements under air strike.
This woman's father, husband, brother and son are at front line. They are safe and brave. It's a war. We are going to win like in previous war, she says.

After another shelling of #Stepanakert by #Azerbaijan army.

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Read 111 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Post of the day - amid drone hunt near Yerevan :)
Good night. Let God be with our soldiers today. Image
Tadiran radio equipment captured by #Karabakh made by Israel's Elbit company, also providing drones to #Azerbaijan .
#Turkey provides drones & mercenaries. #Israel provides drones & equipment. Am I getting it right - their interests meet in fight against first Christian nation? Image
Read 82 tweets

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